Co-Create Your Personal Activations by Archangel Michael
Sacred School of OmNa
There are numerous aspects of the Creator in all forms of reality, whichever reality you choose to acknowledge and see upon
the Earth as your own you can be sure that the Creator is present. All aspects of the Creator hold and represent a unique
essence of the Creator which can be accepted, merged with and embodied. You will know when acceptance, merging and
embodiment is needed as you will experience a pull to certain aspects of the Creator, the pull will be like a desire or an
interest inviting you to accept a new aspect of yourself. When you merge with aspects of the Creator you are always accepting
or remembering a new aspect of yourself as you are the origin, you are a manifestation and reflection of the Creator. Every
aspect of your reality is focused upon acceptance, merging and embodiment, when you speak, connect or just be present with
another being or an aspect of the Creator you are experiencing resonance; your unique ability to recognise that which is
outside of you inside your being. You are constantly resonating with everything around you as well as the creations of energy
within your being; this is your true form of communication, it is your interaction with the Creator. To resonate as and with the
Creator with greater conscious awareness allows for your inner truth to emerge, a greater recognition of the Creator as well as
an awakening knowingness being born into manifestation.
The Earth and all its inhabitants are an aspect of the Creator, everything is born from the Creator and therefore holds the
essence of the Creator which could be describe as a template or energy pattern of the Creator. Within the essence of the
Creator divine consciousness, light, understanding and power can be found, which when merged within can ignite the same
from within your being. You are the same as every essence of the Creator and hold all energies of the Creator within your
being. When you allow yourself to recognise your expansiveness giving yourself both space and time to be expansive, the
essence of the Creator comes forth to fill your entire being causing further remembrance of the Creator. You can imagine each
aspect of the Creator which holds the essence of the Creator as a note of awakening your divine memory and remembrance,
moving you from illusion into light within your being.
Allow yourself to recognise as you move through your reality that there is an essence of the Creator in everything and everyone,
like a template or energy pattern holding divine consciousness, light, understanding and power. When you begin to recognise
this within all things and people you allow yourself to recognise the value of your life, exchanges and communications. A feeling
of reverence, treasuring and gratitude may arise which will fuel your experiences of acceptance, merging and embodiment of
the Creator, while awakening feelings and experiences of fulfilment. When you recognise an aspect of the Creator holding an
essence of the Creator I invite you to hold the intention of acceptance, merging and embodiment. You may wish to say out loud
or within your being:
‘I recognise myself as the Creator, I know I am loved, pure and protected. I recognise…………. as an aspect of the Creator
holding the sacred essence of the Creator. With the purpose of fulfilling the Creator within my being I now choose to accept the
purest essence of …………. merging my energy with this sacred essence of the Creator and embodying the most appropriate
vibrations, consciousness, understanding and power held within this essence. This is my experience now and I recognise the
further emergence of light within my being.’
Take a moment to recognise the light of the Creator already present within your being expanding and enlarging this energy.
Take time to recognise the essence you wish to connect with as a light, energy template or pattern, breathing this into your own
radiating light. Observe your feelings, any sensations, integrations, awakening or remembrance emerging from within to be
realised or recognised. When the essence of an aspect of the Creator merges with you it always holds a message or a
process of illumination to share with you, sometimes understood at the time or later. I wish to encourage you to experience and
practice my communication as it will enhance your ability to resonate with the Creator, to communicate and understand beyond
words or thought as well as encouraging a true connection.
If you discover that you are fearful of accepting the essence of an aspect of the Creator due to the anxiety of contamination,
being negatively influenced or attacked, this symbolises a lack of trust in yourself and powers as well as a need to focus upon
recognising and believing in the truth of your being. Believing and recognising yourself to be light, loved, protected, sacred,
powerful, a creator of your reality, connected to all aspects of the Creator, guided and that all is well. There may be a need for
greater self-contemplation and self-love.
I wish to encourage your connection with three energies in order to further accelerate your remembrance of the Creator within
your being. When connecting and accepting the essence of these three energies you will create a synthesis of light which
awakens a new aspect of your being. I invite you first to contemplate what you wish to awaken from within your being; it could
be an ability, an energy you wish to experience in your reality or a certain part of your soul. When sitting peacefully and asking
yourself what you wish to awaken further from within your being to aid your current reality of ascension, the answer or
enlightenment may be inspired and gifted to you with very little thought needed.
The three energies I wish to support you in merging with is the united consciousness of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel
Amethyst, the Bee Consciousness and Solar Level Light. These three energies when merged with individually will create a
three stage empowerment and activation of your intention. In truth you can choose any three energies and use them as a
constant tool of empowerment and activation, recognising them as your team of awakening the divine within you. When this co-
creation is achieved often then it can become a potent tool which you can place your faith in, as you realise you are accessing
the power of the Creator in order to support your spiritual evolution. I have recommended these three energies as they are
aligned with the energies of these times of ascension and all hold the vibration of transformation, radiance and love within their
Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst are the Angelic Representatives of the 7th Ray of Light they bring a message of
transformation, accessing the new Era of Love and advanced spiritual experiences of unification with the Creator. The Bee
Consciousness is the spirit or collective soul of the Bees who exist upon the Earth, born from Venus holding the Christ
Consciousness they are a fountain of love and unity, their love when experienced can be so empowering and expansive. They
are also powerful energetic healers and co-creators. The Solar Level Light is represented by a copper golden light and is a
dimension of the Creator’s universe focused upon enhanced illumination, soul embodiment, merging of the masculine and
feminine and empowerment. Overseen by Helios and Vesta this is a potent energy akin to the sun.
I invite you to call upon my energies, Archangel Michael, to surround you. Take a moment to focus on radiating the light of the
Creator present within your soul, heart and entire being. Then state your intention of the activation you wish to receive either out
loud or in your mind.
‘I call upon the energy and presence of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst, please assist and support me in
accepting, merging and embodying your essence of the Creator. As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of
your essence as an energy, template or pattern, I am open and ready to receive, further remembering and realising the
Creator within my being. Thank you.’
Allow yourself to breath in the light of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst, feel it merging with your entire being, heart
and soul. Know your intention is being empowered and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take
time to observe.
When you feel ready you can continue:
‘I call upon the energy and presence of the Bee Consciousness, please assist and support me in accepting, merging and
embodying your essence of the Creator. As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of your essence as an
energy, template or pattern, I am open and ready to receive, further remembering and realising the Creator within my being.
Thank you.’
Allow yourself to breath in the light of the Bee Consciousness, feel it merging with your entire being, heart and soul. Know your
intention is being empowered and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take time to observe.
When you feel ready you can continue:
‘I call upon the energy and presence of the Solar Level Light, please assist and support me in accepting, merging and
embodying your essence of the Creator. As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of your essence as an
energy, template or pattern, I am open and ready to receive, further remembering and realising the Creator within my being.
Thank you.’
Allow yourself to breath in the light of the Solar Level Light, feel it merging with your entire being, heart and soul. Know your
intention is being empowered and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take time to observe.
Take a moment to recognise the three energies and aspects of the Creator synthesising with your soul, recognise how this
creates a reaction, awakening and empowerment within your being. Hold focus upon your original intention as you feel the
energies within you expanding. This is a beautiful and unique experience which requires your observation.
With Angelic Blessings,
Archangel Michael