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The Council via Ron Head, March 23d, 2017

The Council – Progress

Some of you are becoming impatient. Some of you are feeling as if nothing is happening. Others are elated. What accounts for this disparity? We will say that moving from the former group to the latter should be very easy for you right now.

If you are feeling impatient you are looking outside of yourselves and not seeing change, or seeing very little of it. But here is the true state of affairs.

What is truly happening now, and the elated ones see it or feel it, is that the changes that must happen to your inner selves first have an accelerated rate and intensified strength that is unmistakable. You will recall us having said that these changes are the ones that must and will occur first. The outer is always a reflection of the inner. Take heart in the fact that it is not necessary for all of humanity to change. There may not have actually been one hundred monkeys washing potatoes, but the principle that illustrates is valid nevertheless.

It is true that an escalating number of you are waking through what you read, what you hear, and what you see. But it is also true that all of you are psychic beings and you learn a great deal more each day through your simply being immersed in the field of collective consciousness. There is much that you know is true, even though you cannot say how you know. That is because you all know.

The existence of this collective field is known scientifically, so much so that it is actually used to manipulate those who are unconscious of it. Rather than lament that fact, why not use it to do some manipulation of your own? Place thoughts into the field through your own choice. “I choose to empower thoughts of _______ .”

What we wish to stress in this message is that you can, if you wish, focus upon the positive growth in your own selves to a much greater effect than ever before. As you have heard over and again, now is the time. Sometimes it is the time for one thing, and sometimes it is the time for another. Now it is the time for all of the tools, skills, and abilities that you worked for and earned over many lifetimes to be made manifest for the betterment of all. Ask us and we will aid you in this endeavor. Know, however, that priority will be given to what is needed. You quite often have pictures of what you think you need that are somewhat skewed to the flamboyant. All will be yours at the proper times.

You have all very likely heard of the Law of Attraction. We challenge you to begin employing the Law of Excited Expectation. Just a little each day will work wonders.

Good day.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

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