Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for February 19, 2018
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – February 19, 2018
Alliance Ghost Operatives uncovered blueprints for prototype weapons from the Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. located near Sawtooth Range before destroying it.
Attached to the blueprints were documents revealing plans for a particular prototype weapon being constructed at a hidden underground outpost located under Gannett Peak, Wyoming.
This particular prototype weapon is a long range, low frequency repeater which amplifies and re-routes standard HAARP signals.
This was a major concern for the Alliance due to the fact Gannett Peak is close to Yellowstone Caldera.
The Alliance have located this outpost and deployed Ghost Operative Teams to neutralize and destroy it as of 12:39 PM EST today.
The D.U.M.B. at Sawtooth Range was the last “recorded” Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. that was built.
Cabal-MIC hidden underground outposts may still remain.
Note: These hidden underground outposts are not classified as D.U.M.B’s.
All threats must be neutralized prior to bringing in the new financial system (RV/GCR) and beginning the transition event into Nova Earth.
The Alliance are racing against time as the window of opportunity to begin the transition event this month is closing fast.