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“Close” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Friday – June 2, 2017

“Close” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Friday – June 2, 2017


President-in-Waiting Paul Ryan was given the nuclear codes by General Dunford. He WAS NOT sworn in–which says a lot about the Trump Presidency.

HSBC will be handing out 800#s after markets close Friday and before markets reopen on Monday (HSBC-HK). We can’t confirm this weekend.

NPTB were adding more contact numbers in 82 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere to include smaller T4/T5 like banks and non-profit credit union types.

They all had until the weekend to train staff. Remember most bankers have no idea there is an RV coming let alone its has occurred and now rolling out.

Group paymaster paperwork refresh links will be sent out via email as well.

Hydrated paymasters don’t know when the final release time us–they’re waiting just like us.

Wells Fargo will have to wait their turn as well. No bank but HSBC will have a timing advantage.

So there is no longer anything fiscally significant or structurally better about any Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bank anymore.

All US based banks are equally pulsing second fiddle to HSBC.

Many in this community believe we’re still in for a “dark of night” release for safety’s sake, but not all. However, everyone is in consensus about a weekend release.

Trump’s resignation is now scheduled we are told–network media is aware and creating support content about the historic constitutional transition of power.

Trump did negotiate amnesty for his entire family and staff–isn’t that the same thing?

Pence will resign separately and later as not to be linked with Trump’s collapse.

Trump’s Paris Agreement stunt was to wake up the entire world and distract them away from the RV.

Remember 194 countries signed the Paris Agreement agreement which is part of GESARA.

We could be a whole week out after ex-FBI Director James Comey testifies next Thursday before the Senate; that’s because we also understand Israel / Netanyahu are still negotiating an exit strategy that works for both sides.

But read that again.. exit strategy… that’s magnificent and historic stuff folks. Real progress.

So if and when Trump invokes the executive privilege clause this weekend, Comey will not testify and you’ll know those Middle East Peace negotiations completed, meaning we should be allowed to RV quickly thereafter.

Notice how Mosul has still not been declared fully liberated by President Abadi.

Seems he too is waiting for Palestinian / Israeli negotiations to finish up–this out of respect and allegiance to his Arab brothers and sisters in Palestine.

So looks like we are still waiting on Middle East Peace. But we’re much, much closer. How close is anyone’s guess.

We shall see. We shall see. We shall see.

God is with us.