Integrating Your Fifth Dimensional Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
Now is the time for those of you who are awakened to fully integrate the versions of yourselves from past lives who have lived in the fifth dimension. Many of you believe that you began your incarnational cycle in one of the lower dimensions and are now ascending, but you came down dimensionally from Source before you began the ascension process.
So you have all been twelfth dimensional beings, ninth dimensional beings, sixth dimensional beings, and of course, fifth dimensional beings, and you have existed in all of the dimensions we did not mention as well. Now, many of you also are new to the idea that you have incarnated in other parts of the galaxy.
Just because there has never been a fifth-dimensional version of humanity on planet Earth, does not mean that you haven’t been able to incarnate in other parts of the galaxy as fifth dimensional beings. You have, and you are downloading the information, abilities, and wisdom from those lifetimes. You are integrating those aspects of who you are into your now moment because it is relevant to what you are doing as ascending beings.
This integration process will be pleasant in comparison to some of the past lives that you’ve integrated from planet Earth and the third dimension. Now that you are aware of this process, you can expect to be more tuned in to the fifth-dimensional energies around you, and you can expect to have an easier time in your ascension process.
We also recommend that you welcome these aspects of who you are and who you have been into your hearts. They will give you a sense of wholeness. You will feel more complete, and you will have a better understanding of what you are moving into as you cross over from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
As much as these beings have to offer you, nothing will fully prepare you for the experience, because this experiencing of shifting upwards is so new and wonderful. And we are very proud to be a part of this experience with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”