
Love is our new reality

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Message from Archangel Michael, April 26th, 2024


Message from Archangel Michael

The healed man, the person grown in love, the living person connected to God – that is the future! All different prophecies have been cancelled today and made ineffective!

You will be given!

Healing will happen, love flows and life will be given!


I’m in the middle of you now!

I arrived with an unmanageable large crowd of light creatures from the diverse levels of being! The light works and it affects your life today, here and now! Blessed are those who can receive this blessing and experience this touch with the light now!

Let’s devote ourselves to your healing now! Wounds of many times as well as current injuries need to heal, of the light and the love of God. So today, here and now the energetic changes are made to you, so that you feel more complete and connected to the reality of God.

There is only one real deficiency that a person can suffer from: the lack of connection to God! This deficiency is now being remedied in all people who open their hearts to this healing.

It happens because you are what you are, and because the call of your heart has reached us!

In this way, you will be adjusted to love, you will be aligned to love – and you can experience love in the first place. Where there is a lack of divine connection, there is always a lack of love – and there is a lack of love above all in this world.

Today, here and now, the miracle of a back connection is happening and the flow of love is set in motion. As a revival, you will be reborn in this place today and left filled with the divine light of God’s love. You will return home and may ask yourself: “What happened to me? I feel so different!?” That means LIFE!

The initial ignition

God is life and you are life. Learning what it feels like when your energy centers are cleaned brings a new lightness. Feeling when healed is what was ready for healing today means a new attitude to life. What is happening to you now is the transformation from the inside out. The initial ignition for a deep and constant connection to the divine is given and a new, more lively attitude to life is established!

I came to you today with the unmanageable host of light beings to work directly with you to refine and strengthen your energy flow.

Because this time needs one thing above all: clear, powerful and people oriented towards the unity of all being, a revolution that truly has it all when the individual finds himself in the great cosmic plan and lives up to his role in the earthly game.

Now the energy you need for your next steps in knowledge is provided. This is not only a message for your ears, but a message for your whole being, for your whole being. Your reminder will be activated! It’s happening today, here and now.

The healed person is the future!

Whenever you are led to this message and whenever you are ready to take it in your heart, in the following days this power of light will be integrated into your being. You will feel lively and centered, you will be full of compassion – love awakens.

Everything is given to you, because you are the healing to the man of light and the earth that they so urgently need now.

The healed man, the person grown in love, the living person connected to God – that is the future! All different prophecies have been cancelled today and made ineffective!

Lift up your hearts.

Raise your souls.

God is with each of you.

You are infinitely loved.

I am and will stay with you until the end of all days – forever.