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Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl | January 30, 2025

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl | January 30, 2025


Chief Eagle Feather 1/30/2025

Greetings young braves and warrior maidens. Greetings chiefs and kin. I am Chief Eagle Feather. It has been many moons, many seasons of time since I have spoken with this one.

I am showing her how our lands used to be free, free from snakes of asphalt and hard lines of steel, free of smog. I am showing her large stretches of land the Great Spirit stretched his hands over where the animals roamed freely. All their needs were met. But man quarreled. Many of my people and tribes fought others. It was a time where factions rubbed up against each other like a saddle sore that scars leaving a memory of wounding. It was not only our tribes that disagreed and warred, everything changed forever for us when the white man came. I say this as a memory not as a sadness or to lay blame. Many fingers that point to others point back at ourselves. Just as many threats to others boomerang back and hit us ourselves between the eyes. Boomerangs are much like laying blame or guilt. It was part of our great tapestry of story to experience what we have experienced.

(I am seeing the great continent of Lumeria and Atlantis sink and survivors heading to the Americas. I am seeing Native American groups clustered under the stars at night telling stories of the great flood and dancing around the fires. I am seeing the sky people land in their silvery disks and sharing gifts with them. I am seeing the Mayflower come and experiencing some of their memories.)

The great story of earth is much like ours. We were separated from our land several times. There was war in the hearts of men and sadness, of a great loss. But there was love, there was life and there was resolve like flint. Our arrowheads of truth remember. But the pain of the memories fade.

I Chief Eagle Feather am speaking to you. I wish for you to know many things. But perhaps my love for you is enough tonight. Great things happening all over your world  are witnessed by the stars and by your ancestors. We gather around your fires and burn in your memory. We wish for you to feel our familial embrace. Ours is an ascended realm now in that those who served this time past are now serving in another way but we still serve. You are serving in your own capacities.

Great changes are coming to your Earth Mother. We spoke of the sky people returning. They are returned and more will be returning. We were friends with them over the centuries of times gone past. We were neighbors with them in Lumeria. We bartered with them and exchanged information on the days of the prairie and buffalo under a cloak of stars. We trusted each other as a tightly woven community. Ours were like firm tapestries and ropes of memories, of truths and trusts. It could not be broken.

You are coming into a new era where your tribe will be very important to you and to all who are in it or seeking it. Your tribe will bring comfort and security. But first you must work together. This will be a challenge as it has always been challenging for the white man to face his d****s and the red man to face his pride. You have many words together that prohibit the speaking of race and color. We are all one offspring of the Great One, of the Great Spirit who is neither man or woman, black nor white, for Spirit is all things. We humans are soul expressions of this embrace of spirit. The words and wordings in this realm of shadow have been manipulated. It is time to speak with your heart with love, seeing all as brothers and sisters of the Great Spirit that you are.

There is coming more time of division where some will lose their way. They will look for the little fires of their community tribes and feel lost alone in the prairie. We see great advantage of social networks with helping others feel less isolated. But it is time to find, to create, to build your tribe. It is time to dance around the fires and tell stories. It is time to gather together in community. Humans do this poorly in the modern era. In our era we had to to survive. It will be so again.

It is an innate skill that humans will rediscover about themselves just as telepathy and speaking with spirit will begin to flow like the mighty waterfalls again, with ease and grace. You will remember that you are the water, your are the drop, you are the hill, you are the mountain. You will remember that you are the river that flows and you will feel the power of spirit rushing through you. You will feel the breath of the Mighty One with you and you will know that spirit and human walk together. It is how we were designed. It is our destiny to be free of the constraints of fear.

I Chief Eagle Feather see you with eyes of wisdom and of love. We are near you. You are not alone. You are a part of the grand tribe of light that marches ever onward together. Your Earth Mother will never be the same. She is shedding her skin and becoming all light. This is the prophecy that our people spoke of. The prophecy of light, of the rainbow tribe rising to speak to the stars, of the blinding light, of the colors of creation. It is all happening here now.

Do not be afraid of the mighty trembles that others will try to forever show you. Do not be afraid. Be in peace. Be in the stillness of your heart where spirit speaks loudest and find your peace there. The noise of your world is very loud. But the stillness of inner peace is very deep. And only you can find it. Only the true soul seeker will find it. It is within you. I am Chief Eagle Feather. I am, you are, we are one.

~ galaxygirl