“B-ru-tal” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Monday – July 3, 2017
Received via email at 7:57 PM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
My best guess this fine Monday morning is that the NPTB are going to RV on the actual holiday July 4th holiday… or the start of the international baking week on the first Tuesday in July.
Remember, only American banks are shut down on Tuesday. The rest of the world has been open for business since 3am EDT Monday morning.
So it feels like they activated all accounts back with the master accounts in Asia while all the banks were closed (Saturday PM), yet want to start the RV while all the banks worldwide are open–except here in the USA (Tuesday AM).
Interesting strategy.
Maybe they NPTB only need 24 hours to process the entire internet group or private exchangers because they’ve whittled the daily watchers down to such a small number.
Maybe only half a day is needed to process us all. Not sure how many are left. But it’s gotta be super low on a big summer holiday weekend.
I bet it’s well under 5,000.
HSBC staff worldwide has been on lock down / standby all weekend. Military and security forces are all still in full engagement positions.
Everyone worldwide is just waiting–unsure about timing but knowing it’s coming.
Hyper weird reality. Crazy contrast.
We were tipped before midnight last night the 800# were coming out anytime after midnight–full blast, no holding back, no turning around.
They did this to trap some internal traders working with HSBC and did so this morning at opening bell.
Remember, our markets are open today, Monday, and closed tomorrow Tuesday for the national holiday.
So the threat of 800#s coming out were there to incite action by the part of latent cabal minions. And come morning, they too would be known and taken down.
We do still anticipate the 800#s to be allowed an open release initially across the internet community and then passed along via word of mouth and electronically.
Well nothing happened in the night obviously, so I asked why would HSBC put out such a misleading internal memo?
Answer: internal pump fake.
They’re also testing internal loyalty at the very end by holding it back now versus all the past external fakes. As only only internal staff can cause problems at this point.
That’s a good thing.
Interesting strategy though, but make no mistake, RV release protocol is complicated for a reason (see 9/11). And for those of paying full attention regardless of the date–downright painful.
Like a baby that is beyond ready to be born if the midwife just pulls on the head, and the labor has already taken days, but the parents are demanding a natural gravity birth.
Seriously that’s a thing.
I guess this is just the burden associated with managing unlimited blessings. Meanwhile, the Elders keep stacking cookies on our noses like dogs.
The ZIM is rapidly approaching $100 USN.
Either way, the discipline required to stay emotionally balanced through this invisible and narrow gauntlet of mercy is b-ru-tal.
God is with us.