AA Michael and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self
24.11.24 – Choose Your Timeline (Archangel Michael)
AA Michael (Minute 22:29)
And I am Archangel Michael. And I come to be with you in these changing moments, in terms of the timeline, it is changing. Timelines, yes, there are many timelines. There have always been many timelines. But more and more you are merging into a collective timeline, not just one, there will still be other timelines, but more into one particular timeline where the entire collective consciousness is moving forward into. The ones that are not able to move into it, they will find their way into an old timeline or one that they have created for themselves, which may not be quite the ascension timeline that you are creating for yourselves.
But you are creating the ascension timeline, that is what you came here to do, that is your mission as a collective, as a group, together, as individuals within that group, and as individuals within the group, within many other groups, and within the collective consciousness of the entire planet. You all came here to do this, to raise the vibrational frequency, to raise consciousness across the planet.
To attract higher vibrational frequency to you in terms of from the celestial bodies of the solar system and the galaxies beyond, the energies, all of this attracting this to you, because of who you are as a group as a collective together. You are attracting this new timeline to you.
And as you move on to this new timeline, more and more and more, you will find yourselves remaining in this new timeline and creating it for all of those around you as well. Creating it for not only those just around you but all around you, in terms of the entire planet, in terms of all of those that are ready to move forward with you into your collective creation.
And the timeline that you are creating is indeed the ascension timeline, and that is what we want to begin to think about more and more. That is your timeline – ascension. It is not about just moving through your daily lives and experiencing whatever it is you experience. Yes, that is important because that is the now, being in the now but always know, that you are here for so much more, so much greater, are you here for. You are here for ascension. To bring about ascension for yourselves as individuals, and to bring all of those that are ready as well into this ascension timeline. This my friends, my brothers and sisters, is your timeline, your ascension.
You are in the ascension process right now and moving rapidly to a full ascension. A full individual and a full planetary ascension, as well. You have great help everywhere from those of us that watch over you and assist you wherever we can, those of the ascended ones, the Galactic, the Agarthans, all that are here to assist in this process.
And think for just a moment of those that are here to sway you from that process, those of the dark forces, they are few, and you are indeed many. And the many will overcome the few. It is written in the stars that this shall be so and it cannot be changed at this point. It is destiny that you are on, you are destined to move forward into this ascension timeline and, realize the full ascension that you came here for.
I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you continue to find yourselves in every given moment, moving forward on that ascension timeline.
Questions & Answers (Minute 27:29)
Master OWS
Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm, Ohm.
One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here and we are ready for your questions if you have them. We kind of think that there may be questions about this timeline thing, but if it is not that is okay. whatever your questions are, we will attempt to answer them to the best of our ability in terms of bringing you what you need, not simply what you want.
We are ready for your questions here.
Well, I’ll jump in with the question since we’re talking about timeline. Oh, did I jump over somebody? Okay, who?
Master OWS
You just jump in.
So, my question is this, we were talking in our discussion about creating the timeline we prefer, which seems like we are. But a lot of us have heard you know, I guess fear mongering would be the right term, but some post is saying, you know, prepare and have your money, and have your food, and it’s the military is the only way, and there could be disruption in Phoenix, Arizona with the cartels and the gangs and all that stuff. Is all that negative stuff gone from this timeline we’re currently on or might there be a few little hiccups along the way this year and into before the inauguration?
Master OWS
We will tell you that the timeline that you are creating; you as an individual, you as a group, you as collective, that are moving on to this new timeline, or timelines we will say at this point, for the not quite moved into only one timeline yet. But as you are moving into this new timeline you need to focus more and more on doing exactly that, the timeline that you are creating, not the one that they have wanted to create for you. They being the dark forces.
You see they, will attempt to hold you to their timeline as much as they possibly can. Which then includes the fear mongering, as you are saying spreading fear wherever they can, for that is their game plan, that is all they have ever known, is to spread fear. Because in the past fear held them in control, kept them in control. And they are realizing though more and more and more now, that it is not working for them. And they’re beginning to give-in, we will say here. So even the two point of rendering to the light here, but they will fight to, to the end, there will be many that still will fight to the end, and will not give-in until it is so far beyond that they can do no other than, just simply flow away on their own old timeline that they had created. Okay? Shoshanna do you have something to add here?
We can add if you wish for us to give our perspective dear sister?
Of course, always Shoshanna
Dear sister. One Who Serves, has given a full account, and has been accurate in their perspective what we will say, s that, this is up to you. Where you are, what timeline you choose. It is all up to you. There’s no; we would say, bleed through from one timeline to another. It is just that humans become very curious and so they will listen to some narrative that puts them perhaps on another timeline, and then they rejoin the timeline that they wish to create for themselves. But what must be very clear about all of this, is that it is you choosing, it is your choice, what you remain on and what you do not remain on. Because you are the creator of that timeline. You see, but you can bounce back and forth, if you wish.
The important thing here is that, realize that, the thing that they are doing, the control through fear, is a narrative, and it is not the truth. It is just a narrative to swing you around to them. So that you do not, you do not take the power fully of the creator that you are. So, just remember it is your choice, namaste.
Master OWS
We wish to remind you, have heard “there’s a chest match going on”, the one side to makes their move, the other side makes their counter move, and so on and so on. And we would say in this chess match now, that the white hats, the side of the white in terms of your white and black chess pieces. The white puts the black pieces in-check, at this point and it is not over yet, for it is not quite checkmate, but the both sides at this point, know that the side of the white, the white pieces have almost won the match here. The white pieces, the white light or the side of the light here knows that they are going to win and, and, and in effect have already done so, because the moves that the other side can make will not make a difference at this point so, checkmate is very near, ok?
So, so it would be, it would be who it would be, say, the spiritual masters to, to back away or look away from those fear podcast and those people that are sharing, “oooh this this could happen in Phoenix, and we’re going to have this, and a nuclear war”, we should absolutely not even pay attention to those negative predictions, right?
Master OWS
Yes. That is very much so correct, yes.
Master OWS
Would there be other questions here?
Well, so as I was walking around one of my walks today, it occurred to me; and I think you might have already answered this, but I just wanna solidify it. It occurred to me that the only reason we have and day, is because we have been convinced that it’s a big dark black void out there, so that when we turn away from the only light source allegedly; which is the sun, of course it would get dark. But in actuality since it’s all light out there, that’s why we’re not gonna have any night and day, because we’ll finally be present, we’ve been created through our consciousness a darkness, but in actuality when we get past that, it’s all light out there. So there will be no night and day. Is that a correct assessment?
Master OWS
We will say here simply that archangel Michael “let the cat out of the bag” so to speak. (this occurred during the guided meditation)
We cannot talk much more about this at this point.
But that’s kind of what I did think today on my, on this week on my walk, before he said that. So, that’s why I was looking for validation. It occurred to me on a walk.
Master OWS
Yes. Shoshanna do you have anything?
We do not.
Master OWS
Very good. Then would there be other questions here?
No further questions?
Well, let me, let me just ask this one then for, for the collective here, because it was something, I was gonna remark upon but you probably remark upon it better, I think that the conscious is wars, I mean, sorry the timeline wars actually, is what’s happening now. It’s like they’re trying one thing and the other side is trying another, and that’s the timeline war, and actually also sometimes like adjusting like say, adjusting whether Nelson Mandela died or not for one particular side of the, of the, you know, the light or the dark. Can you say more about those timeline wars for us?
Master OWS
We can tell you that if you look back in your various movies; that you have, especially Star Wars and things of this nature, that is somewhat of a documentary of what has occurred in the past.
There have been many wars, many battles that has been fought throughout to the universe here. Galaxies beyond this galaxy, have had these various skirmishes and even wars, and all of that has occurred, but it is coming to an end. It is coming to an end. And it is all about the ascension as archangel Michael has given, and we have been saying for quite some time now, it’s all about ascension.
Once ascension occurs for you and the entire planet here, the idea of war, and battles, and fighting, and fear and all of this will be history. It will be in your forgotten history, in terms of forgive, forget and move on.
So, you will not even need to think about that anymore. Think about those that are in their ships, that are in a fifth-dimensional and beyond expression. They do not think in terms of battles and war and things; unless it comes to them in some way. And then they simply ward it off, they do not have to, as you would say fight, and kill, and all of these things. They just simply defend themselves and that defense creates the demise of those that are attacking them. We will say.
We have given much here in this, much more than we intended to do at this point, but you are coming more and more to an understanding where, this is, this type of thing can be grasped at your current consciousness level. For your current consciousness level has indeed increased dramatically here that is all we can say here. Shoshanna do you have anything to add here?
Well we can add here. You have given, a very good answer. But we wish to perhaps, rephrase a little bit, maybe we do that dear sister?
Yes please.
Well, what we will tell you is this, and One who Serves has already answered this, but what we will tell you is this.
The idea of a war, even in terms of; you are saying timeline war, does not exist if you know who you are. Once you know who you are, you do not join into that idea, you see. So, so, for examples, we will take the example of Star Wars, the one known as Yoda was completely merged with the divine, with the higher self, and knew who he was. And he knew that all these things that were going on around him, were the result of those around him not knowing who they were. So, for example the one character Luke Skywalker, did not know who he was until he faced himself, and he faced himself through his father. And that’s how he faced himself and the dark side of, of his own being and then he knew who he was. You see.
So there would be no more what you call war. War occurs when people do not know who they are, and do not know that they have a choice, you see. So everything is a choice. You do not have to choose a timeline war, you can just simply be on the timeline you wish to be on, and forget about the idea of, of a struggle, the word war, denotes a struggle, and if you do not wish to participate in a struggle, then you do not give this idea any further thought, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Would there be any further questions here?
Master OWS
Yes, yes.
I just quickly wanted to know, how is Rita doing on the other side?
We will share?
Master OWS
Yes, yes, please do.
We have been in contact with her dear brother. Do you wish us to share our experience?
Oh yes, for sure. Yes of course.
Our dear sister Rita is enjoying new lessons. She is enjoying participating in the education of the higher self of the divine. She is enjoying this, and she has felt the freedom of her soul and her spirit being released from the body that was ill, you see, she was sick. She wished for this, and she achieved it, you see. So she is in joy, namaste.
Thank you.
Master OWS
Very good. Any further questions?
Then we are ready to release channel, Shoshanna do you have a parting message?
Well there were so many good things in this conversations that you had, that we, we cannot add any more wisdom to this, but we will just say that you are all on the right road, on the right track to achieve the highest dimensional self that you can achieve, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we just simply add to this, that just continue on and create, continue to create the timeline that you want. Find yourself on that timeline that you want. Do not let yourself slip back, do not be back on the old prophecy timeline, and all of this, that was brought about again to hold control over the population of the planet. Let that go and just simply move on into your ascension process.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!
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