A Quick Visit Home–The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
We see that many of many of you are already serving Gaia by your daily actions of unconditional love. You all know that fear is contagious, but unconditional love is a fifth dimensional energy field.
Therefore, not only does Unconditional Love, especially used in tandem with the Violet Fire, heal that which is wounded. However, they heal the wounding via transmuting, first the consciousness, and then the Heart, as well as the Heart’s flow of nurturing blood.
First, the Unconditional love heals the Heart Chakra, then the nervous system, then the muscular system, and finally connects all these systems into the FLOW of Unconditional Love.
Since Unconditional Love is a fifth dimensional energy field, it has the power of “transmutation.” Transmutation means that the actual frequency of the area to be healed is directed to resonate to the frequency rate of the fifth dimension.
Transmutation means that the frequency of person, place or thing, that is blessed with Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, may or may not be aware of an unusual feeling of love for all life. But, meanwhile, the Violet Fire is silently curing many of the fearful issues within your world within this NOW.
It may appear that the primary leader of the United States doesn’t know what he is doing. Unfortunately this assuming is not correct. The darkness knows of the power of the Violet Fire and is spewing out the antidote for the Violet Fire—FEAR—to any who attempt to live their life governed by Unconditional Love.
Because the United States is meant to be the “Flash Point” of Planetary Ascension, the Dark/Lost Ones have focused this FEAR at the United States, as well as those that the United States has sworn to protect.
The United States is the target because it is meant to be the “Flash Point” of Planetary Ascension. What we mean by a “Fear” is that the composite energy fields of fear that have accumulated in the Lower Astral Plane are being directed at the United States. Then, they needed to find a puppet, or an inept “leader”, to distract humanity from what was really happening.
Fortunately, many of the members of the United States, as well as those who the US has sworn to protect, have chosen to:
The United States was/is meant to be a “flash point” of Planetary Ascension. Unfortunately, for the Dark Ones are aware of this fact and have directed their efforts to creating and spreading as much fear as possible.
Therefore, we call our Ascending ONES to remember that Unconditional Love and Violet Fire are the antidote to fear and anger. You have seen how the humans who ascended from Gaia into the Higher Planes have refused to allow fear or anger to lower their consciousness.
It was in their higher state of consciousness that they were able to initiate their ascension with a continual flow of Unconditional Love. This Unconditional Love actually opened a portal of light above them, which was often visible to others.
This portal of light was the communication system through which they continually communed and communicated with their higher expressions of SELF.
Because of this continued flow of Unconditional Love, as well as the Violet Fire that allowed them to create their “miracles” of healing and feeding others, humanity was able to bond with a leader on the verge of ascension.
Many awakening humans are “remembering” the FEEL of Unconditional Love and the freedom that comes with the knowing that there are higher frequencies of reality to which they will be able to return at the close of their service to Gaia and Her beings.
As humanity is awakening more and more to their fifth dimensional consciousness, they are able to perceive higher dimensional realities. We, the Arcturians, wish to assure all of you that there ARE higher versions of reality to which Beloved Gaia will eventually “Land.”
Gaia is on an adventure, as are ALL Her inhabitants of great change. Unfortunately, “The Darkest Night is just before Dawn.” Yes, the dark night seems very long, but there is a great deal of transmutation that must occur before humanity is able to treat Gaia like their “MOTHER EARTH.”
Once the Landings are able to occur—which means once the humans have enough control OVER the dark ones, so they do not try to shoot us down—we, your Galactic Family, and easily repair that which the dark ones have “broken.”
However, Gaia is a free will planet, and the majority of the humans on Earth need to expand their consciousness enough that they can, at least, remember that they ALL have Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF who will assist them through the transition into a higher dimensional reality.
There are, of course, those who will refuse to change, so they will continue living on the 3D Matrix which is running the “illusion of a third dimensional planet.”
As Gaia continues Her ascension into the higher fourth and fifth dimensions of reality, the 3D Matrix will separate more and more from the body of Gaia. Therefore, the actual planetary being, known as “Gaia and/or Mother Earth,” will no longer be constricted by the lower frequencies of the Matrix.
Eventually, when Gaia moves into the resonance of the fifth dimension, the 3D Matrix will NOT be able to hold that energy field and will disarticulate from the planet. Those who still enjoy, and/or need, the third dimension will go with the 3D Matrix.
Simultaneously, those who are ready to ascend back into their innate 5D Lightbody SELF, will remain on Gaia to assist Her with Her transmutation into a fifth dimensional planet. Again, we remind you, our wonderful volunteers to Earth, that any fear or anger that you hold in your energy field actually “feeds” the dark ones.
Therefore, follow the Path of the ascended humans who chose to send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire towards those who have become lost to the darkness. We, the Arcturians, realize that we are asking you to do a VERY difficult thing.
However, as we look into the hearts and minds of the ascending ones, we KNOW that you are ready to return to your true, Multidimensional SELF. The return to your Multidimensional SELF means that your human self can remain on planet Earth until your Mission is completed.
Meanwhile, YOU will become more and more aware of your fifth dimensional reality of your Starship or Homeworld that is ALWAYS available for you to:
Visit your Galactic Family…
Take a long rest in a totally safe and unconditionally loving environment…
Attend our many classes on how to best assist Gaia and Her humans…
Or just Rest and Relax after a long “tour of duty” on Planet Earth…
We, the Arcturians, will greet you at the door!
We see that many of many of you are already serving Gaia by your daily actions of unconditional love. You all know that fear is contagious, but so is Unconditional Love, which is a fifth dimensional energy field.
Therefore, not only does Unconditional Love, especially used in tandem with the Violet Fire, heal that which is wounded, it also heals any wound via transmuting. This transmutation begins within the cosciousness, and then flows into the Heart, as well as into the Heart’s flow of nurturing blood.
First, the Unconditional love heals the Heart Chakra, then the flow of blood, then the nervous system, then the muscular system, and finally connects all these systems into the FLOW of Unconditional Love.
Since Unconditional Love is a fifth dimensional energy field, it has the power of “transmutation.” Transmutation is not just a healing. Transmutation means that the frequency of resonance of that which was healed, expands into the frequency of the fifth dimension.
In other words, the actual frequency of the area to be healed is directed to resonate to the frequency rate of the fifth dimension.
Transmutation means that the frequency of a person, place or thing, that is blessed with Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, may, or may not, be aware of an unusual feeling of love for all life. Meanwhile, Unconditional Love and the Violet Fire silently serve as ONE to assist with the curing of many of the fearful issues within your world NOW.
It may appears that many people do not know what is going on. This assumption is quite correct. The darkness knows of the power of the Violet Fire and is spewing as much FEAR as possible. Unfortunately for the Dark Ones—more and more humans are remembering it is the NOW to return to the higher frequencies of reality.
They are also remembering that the “Key to Ascension” is Unconditional Love.
Because the United States was meant to be the “Flash Point” of Planetary Ascension, the Dark Ones have focused the “Weapon of “Fear” at the United States, as well as those that the United States has sworn to protect. Yes, fear can be used as a weapon, but Unconditional Love is the Shield.
The United States was meant to be the the target of the FEAR because it was meant to be the “Flash Point” of Planetary Ascension. What we mean by a “fear” is that the composite energy fields of fear that have accumulated in the Lower Astral Plane are being directed at the United States.
Then, the Dark Ones needed to find a puppet, or an inept “leader,” to distract humanity from what was really happening. Fortunately, many of the members of the United States, as well as those who the US has sworn to protect, have chosen to:
The United States was/is meant to be a “flash point” of Planetary Ascension. Unfortunately, the Dark Ones are aware of this fact and have directed their efforts to creating and spreading as much fear as possible.
Therefore, we call our Ascending ONES to remember that Unconditional Love and Violet Fire are the antidote to fear and anger. You have seen how the humans who ascended from Gaia into the Higher Planes refused to allow fear or anger to lower their consciousness.
It was in their higher state of consciousness that they were able to initiate their ascension with a continual flow of Unconditional Love. This Unconditional Love actually opened a portal of light above them, which was often visible to others.
This portal of light was the communication system through which they continually communed and communicated with their higher expressions of SELF.
Because of this continued flow of Unconditional Love, as well as the Violet Fire that allowed them to create their “miracles” of healing and feeding others, humanity was able to have the experience of bonding with humans who went through the process of ascension.
Many, if not most of these ascended ones, came to Earth to quietly, or sometimes loudly, remind the people that there was the possible reality of an expansion from a third/fourth dimensional reality based on Time and Space INTO a fifth dimensional reality based the HERE and NOW.
Many awakening humans are “remembering” the FEEL of Unconditional Love and the freedom that comes with the knowing that there are higher frequencies of reality to which they will be able to return at the close of their service to Gaia and Her beings.
Humanity is awakening more and more to their fifth dimensional consciousness. Therefore, they are more and more able to perceive higher dimensional realities. We, the Arcturians, wish to assure all of you Ascending Ones that there ARE higher versions of reality to which Beloved Gaia will eventually, yet increasingly, resonate.
Gaia is on an adventure of great change, as are ALL Her inhabitants. It may seem that: “The Darkest Night is just before Dawn.” Yes, the dark night seems very long, but there is a great deal of transmutation that must occur before humanity is able to treat Gaia like their “MOTHER EARTH.”
Once the Landings are able to occur—which means once the humans have enough control OVER the dark ones, so they do not try to shoot us down and damage others—we, your Galactic Family, will easily repair that which the dark ones have “broken.”
However, Gaia is a free will planet, and the majority of the humans on Earth need to expand their consciousness enough so that they can, at least, remember that they ALL have Higher Dimensional Expressions of SELF.
It is also helpful for you all to remember that those who will assist you through the transition into a higher dimensional reality will “feel” like UNCONDITIONAL LOVE because they will have regained their ability to transmute reality into a higher frequency of resonance.
There are, of course, those who will refuse to change. Therefor, they will continue living on the 3D Matrix which is running the “illusion of a third dimensional planet.”
As Gaia continues Her ascension into the higher fourth and fifth dimensions of reality, the 3D Matrix will separate more and more from the body of Gaia. Therefore, the actual planetary being, known as “Gaia and/or Mother Earth,” will no longer be constricted by the lower frequencies of the Matrix.
Eventually, as more and more of the 3D Matrix is freed from Earth, Gaia will increasingly resonance to the frequency of the fifth dimension. As Gaia moves more and more into the higher frequencies, the 3D Matrix will NOT be able to hold that energy field and will disarticulate from the planet.
Those who still enjoy, and/or need, the third dimension will remain with the 3D Matrix. Simultaneously, those who are ready to ascend back into their innate 5D Light Body SELF, will remain on Gaia to assist Her with Her transmutation into a fifth dimensional planet.
Again, we remind our wonderful volunteers to Earth that any fear or anger that you hold in your energy field actually “feeds” the dark ones. Therefore, we remind you to follow the Path of the Ascended Ones, the humans who have ascended beyond the third/fourth dimensions of reality.
These Ascended Ones chose to send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire towards those who had become lost to the darkness. We, the Arcturians, realize that we are asking you to do a VERY difficult thing.
We are asking you to “let go” of your woundings, and send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into any person, place, situation or thing that harmed you in any manner. As we look more and more deeply into the hearts and minds of the Ascending Ones, we recognize the ways in which they are ready to return to their true, Multidimensional SELF.
The return to one’s Multidimensional SELF means that the human self can remain on planet Earth until their Mission is completed. Meanwhile, YOU, the Spirit within the SELF, can visit your
Ship during your sleep or deep meditations until you are called back to the fifth dimension.
You will ALL become more and more aware of your fifth dimensional reality of your Starship and/or Home World that was ALWAYS, and is NOW, available for you to:
Visit your Galactic Family…
Take a long rest in a totally safe and unconditionally loving environment…
Attend our many classes on how to best assist Gaia and Her humans…
Or just Rest and Relax after a long “tour of duty” on Planet Earth…
We, the Arcturians, will greet you at the door!
In fact, we see many of you in your Night Bodies right now.
The Arcturians
Through Suzanne Lie