Message from the Chinese Elders for December 31, 2017
Chinese Elders 12/31/17
Hello and holiday greetings everyone,
I had been busy attending to some urgent matters that cropped up due to humanitarian and spiritual concerns. Redd Hawke (my native american associate) opined that I should say something before the end of the Gregorian year even though I would like to do so prior to the end of the Chinese Lunar Year. He is helping me in composing this in some coherent manner.
It had been made patently clear that the global RESET was well in place when the Wild Card Donald Trump became POTUS. The Wild Card could not be named at the beginning of the thread to avoid any pre-emptive elimination by discordant forces. In fact the reset process started at the beginning of the Year of The Fire Monkey in early 2016. Various elements of the forces of rebalancing started earnest work in ensuring the Wild Card scenario eventuated. There were hiccups resulting in less than optimal results because of ego and turf issues amongst the so called white hats, thereby delaying the implementation of the middle phases of the reset in the US. It was also not helped by the less than desirable level of awakening amongst the masses whereby pressure was not sufficient strong enough to revolutionize the ” US Imperial Court “. The wiser amongst the white hats in coordination with Oriental Elders had to wing it and come up with quick fixes and improvizations. It is reckoned that all these worked well enough for the POTUS and his team to embark on the current courses of action. We cannot and should not go into specifics. Suffice to say the cleansing process of the RESET is well under way.
Redd Hawke (Native american associate) advised me that a certain lower level white hat Mr Steele had let out the information that the discordant forces wanted to pressure Mr Trump to ignite a global war by February 2018. Note, the month stated was February when The Year Of The Fire Rooster 2017 ends. It was unfortunate that this information was prematurely disseminated. Had it been held back for a couple of months, it would have been easier to eliminate the arsenal and assets amassed for that purpose as those would have been closer to the theater of operations making detection that much easier. The aim is to defang and detoxify, not to destroy as there can be unforeseen consequences when conducting seek and eliminate options. This is an example of non optimal results due to exuberant exercise of free will, something we have to live with and are living with. It is an exercise of free will, a mistake made and mistakes will continue to be made. Only lesson learnt is to be circumspect when giving information whilst doing good.
The use of US white hats is crucial as the forces of rebalancing and harmony know that because of the Western-centric nature of present global education, information gathering and dissemination, mass media, socio-political structure, economic and financial models, so on and so forth, the initiative MUST BE SEEN to come from the US or the West. This had been emphasized before. Otherwise the human consciousness held captive by eons of Western domination will find it very hard to accept and assimilate the changes in order to rebalance. Subconscious resistance wrought by eons of cabal indoctrination will surface with so so much shouts of foreign conspiracies and conquests. The POTUS recent action can seem to be out of a page of Russian or Chinese governmental operations manual, but as it is ” American “, it ain’t that shocking enough as to generate widespread resentment except those directly targetted.
Now comes the question of whether the later phases of the RESET will be gentle or tumultuous. Spiritual audits of human consciousness at timeline conjunction nodes to date indicate that absolute gentle seamless rebalancing may not be achievable. People, particularly those who know a little of this or that, have to prepare for disruptions and shocks to most of the systems they are used to. Time to get to a true communist model of living. No, not a socialist dictatorship like what you want to paint China, Cuba or North Korea. But a true communist, or communalist model of self sufficiency as living in a self sustaining hamlet sharing essentials and necessities in harmony with nature. I think the world wide web has heaps of sites with information about living in a self sustaining manner ON the grid as well as OFF the grid.
Talking of communism and socialism, sorry folks…you will soon realize that your future will be a form of what you can term as benevolent socialism. Having said that, benevolent socialism will seem utopic for many centuries but it can breed laziness, apathy, complacency. Something which future wise elders have to tweak and improvize. Oriental Elders soul travelling to assess future trends can already perceive complacency and lack of development. This is probably due to human spiritual and psychological stagnancy in higher vibrational octaves as humans tend to bask too much in comfortable settings after eons in our very challenging present and past reality.
Great efforts will be made by people whose soul contracts and whose intrinsic natures call for engineering a soft seamless transcendence to a rebalanced reality. However as of the latest spiritual audit, human consciousness is still found wanting in areas where that matter most. The RESET is on track but the ride may not be the smoothest of journeys.
Why the focus or obsession with engineering a seamless gentle reset? Again it is the question of human consciousness. People in the West are obsessed with their kick-ass abilities and think it is fun. That is not in line with natural cosmic changes. Kick-ass tumultuous changes bring lots of disharmony, widespread grievances, physical and psychological sufferings which the human psyches generate. This provide negative psychic energies feeding the astral entities who are the higher dimensional controllers of the earth bound forces of discordance and dominance. These entities thrive on negative psychic energies stemming from human sufferings. The immense negative psychic energies fed to this entities will strengthen their powers create further resistance to the rebalancing process, thereby prolonging the tumult and chaos.
For esoteric operational reasons, information on the Oriental, other Global and Cosmic Elders’ work in orchestrating the RESET and REBALANCING has to be minimized. The internet fora are replete with lots of good and bad information. Most cancel out, so the general wisdom is to let it be.
My foreign contacts lamented that a few do gooders had copied information from certain websites about the reset . They were mainly focussed on something called GCR or RV which I take to mean currency reset matters. How sick has the money magick make the world?! The obsession with currency reset to make a fortune is apalling, despite all the lofty talks of disbursing whatever largesse for projects or whatever. It is wanton and deplorable greed in times when people should seek to balance their physical and spiritual needs. We are seeking to graduate out of this paradigm of greed, unnecessary desires and attachments. So even though currency resets will come later, they are not the reset we focused on. This thread was intended to share knowings and information. So it boils down to readers to exercise good sense and discernment.
In the East, the money madness has gone to the extreme with ambitious people all caught up in the American dream. In my native China, the super rich are going for everything big. Big mansions, big polluting cars, big banquets, big talk and most big things ending up in utter waste, besides driving up a big gap between the have and have nots. I believe the same in Russia and India all caught up in a destructive mindset propagated by capitalist cabalist propaganda. Without going into exhaustive mind boggling details, it is the loan sharks, the banksters and global cabal who reap the most from the illusory wealth these new rich fat cats think they now possess. The widespread mass media worship of physical and financial wealth from propaganda bankrolled by the shadowy cabal economic hitmen are a real headache for Elders who counsel balance and proper use of resources. The attraction for artificial stuff and the heads in the sand approach to computerization, artificial intelligence and modern gadgetry reminds one of the stupidity of ancient Ming and Ching dynasty officials when introduced to ” magic science ” by the Jesuits.
The ” it’s glorious to be rich ” exhortation from Deng Xiao Peng without a concomitant assertion of responsible and moral approach to wealth gathering was certainly very destructive despite what all the freaking economic gurus and analysts say. The environmental mess and socio-cultural breakdowns are testament to the shortsightedness of that policy. Subsequent policy makers comprising well entrenched members of the Shanghai factions heavily influenced by the left over ” jews ” WW2 refugees made things even worse. Next came the gang from again the heavily ” jews ” influenced Tsinghua university.
The focus on financial reset is very troubling and that’s why I steered clear. That focus on finance, money, is troubling because that undermines our human evolvement. The reset is a holistic phenomenon, with the financial aspect to be a very very small part of human focus as things should fall into place by themselves without incurring huge amounts of human energy. The forces pushing back have been so successful ito diverting human energy into that via the alternative media that it is really painful to watch. But it is part of the assessment, part of the finals so much so that talking about it now actually means I may be very guilty of ” leaking some information about the exam questions of the finals “! Human evolvement cannot progress much if we cannot wean human consciousness from focus on this ” effusive life energy called money/finance “. It is termed ” life energy ” for very good reasons and it is a very critical question in your finals.
The saving grace for China and Russia are the masses of ordinary people who all seem sheepish, but have immense internal fortitude with simple human heart and soul goodness. They are no doubt exposed to the overwhelming social media preaching greed on the sly, but the simpleness of their existence still leave them room to appreciate the simple, natural things of life. Their consciousness during the spiritual audits still hold good potential. The same is true for some areas of Americas and the rest of the world.
Talking about the graduation, the time frame depends on how humanity do in the finals in cosmic time stream. The reset process cannot be taken as graduation but can be considered as part of the finals. Cosmic time is always in the ” present flow “. Graduation affords many possibilities and probabilities, on the earth planes, on the other earth planes as well as the other dimensional planes depending on one’s freewill and one’s potential. One’s higher selves shall see to the optimal progress of the adventurous journey of spiritual evolution. Synchronicity in the flow with the Way facilitates optimal progress.
The RESET has enabled the ” finals ” to be in place. The present happenings are part of the finals made possible because the RESET is already well in progress. How human consciousness, in the part of the world where the happenings occur, reacts, performs and learns will be assessed. The nonchalance, ambivalence and sometimes downright intransigence of some people to graduation potentialities are most disappointing. However there are also many clusters of awakenings that may just achieve the minimum standards to pull a smooth graduation.
Best Wishes and Warmest Regards.
— Submitted Anonymously