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The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, January 23d, 2025

The New Downloads Humanity is Receiving ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the new downloads that humanity is receiving - the 9d arcturian council

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to give you this update on how you are doing there on Earth. We know that you need extra help, extra support at this time, and we are aligned with many other collectives and councils who know that as well. We have been sending you extra energetic support at this time, and many of you receive that support in the form of a download of energy while you are asleep.

And therefore, your bodies are really experiencing the energies first, and then as you awaken and return your consciousness to your physical body, you have the opportunity to acclimate to those energies. We see the vast majority of humans as doing a wonderful job of then being able to utilize those energies from that sleepy time download.

What you then do as you move through your day is you access more of your power, more of your ability to take right action, and more of the intuitive hits that you always get but don’t always heed. Now is the time for you all to be listening more to what’s going on inside of you than to what’s being presented to you from outside sources, and we include ourselves as one of those outside sources.

We would much rather see a human collective that is listening to their feelings, their intuition, their impulses, then to us, because we know how valuable it is to all of you to be able to not only tune in to what you are getting from within, but also to follow through with that lovely impulse or that dynamic idea that you have received from within you. We are excited to see that so many more people are being guided from within and are letting go of the need to see what so-and-so out there is saying about this in order to develop their own opinion. You are Source Energy Beings, which means you contain everything inside of you.

And, yes, sometimes you require some upgrade or some download or some other energetic assistance to remind you that you have everything inside of you, and we are happy to be the ones who deliver on those occasions. But you ultimately have everything that you need, and sometimes, all you need is a reminder of that truth, and we are happy to provide you with those reminders as well.

Again, we see you as doing a wonderful job at this time, and we know that you who are amongst The Awakened Collective and who are receiving this message deserve that pat on the back from the likes of us. We also know that you will continue to evolve, expand, and become more of who you really are as Source Energy Beings regardless of what happens and regardless of what choices you make.

This shift in consciousness is inevitable, and all of us are going home together. That is always true, and we are happy to remind you of that as well.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”