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The Arcturian Collective via Galaxygirl, January 12th, 2018

Message from the Arcturian Collective for January 12, 2018

Arcturian Collective 1/12/18

Greetings friends, ascending ones, warriors of old and of density. We greet you warmly on this day of days as Gaia rises further out of the dross and into glorious light of love and of potential awakenings.

We see your fatigue and we thank you for your service to Gaia. You are clearing on behalf of the entire collective as you have been told before many times. The coughing and fatigue are manifestations of this as well as a variety of other symptoms. We tell you this will soon end as you are all doing magnificently and we are most proud of you and your efforts for planetary ascension and clearing.

It is true, it has been a rough ride for many of you. You are being reacquainted with past pain(s) so that you can heal from them. Send them love and let them go. They will absolve themselves and be recycled. Oneness is intense, my friends. In the higher dimensions we communicate effortlessly as we can read each other quickly at a heart glance. Your hearts are opening more daily as you observe these new light encodements and as you ever expand further into the alignment with the New Earth – which is very real we assure you – and you are growing up quite rapidly.

The children coming in to your plane are very advanced spiritually and will be able to hold more light in form than previously thought possible. Listen to them; they are your leaders of the heart mind as it ever expands. Your societies will be most successful when they too operate at the heart mind level, which is the hallmark of advanced societies where all are cared for and nurtured, and the old and young alike are seen for the true treasures that they are, and that they offer within.

This reality is ever manifesting nearer to you. Be encouraged and be at peace. We love you with ever open arms. We are here and we are near. It is time to listen for us knocking and it is time to answer your innermost heart’s call to return to your true self, your higher self, and become reunited in frequency.

Be at peace. We are the Arcturian Collective and we send joy and light encodements to you now.

~ galaxygirl