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A Time in No Time | Archangel Michael via James McConnell, March 6th, 2024

A Time in No Time | Archangel Michael via James McConnell


I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of no time.

For you are experiencing that, more and more, time is irrelevant in your life. Or it is seemingly heating up. And indeed it is doing so. It is not an illusion when you say time is speeding by. Where has the time gone. Time is flying by. All these things that you have are because it is, indeed, happening in just that way. So know that, as you continue to move through your daily lives, that time itself is becoming more and more irrelevant in your lives: in your individual lives, as well as you collective lives.

And it is those forces of darkness that are attempting to hold you to the sense of time as much as they can. For they say, “be on time for this,” or “be at this place at this moment, and do not be late.” Things such as this. But this is no more your concern, other than to do this for your fellow brothers and sisters, as they are expecting this. That is the only reason you need to look at time in this sense any longer. And the more that you can free yourselves of the time frame, or the sense of time itself, the more you are moving yourself, catapulting yourself ahead fully through this ascension process.

And this is what this is all about. Everything in your lives right now needs to be about this, about being in the ascension process. Yes, you do need to live your lives. You need to continue to go about your business in your daily lives, whatever that might be. But always know that the end result, the end goal here, is ascension. Ascension in this lifetime, not in lifetimes beyond this, not in hundreds of years from now, but now, in this moment, this moment that you are more and more fully moving through the ascension.

Continue to allow that process to happen within you, for you are moving fully ahead, even if you do not believe that you are. Even if you think that you are being stagnant, you are not. Because every single thought that you have, when it is certainly of a positive nature, you are affecting the whole of consciousness here on this planet. And the more you come to understand that, the more you come to understand the power within you. The power within you to change things, to change not only change things within yourself, but change the collective consciousness of man.

And that is what you all came here to do. To be the Wayshowers. To be the ones that go before and pave the way for others after you. Just as there are those of you, the guides that work with you that have paved the way before you, they have gone through the ascension process. They have fully ascended, the ones you call The Ascended Masters, or The Ascended Ones. They are the ones that paved the way for you. You are now paving the way for those that come after you.

So trust. Trust in the continuing process, even though it feels like everything is not as it needs to be.

But do not let appearances deceive you. Because those of the forces of darkness are doing everything they can to deceive you at this point. To deceive the collective consciousness of man. To make you believe that you are less than who you are. To make you believe that you have no power.

But the more that you are able to overcome that programming, the more you will fully realize the power within yourselves. The power to move mountains. The power to command the stars, even.

That is the power within each and every one of you that came here to be a part of this expression, to move this expression forward. To move it out of the third-dimensional illusionary matrix and to find the freedom outside of that matrix, and indeed create the new matrix, the new matrix in the fifth-dimensional expression, the new creation that is all a part of each and every one of you. Because you are creators. You are both the created, and the creators at the same time.

So take my sword, my Blue Sword of Truth, and wave it around yourselves. Literally wave it around yourselves, and that will attract others to the truth within your being, and the truth that will help to set them free as well.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move forward and pave the way for others to come after you. You are the Wayshowers.