People have been waking up for some time now to their ability to demand better representation, as their leaders have not truly put them at the head of their list. It seems that some are more interested in service to self, and it is time more attention was given to the needs of the people. Governments have proved to be too big to provide personal attention to the problems that have arisen. There is an arguable need for smaller groups that are given adequate power to serve the people on a more personal basis. Local Councils are an obvious choice if given the power and financial assistance that would be needed. In some countries the people are virtually ignored and have openly stood up against those in charge. The mood for change is very powerful and it must come if you are to move with the times. Needed changes cannot be held back as the impetus is too powerful, but sometimes it is a hard struggle to get going when the dark Ones still interfere with progress.
The greater plan for your evolution has been in place for eons of time, and it comes from the experiences of many different groups. You could certainly say that your plan has been well tried and tested, and you have the benefit of knowledge previously gained. Your life styles may be different but the basic experience is suited to all types of souls. The main aim is to achieve a realisation of the existence of soul groups and know that you all came from the same Source – The Supreme Creator. You may “wear” different bodies and your lifestyle may be unusual, but the fact remains that you are all souls that have come from the same Source. You all have the same goals and that is to bring your experiences back to the Godhead.
The enormity of Space that seems endless is beyond a mortal’s imagination, and to think that it is filled with all types of life at different stages of evolution. It begs the question as to what great life form oversees it all, and how can such a massive set up be controlled and administered so well that everything seems to operate so smoothly. Well that will remain a mystery for the time being until you are yourselves more evolved and able to comprehend it. You still have much to do and learn and you have only just started your journey. You have some concepts to grasp as you make your way forward and possibly the fact that all is in the now is the hardest one to understand. By all means give it thought and if you are ready your Guides will help you understand a different type of existence. It is called progress as you make the return journey from whence you came.
The apparent isolation that we seem to have been in for thousands of years, is to ensure that as a freewill planet we are allowed to live by our freewill and consequently are responsible for the outcome. It is a sure way of learning how to evolve in a manner that results in our gradual evolution. Visitors to your planet are of course normally kept at bay, or at least restricted to only being allowed as observers. An exception was the presence of the Anunnaki who by their actions covered a phase of our needed experiences, whilst at the same time clearing old karma. It is true that nothing happens by chance, and events of any note can help many, many souls even if they were not directly involved in the actions that brought it about. Karma has served its purpose but is not now necessary to the extent it was previously, as most is cleared very quickly.
It must seem strange to you that a comparatively small percentage of souls can give out so much light that it can actually carry man forward and onto a higher level of vibrations such as you are enjoying now. Yes, some souls will dispute that point but they do not have such a panoramic view of what is happening on Earth as we do. Plus it is harder to comprehend what is going on when you are in the middle of what is taking place. Furthermore you cannot see the potential that exists, particularly at this time when you are in the midst of the changes. We can assure that out of the chaos the new pathways will become apparent, and make good the promises of better times, when all things will happen for the better good of the people.
When the plan for your individual evolution is worked out, you are allotted Guides who have the experience to see you through such matters. They will lead you and inspire you so that as far as possible you follow your agreed path. Helping other souls along is the work of more highly evolved souls, who have experience in the same type of challenges as you are facing. Sometimes you will feel them around you along with the deceased amongst your own family, who love to occasionally visit you to see how you are doing. They like you to know they are with you, and sometimes you will feel them around you. They do not sit in the bath with you or do anything that you would find embarrassing, but particularly in your quiet moments they choose to let you know they are around. It will not be your imagination, so do not dismiss those feelings of contact being made with you.
Can you imagine the joy and laughter when those who have risen up know that you are due to leave the Earth. There is no sorrow or mourning but excitement at the thought that you are returning to the Light, and all of your family and friends that have passed on will be there to greet you. It will be celebrations all round in what is known as the Summerland for obvious reasons. There is absolutely nothing wrong in looking forward to the reunion that awaits you, and with the right approach you can enjoy your return to the higher levels that you descended from to incarnate. Bear in mind that in the higher levels you still have an “Earth Body” but not the heavy and dense version you left behind, but one that can be changed by the power of your thought. You can literally think things into being.
As you can imagine, compared to your Earth experiences that are mainly very demanding and often tiring, in the higher levels you feel refreshed and full of life. So much so that you do not need to lay your body down for long periods to “recharge” as you did on Earth. So much is different but will be to your liking and very satisfying. We know that some of you will jokingly ask if you can take your mobile phones with you, but in any event you would not need them as you communicate with each other by the power of thought.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Source: Tree of the Golden Light