
Love is our new reality

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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, April 16th, 2017

Dear Ones,

The following was channeled Easter morning, Sunday, April 16.

Today is a joyous day and an example of the possibilities for your earth. For different reasons, today is one of peace and joy for many – peace and joy that is echoing throughout the globe as you prepare for the coming days ahead.

Perhaps you do not feel joy for you are not of a particular faith or you do not sense a reason for joy during this time of chaos. It does not matter for even those who do not understand the ‘vibes’ of joy, proclaimed throughout Christianity today, are receiving them. For indeed, any spark of light is now expanded far beyond what you of the earth expect.

That is not to say that the spark of joy fire if you will, will remain lit, only that you can use that spark to increase the flame. For many of you are upset about recent earth happenings and have not yet envisioned those pieces stopping or even slowing down.

Today the global spark was lit. Tomorrow is when you will begin to sense – not necessarily see – but sense, the world shifting in ways you did not expect to happen for quite some time.

Those of you not of a Christian faith or any organized faith are wondering why this particular Easter day is so instrumental. Suffice it to say that this religious holiday of joy is happening at the same time that joyful energies are pummeling earth.

The spark has occurred. And what follows will surprise even the most ‘jaded’ among you. For that which seemed lost, will be found. And that which appeared heavy and irretrievable will shift.

The spark of today – Easter, the former ‘heathen celebration’ adopted by Christianity – is the spark for which you have waited.

Perhaps you will not sense anything for a few days. Or maybe you are feeling joyful as you read these words. It does not matter for the spark has been lit.

All that is required of you is to fan the fire, the spark, by delving more deeply into your joy. For even those with the heaviest thoughts prefer experiencing joy more than fear.

Some of you believe that our last statement is contrary to all you have learned about those wishing to remain in control over others financially, politically, or personally. Such is true. But that was then.

There will indeed be a few holdouts – those who wish to remain solidly in 3D for this lifetime. But as of today, their numbers are greatly diminished. And this you will note even via your media coverage.

This is indeed a day of joy which will continue throughout your life on earth in this lifetime. For you have been ‘playing’ with the fire of joy without creating a spark much larger than yourself and a few friends.

Today that spark is the start of the global fire of joy. Allow that to be. Knowing that your only role is to remain joyful so others ‘catch’ the fire of joy within you. And knowing that such is not only possible but commendable.

So it is you have completed yet another phase in this ever-widening path of joy and love.

You are all miracle workers in the largest sense of the phrase. Allow yourself to accept your piece of this miraculous tapestry knowing that the tapestry has become much larger the past few hours because of your ongoing efforts.

Perhaps you are now wondering how you will verify our proclamation. Such is not necessary. You do not need to count, monitor, probe, or even expect. For such is so. So be it Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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