“Look Back” – GCR/RV Intel SITREP – Tuesday – August 8, 2017
Received via email for publication at 12:00 AM EDT. ~ Dinar Chronicles
We have officially entered into a divine feminine era. It’s new. And for men, it’s a supporting role versus a leading part.
For women, it’s new too. Stepping up into your power ladies is real, as men take a necessary step back to balance out the energies of the world.
You know it. So do they. Please lead us. We need help.
For as a species and planet, we are so very out of balance. It won’t take long to correct this cosmic injustice, but we must do our indivisible jobs as written in the golden book of fate.
Which is also real. No getting around its truth either. It’s just so, and so it is.
So as we leap off one reality ledge and into another dimension, I wanted to offer this enduring quote that has stuck with me in times of unbearable duress.
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Moliere
This truth seems illogical if not irrational when going through your unbearable struggles, I know first hand. Yet somehow I was always able to process my own sufferings as benevolent bricks along a pathway leading to my greatest glory.
The one Moliere spoke of, and I now speak to you.
It took twelve yeas for me to realize my philanthropic desires of rescuing my hometown and family… and for that IAM most grateful.
It took twelve years for my wife and to realize our shared dream of becoming a family (my daughter Anela’s pictured below was born a year ago today on 8/8).
I share this now because I was born on 12/12, as if God was telling me my two most difficult obstacles were going to take twelve years each to overcome.
Boy, Moliere wasn’t kidding! Ouch!
Yet all the misery I was made to endure or brought upon myself along the way would ultimately facilitate my greatest glory… and go far beyond.
My daughter is soooooo cool. She is my reward for sticking out the RV no doubt.
This was my path. It’s one of billions, all equal in the eyes of God.
But I’m sure there are breadcrumbs God has left behind for you in your own difficult yet heroic path.
Because finally, you’re now going to realize all those irrational dreams and never again have even the need to look back at your sufferings and failures.
So before receiving such a blessing, perhaps it’s wise to take a moment and look back as to witness everything “bad in your life.” Allow the possibility it was actually created from a place of agape love as to prepare you now for your glory.
Good luck in your new reality everyone.
Be blessed in all you do and say, as the divine feminine era of enlightenment was. Ken this afternoon and shall exist for the remainder of our earthly days.
Hallelujah! Look always to serve versus being served, bless versus be blessed, and give versus receive.
For we are the chosen, and why our obstacles were so brutal, crippling and long.
God is with us