Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise to
“make the earth tremble”
Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS (White Dragon Society) talks. However, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.
There is also a lot of chatter from multiple sources including the CIA and the Pentagon that some sort of financial event far bigger than the Lehman shock is imminent. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19th. This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will start its gold trading platform intended to take over setting the gold price from the Khazarian mafia controlled banks.
It is probably no coincidence then that last week Deutschebank admitted in court that it manipulated gold and silver prices and promised to release all the information it has about other big banks involved in the price manipulation.
So, we have the Chinese starting a gold exchange at the same time as the Western banks that traditionally set the gold price are being publicly outed for fraud. The Shanghai Gold Exchange will also make it possible for the Asians to monetize the vast off-market gold hoards they reportedly hold. This means the Chinese yuan will become at least partially gold backed.
This is the probable source of reports such as this one:
that claim China will announce it will launch an international gold backed Yuan and stop accepting US dollars starting this week. We have not been able to independently confirm this but can say the WDS has advised the Chinese to make such a move in coordination with the US military and agencies.
Certainly the finance ministers and top central bankers form the G20 nations were all gathered in Washington last week for both regularly scheduled and emergency meetings. The Federal Reserve Board governors also had a lot of emergency meetings.
One visible result was historically significant news last week about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation telling banking giants like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York Mellon Bank and State Street Corp that their bankruptcy plans were “not credible.”
To put it another way, some of the top Khazarian cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board are basically being told they are de facto bankrupt.
Pentagon sources and CIA sources both also tell us that when Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen met with US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden that Yellen asked for the US military to mobilize to round up trouble makers and put them in FEMA camps to prevent mass rioting after a planned Fed move to save the big banks by stealing people’s savings. “Let the dollar die and do a bail in,” is how the CIA source summed up Yellen’s proposal. In any case, the military said no, they had other plans. Yellen should have taken the gold deal offered to her last week by the Asians while she had the chance.
Instead, the military have now forced Yellen to get the Fed to send and publish letter to JP Morgan to let the world know that “it is unstable.” Military pressure was also behind the FDIC warning to the big five banks mentioned above. As a result Wells Fargo and other banks have begun training staff for an “emergency scenario.”
The US military is also actively working to create a new government issued US dollar backed with silver and Asian gold to keep the US economy running after the collapse of the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery banking system, WDS sources say.
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