
Love is our new reality

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Arcturians on Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 2, via Suzanne Lie, January 24th

Suzanne Lie: Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 2. Raising the Planetary Vibration.

StraightTalk_Sue2 (1)The more discrepancy there is between the frequency of the Higher Light and that which travels through it, the greater will be the disruption to the holographic matrix. If we can raise our personal frequency enough, we can assist in raising the frequency of our planet.

Once we have raised our collective and planetary consciousness beyond the polarized third and fourth dimensional realities into a fifth dimensional reality free of all polarity, the planetary frequency of Gaia’s Earth will also expand.

When we first entered the third dimensional hologram of Earth, we polarized ourselves into Creator/SELF and ego/self. In this manner, we could spin the lower frequency, ego/self portion of our consciousness into the electromagnetic fields of Earth’s holographic matrix.

We could then observe our ego/self’s responses to a reality based on polarities and the illusions of separation and limitation that these polarities created. Could we remember our true SELF while living in such a reality?

To a very great degree, the answer was NO. However, those who did remember their SELF have greatly expanded their Essence far beyond what it was before their entry into our holographic playing field.

Many of us have grown attached to the blue planet, Earth, and do not wish to pull out of the matrix and leave that program vulnerable to destruction. Being the members of the Earth hologram, we – people and planet – could end the 3D Game and ascend, die, log-off (according to the belief of our Grounded Ones who are engaged in this holographic matrix.)

Instead, we wish to raise ourselves – that is raise our grounded Earth vessel AND our planet Earth – up into the fifth dimension and beyond, as the one entity that we have always been. The experiment of life in a polarized, dualistic reality has often gone poorly, especially during the Kali Yuga.

Nonetheless, what first began as a hologram has become a life form of great magnitude. We, the planet Gaia, do not wish to merely log-off from this holographic projection, as we have come to unconditionally love life on Earth.

We are aware that there are many glitches in this program, as the polarities of darkness and fear can be very destructive influences. Many of our fellow creators have become lost in this victim/victimizer polarity and the daily battle for happiness or even for survival.

We see that our Earth matrix is having many symptoms of transformation as we absorb the higher Light, and we realize that a new Operating System for raising our consciousness into the Flow of the ONE of the fifth dimension is vital for a peaceful transition into the higher frequencies of planetary resonance.

After going through many years of darkness, we do not want to leave this program just short of experiencing the prize of the raising of the planetary vibration. Many of us remember our lives on Atlantis and wish to put right the mistakes that we made there.

We see that the same greed for power that destroyed Atlantis is rearing its ugly head now, and we want to close this hologram with the happy ending of returning to our Multidimensional SELF, people, and planet. In fact, more and more of us are having dreams and visions of beams of Multidimensional Light and Inconditional Love.

We want to be awake while we gradually and safely transmute back into our true frequency of our Light Being SELF who first joined this adventure. To fulfill our dream, we must first raise our personal frequency, and then raise the frequency of the patch of Earth over which we are stewards.

As each of us fulfills our personal puzzle-piece of Earth, we will contribute it to the great Planetary Puzzle of Ascension. In this manner, we will raise the overall frequency of Gaia from third to fourth, and even into fifth dimensional, and beyond.

We have put much attention on raising our personal frequency, but we must now turn our attention towards also raising the frequency of our planet. We find that as we awaken, we can more easily combine our personal ascension energy with the transmutational process of Gaia. We are starting to remember how that we have practiced our personal contribution for planetary Ascension for myriad lifetimes.

We look around our reality and see that many are still trapped in the illusions of survival on a hostile planet, as well as the illusion of gaining and holding power OVER others. These polarity games have been played for millennia, but we are approaching the coming“End Game.”

Extreme polarity will not be able to survive our journey into the fifth dimensional gamma waves. Therefore, as we each continue our process, we need to find ways to assist others to remember their true SELF so they will no longer feel that they are in the program of “Battlefield Earth.”

Hence, as we raise our own personal frequency, we turn our attention to others and to the planet to assist Gaia in raising Her frequency. We do not have “time” to correct the viruses of fear and war, as we are approaching the NOW.

Instead, we must pull out of the battlefield and into our new Operating System of Flowing in Unity with the ONE. In this manner, we can better perceive and choose the frequency of consciousness that resonates to the Unity Consciousness of the fifth dimension and beyond. While in these higher states of consciousness, we have greater power over our thoughts.

We can then merge our mastery over our thoughts with our Unconditional Love for our Self. In this manner, we become not just an individual ON a planet. Instead, we remember that we ARE the Planet!

Suzanne Lie

BACK TO 2016

Right NOW, these transformational waves of Higher Light are everywhere within your current translation of reality. We say “translation” because each of you are beginning to perceive frequencies of reality which you had never perceived before – that is, in this incarnation.

Most of you have had many incarnations on Earth. Some were parallel realities and some parallel or simultaneous lives. You chose to take these simultaneous versions of reality in order to rehearse your Ascension. Now it is not just a rehearsal.

That long awaited process of planetary Ascension is here. What you are learning about that process NOW is that Ascension Is NOT leaving. Ascension is RETURNING.

As you expand your 3D consciousness into your 5D consciousness, you become as creative as you always were in your “imagination.” This expansion of consciousness and creativity is because new areas of your physical brain are being stimulated by these higher frequencies of Light.

Your unconscious mind is aware of these higher frequencies of Light, but your conscious mind – which is too often separated from your unconscious and superconscious mind – is often not aware of these inner changes.

You can hide things from your conscious Self. You can even lie to your conscious Self and tell it a convenient lie rather than a difficult truth. Your conscious mind can hide out in the 3D and forget the myriad other components of your total Self.

But NOW the higher frequencies of Light are beginning to become CONSCIOUS.

Let us define “conscious,” which is quite complicated. Your ego self has been the “keeper of your conscious mind” for many of your incarnations. With this limited dimensional access of your conscious mind, you can only receive what resonates to your third dimensional states of consciousness.

Therefore, if your ego could believe that what it perceived was “real,” it can store it in your conscious mind. Unfortunately, your third dimensional ego is very tainted by the myriad challenges, traumas, lies, and disappointments of daily life. Therefore, it will often decide that something is real because it wants it to be real. Or think that something “real” because it wants it to be.

Hence, this area of your mind is easily “brainwashed” because is only perceives the third dimensional, physical world. On the other hand, your unconscious mind can perceive your fourth dimensional reality, and your superconscious mind can perceive fifth dimensional and beyond realities.

What is occurring now is that the higher Light has been altering your Earth vessel at very baseline frequencies that were once undetectable to your conscious mind. Now your conscious mind is increasingly able to detect the higher frequencies of Light because your superconscious mind has been teaching your third dimensional brain how to expand it’s frequency range.

It is only within your “conscious mind” that you can lie to yourself. You, our Beloved Ones, have been repeatedly told that your conscious mind is your “best” mind, your Self, etc. In fact, your conscious mind has suffered the most “brainwashing” by the external lies, deceptions, and fearful information.

However, your superconscious Self is awakening, and your perceptions and translation of reality are increasingly transmuting to consciously encompass the higher frequency of gamma waves. Because gamma waves are penetrating your atmosphere, your reality and your bodies, your innate gamma wave – fifth dimensional consciousness—is coming “on line.”

Most important, your fifth dimensional consciousness is beginning to intermingle with your third dimensional perceptions. Therefore, your 3D perceptions are expanding, as if someone “turned on the lights.” Actually, that “someone” is you. YOU have turned up the frequency.

It is important for you to acknowledge that YOU are on the cusp of allowing yourself to acknowledge that you can perceive a frequency of reality that is just beyond your physical perceptions. Fortunately, your “superconscious Self” is beginning to merge with your conscious Self.

While in a flash of a “peak experience,” many of you are beginning to receive the Light language messages that are flowing into your reality from the fifth dimension and beyond.

More and more of you are learning how to share that higher dimensional information with your own conscious mind, as well as with others.

Because you are still wearing your holographic, 3D Earth vessel YOU can participate in the experience of third dimensional holographic Earth. By “holographic” we mean that you have sent a holographic replication of your SELF into your physical Earth vessel.

Your Earth body is the “vessel” you must wear in order to calibrate your state of consciousness with a third dimensional frequency of reality. From our perspective, it is a simple neural adjustment that will allow you to expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension. That is, it would be simple, if it were not for the brainwashing and the memory of many difficult, painful and frightening lives in the third dimension.

We are here, Beloved Ones, to remind you that those lives were/are part of the hologram – which you are leaving by turning towards the Light of Source (initial light source of hologram) and saying,

“I NOW remember my “superconscious Self.” It was the density of the third dimension, as well as myriad past lives, that led me to believe that the third dimension was real.”

Yes, your third dimensional body is real in that it has a third dimensional form. However, as the fifth dimensional Light continues to activate your 97% “junk” DNA, your body, your consciousness, and your perceptions will begin to calibrate to a higher frequency of Light.

Remember, you perceive the frequency of reality that resonates with your state of consciousness – brainwaves. Those of you who are able to perceive the higher Light just enough to feel the Unconditional Love that resonates from that frequency of Light are in for quite an experience.

We will not say more in this NOW as this is YOUR script and YOU – ALL members of Gaia’s Earth, human and non-humanoid—are choosing the frequency of reality that you experience by calibrating your brainwaves/state of consciousness to the frequency of the reality of your choice.

However, only your superconscious Self is able to take this risk of being one of the Initiators of the Next Octave of Reality.

It is one of your greatest challenges that you must look into the heart of those who would judge you and send them Unconditional Love. To do less than that would lower your own consciousness out of your superconscious mind and back into the limitations of your conscious mind.

Your challenge is to NOT allow your state of consciousness to be lowered by “their judgment.” Allow your conscious mind to remember the past, parallel and alternate realities in which you lived during an era of “peak experience.”

These experiences are often during a timeline in which you were experiencing a reality shift. A reality shift occurs when it is this NOW for you, person and planet, to calmly and peacefully enter into a higher dimensional expression of reality.

This process will be greatly facilitated if you can connect your conscious mind with your unconscious mind to review what you have learned in your myriad incarnations. In this manner you will also facilitate the full activation of your superconscious mind.

We are asking you all to remember to Love your Self Unconditionally during this process of personal and planetary shift. Please remember that:

Unconditional Love for your Self allows you to resonate free of the Matrix and within the NOW of the ONE.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Fasten your seatbelts, steer with your Heart, and Love with your mind.
We are so very joyous for your NOW.
~The Arcturians

Straight Talk on Ascension – Part 2. Raising the Planetary Vibration. By Suzanne Lie, January 24, 2016.