
Love is our new reality

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Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, April 15th, 2017

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Today we wish to speak to you about death and resurrection – the temporal and temporary nature of form, and the eternal nature of Love.

Your lives are so temporary here upon the earth. You will all eventually “die” as you call it in your human words. From our point of you, you will all eventually resurrect into an awakened awareness of your true nature and being. Some of you will awaken while on the earth, some of you in transition after the passing of your bodies. Eventually you will all experience your expanded, resurrected being. The form may die, but the essence awakens!

Nothing in your world lasts forever. Your jobs don’t always last. Your cars don’t last forever. You move into new homes. Things break. People transition. In every breath you die unto your past self and resurrect into the self you wish to be in this very moment. The possibilities for your resurrection in every moment are endless. If you knew this truth you would embrace change rather than grieving the past, knowing that within each moment there exists new possibility for love.

No one truly dies. You never lose anything but the form, whether it be a person, a job, or your broken tea cup. The essence lives on. In the case of a person that soul continues to be with you in a glorious, expanded and beautiful state of being that far transcends anything then could ever experience on earth. They are not suffering. They are in bliss! They see you, hear you, and now they even feel you and know your love in a far greater way than they ever could upon the earth! Their reality is beyond description in earthly terms because even the greatest love on earth pales by comparison to feeling the Divine.

In the case of your situations and stuff, even when you let go you still carry the essence of them within you. So if you get laid off, imagine yourself in a better job until you feel it, and know it will come. If you have to move, bring the feeling of your old house with you into the new one and you will be inspired to recreate it there. If you lose something, bless it but know its essence lives within you and will come back in another form.

Dear ones, we know being human can be hard. You are all so immersed in the illusions that you are the body, and that the outer world is the source of your happiness. You are immersed in the belief that you could possibly lose someone. You will miss the form we know but we also know that a vast majority of grief’s pain comes from a feeling that the love and connection you once experienced is gone. It is not. You can reconnect in new ways that are different but just as tangible and possibly even more loving than before.

You cannot ever lose a song. You can forget it temporarily but the minute you think of it, it is with you! You cannot lose light, for it exists all over your planet in a million different forms. You can temporarily be without water, but not really because even the air you breathe contains it in rarefied form.

Love is always with you, in your deaths, and most beautifully in the resurrections that follow, Love changes form but its essence remains ever present.

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate. We celebrate the birthing of light within you and the resurrection of your awakened hearts.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels