Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ A Portal of Love
October 2015
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light and the Hathors. Today, we wish to speak to you about the heart as a portal of Love.
Your planet has just experienced a massive influx of energy. This comes along with the many waves of energy that you have continued to experience over the past several months. These are times when you can make rapid progress on your ascension path when you flow with this energy into the higher dimensions.
A key factor in being able to flow with this energy is remaining heart-centered in a state of Love. The new energy, as well as that of the higher dimensions, is based on Love.
It is an energy of purifying thoughts and intentions through the heart center with a desire for highest good. It is wanting the best for everyone, as well as for yourself. It is viewing situations from a higher perspective.
It is focusing on the oneness and seeing the Divine in every person. It is also seeing the Divine in the animal, mineral, and plant kingdoms. It is realizing that everything is composed of Divine energy.
When you view situations in this way, you want the best for everyone and everything. This sets the stage for you to ascend to higher levels and dimensions.
The heart can be considered to be a portal of Love that can transport you to these higher dimensions when you focus on its all-encompassing energy of Love and Light.
In the higher dimensions, your vibrational frequency is the factor by which you are recognized. As it increases, you are able to access even higher levels. Each progressive level or dimension is composed of higher and finer energy.
The clearer and higher your vibration and energetic channels are, the easier it will be to access the higher dimensions. When your energetic channels are clear, your heart center is a portal of Love, and your Love can radiate with a clear and pure intent. It exudes a pure vibrational frequency that envelopes everyone and everything with which you come into contact. It also radiates out into the ethers and across the dimensions. In this way, you are able to rise to higher dimensional levels. When your intent is for highest good, you gently rise across and through the dimensions.
To help your rise through the dimensions, you can intentionally practice techniques to keep your energetic channels clear and your heart energy pure. Forgiveness and appreciation are two such techniques.
Forgiveness removes blockages that can impede the flow of heart energy. When you forgive yourself, others, and circumstances involved in any situation, you are removing blockages and raising the vibrational frequency that flows from your heart. First, forgive yourself, whether or not you feel you had any role in the situation. This frees you to move forward with the rest of the forgiveness process. Then, forgive others involved as well as any extenuating circumstances around the situation. When this process is complete, you may feel a lightness around your heart energy. This is a sign that you have removed a blockage, and your heart becomes a more open portal of Love.
Appreciation is another method to open your energetic channels of Love. When you express appreciation for the blessings and circumstances in your life, this opens you to the flow of more Love. Appreciation carries a high vibration, and this opens your heart channel wider to carry more Universal Love that flows from the Creator and the dimensions. At the same time, it raises your own vibration so that you can more easily access the higher dimensions. It is a dual process of bringing in more Light to share and a rising up the levels from the heart center at the same time.
When you have practiced forgiveness and appreciation, you can focus on the Divine Spark within everyone and everything. The Divine Spark is the essence of All That Is. Focusing on the Divine Spark allows for a continuing flow of Love to come through you and radiate out from you. You recognize the oneness of everyone and everything, and you become a channel of Love and Light. Your heart center becomes a portal of Love.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on your heart center to make it a portal of Love. This is an energy that can lift humanity to higher levels of consciousness, and we honor you for being an important part of this process.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst…and We surround you with love
And so it is.
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