The Shadow Self ∞The Creators
“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.
We know that you all have aspects of yourselves that you feel ashamed of, and we want you all to recognize that you carry those aspects of yourselves with you because you came into this life with a desire to explore certain themes and to heal certain aspects of your human self. So perhaps as a child you stole some candy, and you think of that now as an adult, and you feel ashamed. Or perhaps you have said things to other people that have hurt their feelings, even as an adult, and now you feel ashamed of yourself for having that moment where you allowed yourself to be hurtful to another.
Perhaps you are ashamed of your weight or your age or that you are losing your hair or your hearing. There are lots of things that people on Earth decide to carry shame about, and you may even see that part of yourself that can be mean, rude, or hurtful at times as your shadow self. You may refer to that aspect of you as the shadow, as the darkness within. Please do recognize that the darkness is not just meant to be snuffed out, smothered, hidden, or denied. It is meant to be healed through forgiveness and unconditional love.
You are meant to have compassion for yourself at times, even when you were the one being the perpetrator in an interaction with another person. It is hard to carry that guilt around with you, and there is no need to do it. You can feel guilty and process that guilt, and allow that guilt to flow through you, but ultimately you want to forgive yourself and know that you were always meant to grow from those experiences, and you were never meant to just carry them around with you as your baggage for the rest of your lives.
When you encounter the shadow self, recognize that it is a place of vulnerability within you and care for and nurture yourself in the way that you imagine Source does with all of us. Be merciful, be forgiving, and be kind with yourself, because that’s how you want others to be with you. And because you know, ultimately, you are to become the Source Energy Self that always does that, no matter what, no matter what you have done. You can do this. You are up to the task, and everyone has something that they want or need to forgive themselves for or that they feel ashamed of even though they don’t feel that it was a choice they made in this lifetime.
Having an aspect of yourself that you feel ashamed of is something that you take on so that you can feel the relief of letting it go, and you can feel the comfort of coming home to the truth of the unconditional love that we all truly are. And so, no matter what it is that you feel ashamed of or guilty about, it is meant to be released. There is no danger in letting it go. You are not going to become a worse person if you let that go.
If you feel ashamed of your weight for example, and you let go of that shame, you are not then suddenly going to start eating ten times as much as you normally would and balloon into an even bigger size, but that may be the belief that you have, and that may be why you carry the shame around with you. So examine those ideas of why you feel the need to carry guilt and shame around with you, and make the conscious choice to embrace all aspects of you, both the things you can control and the things you’ve never had any control over like your height, for example.
You can embrace all of it. You can embrace all of you, and make another step towards becoming your whole self, your higher self, your fifth-dimensional self. These are the ways you do it, and as we have said, the shadow is there for a reason. Everything is. Love and embrace your shadow self, and become more of your whole self in the process.
We are The Creators and we love you very much.”