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George Soros: Gravedigger of the Left, May 4th, 2017

The Gravedigger of the Left

Note: This article was originally posted on May 4, and was a sticky feature for several days. Scroll down for more recent items.

Mária Schmidt is a Hungarian historian and university lecturer. In the following essay she outlines the trajectory of George Soros’ career and describes his ongoing nefarious schemes with great lucidity. Her account is literally horripilating: it made my skin crawl to read what this vile man has unleashed upon the world. This “globalized” world.

Many thanks to CrossWare for undertaking the extended task of translating this important article that was originally published at the Hungarian website

The Gravedigger of the Left

by Mária Schmidt
April 16, 2017

Case study

Once upon a time there was a huge mining complex in the vicinity of Trepča, where gold, silver, zinc, lead and cadmium were extracted from about forty different mines. These mines gave jobs to the people who lived there. One of them, named Zvecan in Kosovo, had exceptionally rich quarries. Once upon a time the International Crisis Group (ICG), which was established in 1995, was a highly respected, expert, independent research and analysis Institute, created and operated to avoid wars and to build a more peaceful future. Sitting on its board of directors, George Soros — the great philanthropist and part-time humanist, who provides generous donations to ensure its operation — and his son determined that it would be of crucial importance for the future of Kosovo to boost mining production in Trepča. The exploitation of local natural resources would play a large role when Kosovo became independent. The independent ICG experts stated that very unfortunately local production was underfinanced, and the factories were badly managed and harmful to health and the environment. Oh, and the locals were exploited by Belgrade. “Trepča is the Berlin wall of Kosovo. For the longest time it has been the symbol of Serbian tyranny against the Albanians in Kosovo,” they argued professionally. Then war broke out in Kosovo.

A couple of months later the local leader of the occupying UN forces, Bernard Kouchner, who came from the Doctors Without Borders organization — also financed by Soros — was shocked to discover that working in the Trepča mines and factories in Zvecan was very harmful to health, especially for children and pregnant mothers. The UN forces therefore immediately expropriated the mines and processing plants. Then, in a generous gesture, every property in Kosovo. Only because of the coincidence of coincidences were Soros’ private investment companies then given the opportunity to invest $50 million in the area. Simultaneously, the US government has committed $100 million collateral as security for investments in the Balkans.

Soros was selected from among sixteen other candidates, presumably in an open and fair procurement process. So funding was provided in Zvecan, with the obvious aim that further mining not damage the employees’ health, especially that of pregnant mothers and children. All this took place in accordance with the requirements of an open society and the guidelines from independent experts, as elsewhere, all the time, where events meet with a happy ending. This story is quoted on the basis of an earlier article, because not so long ago and not so far from us in time, unsuspected by many of us, Soros and his network used similar methods everywhere, followed the same recipe, and kept the same goals in mind as they operated. When the deal is not lucrative enough, they move on and leave everything behind broken and used up. The mines and downstream plants in Kosovo were recently taken into public ownership, which the northern Kosovo Serbs refused to acknowledge.

The recipe

The recipe is simple. Find a worthwhile business goal. Send forth your civilians (NGOs), destabilize the area and organize an appropriate media tailwind. Go for chaos, and if you have it, you will be the one to organize the assistance for reconstruction, while cherry-picking the most profitable businesses. Break down the borders, so they do not obstruct your movement. Break down national sovereignty, so the interests of the locals and residents will not slow you down. Buy all the experts, with money, scholarships, awards, fame, recognition, hype — whatever the price of someone is. Call them experts; independent; democrat and progressive. Prevent anybody from uncovering their backing, hide their professional incompetence, just as we have seen it in the scandal about the second time they faked global warming data, as it was an obvious organized forgery. So buy the local media: TV, radio, daily and weekly newspapers and the Internet portals, rename them as independent too, and pay them to work towards some goals identified by you. Make them ballyhooed and reward them well. The media stuffed with money by Soros can be recognized from the way they follow the old Leninist tactic: they always use personal attacks. They never present the case, or the allegations; they never argue about the issues; they do not fatigue themselves or the audience with the refutation of ideas. They intimidate people, and if that’s not enough, destroy them; therefore their journalists and activists are specialists in character assassination.

The Soros-type so-called “civilian organizations” — which he keeps in the manner of gentry — are also the trustees of “independence” and “professionalism”. They refer to themselves and each other warmly “as an objective” organization. Enthusiastically and without complaint, they can sent into battle at any time, with any goal that is assigned to them by the Soros empire. Soros’ unprecedented power and influence derives from these all-encompassing auxiliary troops and cross-border networks. They are moved by him in an organized and coordinated way. Occasionally in line with US foreign policy interests, contrary to those interests some other times, often serving them, at other times in a temporary alliance with local leaders, but always in hope of a lavish profit. After all, he is a businessman, or more precisely a speculator who earns by destroying others while he piles up lavish profits.

The Soviet empire becomes the Soros empire

The big game that takes place in the background, the game played by the superpowers, regional and local power centers, often can’t be easily detected, but sooner or later the puzzle comes together. The bottom line is always the same: to take possession of new spheres of influence, or retain existing ones. Such was the case after the collapse of the Soviet empire, as it created a power vacuum. Now, looking back to the past, we can state that in our region, by the end of the 1990s, the change of spheres of influence took place relatively smoothly with a relatively low level of blood sacrifice.

The eighties brought about significant changes in the relationship between the bipolar world’s two superpowers. Ronald Reagan had adopted a new foreign policy doctrine. The defensive national strategic objectives which were based on defense and which defined the attitude of the US over decades of Soviet experiments in expansion were replaced by new ones intended to curb the Soviet Union and bring about the overthrow of communism.

The support the US provided to Polish Solidarity and the Afghan mujahideen and the fact that Deng Xiaoping opened China to the world and started down the road that gave them the position of a world power — these created new conditions and tasks for the former Soviet bloc and for Hungary. By then the Hungarian party leadership — which was loaded with technocratic bureaucrats — initiated a pilot project with the permission of the Soviets that aimed to test the limits of possible socialist reform. One of the first steps was to join to the World Bank and the IMF in 1982, and in 1984 came the agenda to dissolve ideological uniformity as well. Working closely with the highest level of the party, George Soros’ freshly-created foundation was able begin its operation in Hungary, which among others supported me, too.

Soros wanted the OTP very very much

When George Soros appeared in socialist Hungary in 1984, Soviet rule seemed more stable and unchallengeable. Half a decade later, in 1990, when, thank God, the communists had failed, Soros had already gathered wide train of subsidy behind himself: he wanted to take over the whole Hungarian public debt, in return he asked for the cream of Hungarian industry and national wealth. However, József Antall, our first freely-elected prime minister, turned him down.

The talking heads who had been put into position by Soros then started an overwhelming media campaign advocating that all the debt accumulated by our country under the communists should under the new democratic system be paid back to the last cent without any restructuring or remission of debts. The same talking heads kept telling us that in our region we would be the only ones who would not do re-privatization, where the original owners would get back their nationalized assets. Instead of that, the comrades urged that we continue the previously initiated privatization. This connected the contemporary opposition [means: SZDSZ = Free Democrats = liberal party — translator] with the former communist comrades, who had already got rich quick in the wild privatization, to continue a push for more complete and faster privatization, which became the post-communist camp’s primary demand. Today it is beyond question that these wild privatizations and the others that followed really meant selling off public assets at a price far below their value.

Péter Boross was prime minister when Soros started his attempt to acquire the largest Hungarian retail bank, OTP, below the price. Boross’ intentions and then those of the new, now socialist, PM Gyula Horn failed. Under the MSZP-SZDSZ [MSZP = Hungarian Socialist Party, SZDSZ = Free Democrats = liberal — translator] government, emphasizing the strong support of the coalition partner SZDSZ, Soros reinserted into the agenda the purchase of OTP for a very low price, which meant that he would have been able to obtain control of the largest Hungarian financial institution and thus the Hungarian economy. Horn prevented this.

The Hungarian experience

In our country Soros tested out what kind of organizations to invest in, and what kind of network he needed to create in order to represent his interests as efficiently as possible. It became very clear to him that persons and groups committed to national interests, such as Antall or Boross of the MDF [Hungarian Democratic Forum = Hungarian conservative party — translator] and the national block of the socialists and — since its opposition to the Democratic Charter Fidesz — hindered his business by considering national interests.

He built up and expanded his network of opinion-forming groups, some of which were enthusiastic and others careless, some of them consciously, more for the tangible benefits of quick success, survived with the opportunities offered by Soros. We could also say that Soros bought a portion of the intellectuals, above all the liberals, but dropped some “gifts” for others, too. In the Hungarian cultural and social sciences, Soros’ supporters have significant, even dominant positions. Taking advantage of their media dominance, they have been in the ringleader’s position for decades.

He attracted many people using misleading, deceptive means, setting innocent goals, for example: gender equality, gypsy programs, hospital equipment and, above all, the protection of human rights. Human rights have been transformed by Soros and his activists into a rubber band that can be expanded, enlarged and applied as desired. Today rights are mostly used to protect migrants, and recently some have attempted to extend them to animals. All of this only partially obscures — if at all — the fact that through the Soros network he wants to enforce his primary political goals, which can always be used everywhere to make money immediately and make a whole lot of it for the network’s businesses.

There is also a lot of coordinated effort to ensure that when Soros’ name is mentioned, the present-day younger generation sees a selfless human friend acting for noble purposes, and not the ruthless currency scamper who wanted to destroy and obtain the largest bank in France in 1988, and broke the British pound in 1992.

This last action, in addition to making him huge profits, also earned a kind of financial celebrity status for him, which he enjoys very much. In 1998, the ruble was kicked to the curb, which also caused significant damage to the Hungarian economy. In his open letter to The Financial Times, he argued that the Russian economy was overvalued, actually inoperative, and demanded that the ruble be devalued by at least 15-20%. As a result, the ruble collapsed, depreciating by 60%, and Russia became insolvent. Payments, retirement and, of course, the savings of millions of Russian people were gone, just as happened half a decade previously to the British.

If someone asks why the activities of Soros and the organizations he funds in Russia become unbearable, the roots can be found here. But a year earlier he executed a speculative attack against Malaysia, Thailand and Japan. According to the Malaysian President, Soros is a criminal who ruined what the Malays have built for forty years. “When I make money, I’m not considering the social consequences,” Soros explained in a humanitarian way. Yes, and when we talk about Soros the humanitarian, who feels a distinct and special commitment to Hungarians, let’s recall that in 2008, in the most difficult times of the financial crisis, Soros and his businessmen launched a hostile buyout attack against the Forint [Hungarian currency] and OTP. We repulsed those attacks, and the Financial Supervisory Authority hit a Soros company with a record $0.5 billion fine, which he paid easily.

However, it is good to keep in mind what to expect, who he really is. A speculator who represents the business interests of a specific group of global business and financial circles, with a ruthless push, playing on a thousand instruments, and knowing no barriers. It is only natural that the “authoritative” press sponsored by him, describe him as a philanthropist. But what kind of humanitarian is he, who robbed a series of European and Asian currencies with his speculations, and broke the savings, pensions, and salaries of the little people, to amass huge profits?

His wealth is registered in the offshore tax havens, the Cayman Islands and the Netherlands Antilles, so the main funding source of the left-wing foundations worrying about the poor is a tax evader. In our region, having invested a relatively small amount of money, he has gained enormous influence. So, in his own judgment, he managed to make the Soviet Empire into the Soros Empire.

Soros and the Left are the same thing

In the USA in 1994, a decade after launching his foundation in Hungary, he began his network. His civilians campaigned for the legalization of light drugs in the first round. Then there were the so-called left-wing issues (the politically correct canon, environmental protection, feminism, homosexual rights, homosexual marriage, support for migration, friendship with Islam, racism, campaigns against white people, the legalization of prostitution, etc.). They done this with great efficiency, not only in the USA, but in Europe too, so for today Soros and the Left have become one and the same.

Today’s “causes of the Left” are those to which the Soros network stands for, supports, represents, and enforces by all necessary means. So Soros has captured the Left, which now unscrupulously serves the interests of large global corporations and global financial players. This is the reason why we see at the leading edge of the Left only well-dressed businessmen, bankers, corporate managers, and politicians who will soon become big business lobbyists. (Clinton, Schröder, Blair, Horn [Gyula Horn, Hungarian communist turned socialist, former PM], Macron, Schulz, Gyurcsány [Ferenc Gyurcsány, socialist successor to Horn], Bajnai [Gordon Bajnai, socialist/liberal prime minister, successor to Gyurcsány]).

In order for Soros to buy the Left and, incidentally, liberalism, a necessary condition was the purchase of the US Democratic Party, which the writers for the Saturday Night Live satirical program also treated as facts. [Before they themselves were bought by Soros — translator]. In their show they speak of Soros as “The Owner of the Democratic Party”. One milestone in gaining influence over the Democratic Party was the adoption of the 2002 McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Law (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002), which prohibited large companies and trade unions, which have traditionally been the main supporters of the Democratic Party, from contributing campaign money. The Republicans were less affected, because they always had the support of rich private individuals. Thus, organizations involved in campaign support and organizations created by Soros became vital for the Democratic Party. Examples include, founded in 1998, the California Courage Campaign, founded in 2005, and the Center for American Progress (CAP), founded in 2003 — which sponsored Gordon Bajnai’s organization, the Together Movement — and headed by John Podesta, who was appointed as Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. Today, there are hundreds of “civil” organizations connected to Soros surrounding the US Democratic Party, which organize, make money, and carry out political tasks.

Soros’s first major policy-making action in the US, which he personally headed, was a campaign against the re-election of George W. Bush, for which he chipped in $24 million. His experiment failed. But with the election of Barack Hussein Obama, an extraordinary situation has arisen, that Soros’s goals — the left-liberal ideological views — have become official US policy. In the period before Obama, just as now with Trump, the Soros network has taken the side of the anti-American forces countless times , which is most apparent in the support for leftist Palestinian-friendly organizations in the West against Israel. Soros never supported Israel; he reasoned: “Israel has enough supporters.” When his man is not sitting in the White House, in his view “the USA is the biggest obstacle to a secure and just world order” and he also considers it important that “the USA give up its privileges”.


In Soros I am reminded of the villain of the 23rd Bond movie (Skyfall): Javier Bardem, who reminds us of the evil, but super-smart Silvara, who is obsessed and enthusiastic about world domination. Soros, too, is obsessed with a messianic enthusiasm, and as he himself says, he wants to accomplish the global world order, a global society that operates a global economic order. For us this sounds very familiar. Yes, almost half a century was lost to a similarly utopian world-saving project, one that was forced on us by equally “enthusiastic” people.

According to Soros, he has enough money so that none of the rules of the game apply to him and he can change the rules if he does not like them. “I’m interested in change,” he says. And he also proudly states: “I like subversive actions, I often use them.” Indeed he loves them, and applies them often. It is clear to everyone that Soros’s “civilians” networks are behind a set of colorful revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia, but also in Yanukovych’s collapse; and he had a hand in the Arab spring as well.

He wants to overthrow Orbán, and of course Trump as well. The method is the same everywhere. He buys influence in the intellectual world, within the academic, scientific, financial communities, and in the media. He builds and takes over political parties, NGOs. He organizes a network and uses it as a cover. He generates chaos and anxiety. By any means he weakens the reigning power. He always finds a subterfuge; he could be referring to election fraud or economic difficulties or any other pretext. He organizes large demonstrations, or if others are starting to organize, his people jump on the opportunity and seize control immediately. With Facebook, Twitter and large-scale mobile penetration, huge masses can be mobilized in less than a minute, so it is easier for him than ever. He has trained and expanded his activist network and media for the last for twenty-five years, with which he is trying to destabilize the system using these demonstrations. With his radical street fighters he provokes disturbances to create chaos. It is also important for the image to arise: the reigning power is failing soon, or it has already faltered; it is no longer in charge of the situation. But at least as important as the message is that the demonstrators are not alone, alongside them stands the whole society and even the whole world. Especially the “advanced”, “authoritative” part of the world. They are also think and act like you do, because you and the likes of you are on the “good” side of history; you represent progress.

This argument is only effective with young people. We, the elderly, know too well the “progressors” and those who always talk about historical necessity. When he has successfully generated civil, religious, border wars or an economic crisis, perhaps financial collapse and chaos ensues; then Soros steps into the role of organizer and he provides relief, emergency supplies, medicines; while he gives volunteer advice to stabilize the situation, but what is really important: he brings in a new political set-up, one that pursues the exalted goal of the “open society”, and is willing to play from the Soros music sheets. This is the time when he is really in his element. As he says, “The world needs a conscience, and my network of foundations provide that.”

The destabilization of Europe and the European Union is a mouthful, but that is on order now. The uncertainty caused by the economic and financial stalemate in 2008, and the exhaustion of the European political elite were, in themselves, quite a problem, but the Soros-supported migration crisis will really test the system. Taking the above recipe into account, it is not really difficult to calibrate the goal set by Soros. By maintaining and enhancing the migration pressure, he wants to divide the EU into two parts, destabilizing the western part of Europe with Muslim masses which cannot be integrated, and cut off the east half while drying them out financially. Then on the continent that is unable to resist, a real open society can be organized by Soros’ “civilian” organizations and all the leftist liberals. Of course, they must sacrifice their remaining identity on the altar of their openness, and give up everything that made them who they are.

It is lucky that there are other ones on the playing field besides Soros and his activists. Those who do not fall for the progressive, world-changing sirens’ voices and know exactly that their calling words, democracy, the checks and balances, human rights and freedom of speech out of their mouth are just as good as of the former communists’: That is, nothing. They’re discredited and perfidious. They do not tolerate debate, open speech, and arguments. I feel sorry for the leftists. In their deal with Soros, the put everything in the left behind them. The dreams and aspirations of the little people. They betrayed them and gave up their defense and representation. As an exchange they got nothing else from Soros, only money. And that is never enough, there are always more people who claim it than they can get money for. Once it’s gone, they left with nothing, not even their self-respect.

The 2010 Fidesz victory has created unexpected obstacles for the Soros Empire, which has been inexorably expanding in our country since 2002. The opposing wind in Hungary is also very important because, as I mentioned, Soros’s humanitarian operation began here, and with the CEU here, this is their main resupply-training base. If the same laws apply to the CEU as to all the other universities, it will send the message that György Soros is not all-powerful and not invulnerable. Which is as good news for us as it is intolerable for him and his activists.


I have already mentioned that for years now Soros has become an open political kingmaker in the US. He supported Hillary Clinton with enormous amounts of money; Trump’s victory was a personal failure for him, so he aims to overthrow him. His organizations are trying to destabilize the elected President of the United States on a daily basis, constantly attacking, challenging his legitimacy, ability, and loyalty to the country. All this is done by following the recipe he has been used successfully with his organizations several times in our region. Just as in Macedonia or Serbia. In the color revolutions, from Georgia to the Ukraine, they gathered enough experience. Just as in the Balkans, where the Soros foundations trained the activists, students and civilians in Belgrade around February 2003, who then carried out the project of the “peaceful revolution” and planted Saakashvili instead of Shevardnadze in the leadership of Georgia.

And it was no different with the overthrow of Yushchenko or the destabilization attempts against Orbán.

The majority of Soros’ “educational” — more precisely, training — programs and influence projects are aimed at winning elections for the Sorosist forces in various places around the world.

He therefore spends stupendous amount of sums to weaken any “populist” politicians who fight against mass immigration and the rise of global world powers and who tries to stand up for the sovereignty of their nation.

The “confidential” documents of the Soros think tank, the Open Society Foundation, clearly show that, for example, through the Athena Institute, where Tamás Meszerics (LMP) [a liberal micro-party — translator] works with Zsuzsanna Szelényi (Together), just in 2013 they spent $35,000 to cripple Hungarian populist voices. Another $100,000 was given to various “independent” institutes all over the EU to fight populism in our region. A total of $6 million has been given by Soros to 90 different institutes to campaign for mass migration in the 2014 European elections.

Interestingly, no information published on Wikileaks made it into The New York Times or CNN, or even to The Washington Post or CBS News.

Soros is present in about a hundred countries. What he represents and what members of his networks represent is the breakdown of national sovereignty, the representation of the interests of global companies, the priorities of the “advanced West”. And an ideological mix: Sorosism, which sucked the breathable air away from the Left and liberalism. What replaced it is Soros’ utopian globalist world of values, where instead of the “Uniting the proletarians of the world” he “Unites the globalists of the world” to represent their business interests. They bought the Left and liberalism for themselves, expropriated their values and repositioned them to serve their interests of global migration and a global market. Everyone who persists in national sovereignty, in defending national interests — that is to say, to serve the sectors and masses who can only enforce their interests through their elected representatives — is called populist, fascist and Nazi.

To fight against such people they mobilized their enormous financial strength, and their fighters disguised as civilians. We have experienced this many times since the migration crisis in Romania, Macedonia, Poland and Slovakia. But the United States got a taste of it too not long ago, in Ferguson, in the suburbs of St. Louis, where in summer of 2014, Soros spent millions of dollars to bring his paid agitators from all over the USA, from the Left of the University of Berkeley to Brooklyn, New York. They organized demonstrations and riots for weeks, accompanied by huge media campaigns to prove that racism was institutionalized in Ferguson. Their campaign did not achieve the desired goal, because the white mayor, who was called chief racist by Soros’ activists, was re-elected in the town that is almost entirely black.


When the Central European University moved to Budapest just a few years after the Iron Curtain was dismantled, many of us, including myself, welcomed it as the symbol of Westernism, American university freedom and quality in Budapest. We saw it as a consequence of the American victory in the Cold War, the time of free thinking, the opposite of what had been accomplished until then in the university sphere, where everything was made one-sided and mandatory by Marxist communism. Because in the field of the social sciences, the party-state rigorously insisted on its monopoly worldview. It soon became apparent, however, that CEU, by no means contributing to the pluralist thinking in social science, instead became a unilateral supporter of postmodern communism, which already had a huge positive advantage, so what really happened is that the Western representatives of the Marxists have arrived. Every discarded American, Canadian, Israeli and West European Marxist found in a safe position and had a nice few years at the CEU’s department of social sciences. Michael Ignatieff, the Rector of CEU, and his fellow warriors have tried to distort the fact that the Hungarian CEU should operate according to Hungarian law, as if the freedom of education or the autonomy of the university had been compromised in Hungary. This is not the case at all.

However, it is true that our former admiration for Anglo-Saxon universities has ceased. With so many years of experience behind us, we have become much more critical in that direction. Over the last quarter century we have gained many more people who speak English, and the World Wide Web makes it possible for us to be broadly informed. This could not be done behind the Iron Curtain. We read and hear that in American and British universities they do not tolerate opposition; those with whom militant Sorosists disagree are not allowed to speak.

This is what the militant communist youths did, who with the support of the Communist Party behind them, persecuted and purged all the non-communists from Hungarian universities and colleges by the end of the forties of the last century. We do not want to do this again, even though today this is the criterion for “progressiveness”. Just as we do not want “safe spaces” either, like the ones at the CEU where people can hide if they do not want to listen to others. We do not want political activists to be trained in our universities to specialize in sabotage actions, as they did at the CEU and more recently at Harvard.

Looking back on the past, we can see that the support of Soros was a deadly embrace. He twisted and shaped his university after his own image, as he did with the political left wing. First the SZDSZ, who called themselves Liberals, disappeared from the Hungarian political palette, and now the survival of the former Socialists has become questionable. But they still do not understand the consequences for Ildikó Lendvai, the revelation of the former president of the Hungarian Socialist Party: “The opposition is on the side of Soros”. They do not understand that the politician who becomes a Sorosist seals his own fate. George Soros is an old man; he will be 87 years old on August 12th. He lived through the Holocaust, of which he said at one point: “1944 was the happiest part of my life. It was a very positive experience. I believed in myself, believed in my father and knew nothing could happen to me.” Nothing happened to him. He swindled together a world empire. He has immeasurable wealth and his power is almost limitless. But nothing lasts forever. Everything must end.