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The League of Light via Maryann Rada, January 1st

Last year, you had the ups and downs of a typical teabag dunking. There was little time to catch a breath in the brief suspension between dunkings, yet you have, for the most part, survived the ordeal. Some of the tea has strayed from the bag, and some of the paper has torn, but you know, the best tea is always loose full-bodied brew. What does this have to do with the time you are now in? Plenty. Get the sugar and milk ready, because the time has come for a little sweetening of the cup.
Between now and the middle part of the spring season, you are going to be more dunked than usual. Don’t fret. Fuller flavor is guaranteed that way, and it is a recipe you have contrived outside of time to participate in now. Your teapot is nearly full-tempest mode, and the timing couldn’t be better to stir up the tea-time anticipation with some renegade-style references to your present dimensional shift, now ongoing. By the end of the coming three-month period, you won’t recognize what you started out with as tea. Indeed, the transformation from tiny black shreds of stuff to a steaming, sweet cup of darkness is hardly what you’d expect to see, if you were to witness the process as an outsider to the world of tea-making. Being what it is, however, it is not to be confused with hot water, and though that certainly is what some in your world may find themselves in, it is not going to control the climate of change that is upon you.

Springtime in the northern hemisphere of Earth’s planetary orb is nothing short of miraculous, when you consider the element of surprise that it lets loose in the air, underground, and within the hearts and minds of children. It heralds the regenerative power of life, the truth of living, the resilience of awareness and the sweet nothingness of a seed to gigantify itself into a towering thing of abundant oxygen-transferring fearlessly-living machinery within an ever-changing, ever-being world. Despite the appearance of life, however, there is a deep distrust of the doings of some essentially immoderate people. We say, don’t let the idea run rampant that this is the only way to make a cup of tea. While you want the flavor to explode, you don’t want the whole cup to disintegrate in the process. That just makes a mess and leaves you without anything to enjoy. Rather than leave the tea-making to the monkeys, understand that there is one fundamental thing you can all come to agreement on: You have the ability to override anything that anyone else has instituted as a magically incoherent mess-making ritual and turn it into the most elegantly insightful tea ceremony imaginable. What you have to do to achieve this is simply to take hold of the teabag yourselves and turn the dunking into baptism. Allow yourselves to infiltrate the darkness of the teakettle and pour yourselves into the arena of becoming something that you have not yet imagined yourselves to be in a coherent, realistic manner. Let us lay out a few pointers, as they tend to be helpful when you have no clear idea what the true outcome will be, short of “different”:

#1 Time is of the essence, so come to terms with the unfinished business before you and tidy it up. That might mean filling the bin with things that aren’t as important as you once imagined them to be, reorganizing the trinkets of the trade, and sitting down to finish drawing the line from point A to point B. There’s no need to rush, but really there is no need to think “one day” will never come. The calendar is turning, and nature is arranging things in the way that leads to the best outcome. Tune in to what you can do to facilitate the totality of functional transformation for the global organism. Some things might be as simple as changing your mind when a habit comes into play.

#2 Give the best of yourself to yourself. Don’t settle for being what someone else has defined you to be. Don’t relegate yourselves to “same-old same-old.” Feel free to reinvent yourself and upgrade the whole operating system in the process. You have divinity to draw on, right inside your own being. Own it.

#3 Be aware of the facts that you have scuttled under the rug of forgetfulness. Try to remember, when you feel the tug of reality pulling you from the fabric of holographic projection, that you have a history and you have a future outside of the images you see and the messages you hear from the factory settings of the world at large. Refine your awareness to hear the fine vibration that your ancestors keep alive, and call to yourself to bring the truth of your human situation into focus. Don’t fear what’s beyond the veil; look beyond the demonic illusion and seek the true nature of knowing. Feel your mind become alive!

#4 When the threat of war seems real and imminent, push your mind through the fear and slip through the vibrations of inquietude to target the central point of your being. Initiate the following: In one moment, I am safe. In one moment, the world is still. In one moment, the planet exists in the field of perfection. In one moment, the intention of life is to live. In one moment, the series is set straight. In one moment, internal light breaks the shell. In one moment, we are free. Write this down and remember it. Use it in the time of trouble. Memorize it so you can read it in the dark of your own mind, when the lights go dim. Give this to the world from your heart.

#5 Send this to the heart of the universe: We are here and we are in love with life. We are travelling home and this world is sacred. Light the way.

Should this not satisfy your need for gaining the upper hand in the game that has turned into a nightmare for so many in the world, remember this: You are giving the world the light of understanding every time you decide to examine every tiny shred of your experience and find truth and life therein. Every tiny leaf of tea, be it black or green or jasmine-scented, is a carrier of a code, a sequencer that releases some secret into the dynamism of liquid crystalline awareness of being. You are everything in the equation. You are the tea, the water, and the cup. You bring transformation through the fire of your nature as a living being of conscious synergy, as a dynamo that livens form, as a soul on fire within the form of light itself in agreement with the divergent vibrations of the material world catching it for a time in the framework of your mind. Sweeten the cup with the nectar that you have hidden away from the ravaging engine of the world. Dare to bring it forth and add it to the mix.

The bitterness of the past is not something you can do without, should you set your sights on a good cup of tea. Bitterness is part of the experience; there is nothing that can take it out of the tea, and if you did, you would have a limp experience indeed. You have lived through countless experiences where the dark teachers have brought you closer to the mysteries of love, and bitter though some of them may have been, you yet have to learn a few secrets. When time has brought the final moment of experience that this silent seeping of darkness into the consciousness of mankind has wrought, the transformation is swift and sweet. In the days of equinox coming next stop in your turn around the solar plane, you will find a new kind of experience waiting to be had.

by Maryann Rada (
posted on Luminous Dimensions: Transmissions from the League of Light (