Archangel Michael: What Looks Like Chaos and Mayhem is Divine Unfoldment
“Earthbound Star Soul” has responded to our request to share readings with the Company of Heaven through Linda. He furnishes us with a discussion here between him and Archangel Michael on the chaos and mayhem that’s happening at present. He says:
“On June 10, 2016, I had a reading scheduled with Linda, to speak with my Guides. For the second time now, in recent years, instead of being greeted by the familiar voice of one of my Guides, I was greeted by another familiar voice that said ‘Greetings, I am Michael.’”
Thank you to EBSS. I invite others who have had readings with the CoH and have material of benefit to all of us to sen it in via “Contact Us.”
Michael: Greetings, I am Michael,
EBSS: Oh! Greetings,
Michael: Yes, I step forward before your friend, with the adequate permissions that are required, and I come briefly to say hello, but also to remind you of your mission of peace, the anchoring of truth and justice, of hope, of Nova Being upon this planet, that the Mother has always intended be a planet of love, a planet of truth, a planet of peace.
Yes, my beloved friend, my beloved brother, it may look and feel and present as chaos, as mayhem, as distraction, but understand – you have heard me correctly – when you have heard that all is in Divine order (1). For there is an unfoldment at hand. And it is more expansive – shall we say, than humanity expects. For I am determined with the legions of Light, that truth and peace will prevail.
It is a time of bringing forth – yes, in coordination with humanity – many changes upon this planet. It is a series. A domino effect is how you would describe it. And there are many events that come to the forefront. Some feel or appear to be like exposure, and it is exposure of truth. We have no interest in digging into the drama and the dirt of humanity. What we do have interest in, is bringing forth the truth and the promise, of what is possible, of what is worth working, and playing, and building community around.
And that is new systems, new functions, new understandings, new attitudes, and from that comes new societies, new ways of behavior. This is based on fundamental truth, not lies and back room deals. The time for that has come and gone. So, yes – many truths will come to the forefront. Not so that humans can wallow in what they think as lies and dirt and drama, but that they can move past this – to what is truly of value – which is unity and community. Yes, with your Star Family.
And you are correct in thinking that Obama will play a very important role in this – in bringing forth new methods of what you think of as financial wherewithal and institutional – MONEY. But it is more than that. It is abundance, it is spiritual abundance. It is abundance of hope – and unity – and sharing.
Yes, you have had this vision – and you have shared this vision with me – for a long time, and might I even say – that I have shared it with you. No, we are not in contest dear heart, WE are in complete co-ordination. We are in community; we are in the love of brotherly collegiality.
There is NO room – and seldom will we speak like this, and very rarely would we speak like this in a public way, but there is no room – for those traits – that are of the old Third Dimensional realm – to be brought [forward] and – reinforced.
Far too much has happened. The new is anchored, Gaia is in the higher dimensional reality and so are you, and many who hold the light. And it simply it will not be permitted.
And it is not that we will override free will. It is that the freewill – of the collective – for truth, for right – for balance – is coming to the forefront. And humanity is expressing themselves, and they are also expressing their exhaustion – with the old paradigms. There is greater and greater recognition – that the old does not serve – and yes that is exactly what your Brother Bernie Sanders has brought to the forefront.
Will he be president, you say? It is not yet determined. The battle lies ahead, and it will continue on. No, it is not intended to be a bloody battle. It is intended to be a battle of integrity, of truth, and we are FULLY engaged. And so I reach out to you – my brother of blue and Halion – for you are also holding – this energy of peace and truth, of integrity – and the desire – for change.
This is what has come – to the forefront – in both party’s demonstrations. There is a deep yearning – on the part of the Human Collective – for change. It is a starting point, my brother, not a finishing point. And I do not mean — drama and difficult endings, I mean new beginnings. New hope, fresh eyes, new approaches.
So all IS – in Divine unfoldment. The Mother has her plan. And ALL is in place. I am counting on you, as I always have.
EBSS: Well thank you. Ah – a couple things – why, as you have been addressing me – have I had the thought that you want Linda to have this message put out there – on her website, as well as – to have sent on to have Steve put it on the Golden Age of Gaia website.
Michael: That is correct.
Michael: It is always your choice.
EBSS: And I will be the Earthbound Star Soul.
Michael: And I will thank you.
(1) A telepathic message I received on the afternoon of June 8, 2016 from Michael:.