
Love is our new reality

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The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, December 15th

Hello my friends. T’is Christmas time here on Planet Earth as you know, and I feel this might be our last channelling of the year due to commitments and time allocation! So, may I take this opportunity to thank you for all you have brought through throughout this year and for assisting so many of us in raising our Vibration.

Dear Souls who reside, as chosen, on Planet Earth at this invaluable season. It is of the greatest pleasure to bring to you words … which then can be FELT IN FULLNESS BY SELF … that enhance and uplift.

The word ‘speculate’ keeps popping in my head. Yet, isn’t fitting in a sentence.

You are ahead of us, Blossom. We indeed are speculating the current situation upon your Planet and we surmise that it is good. Although, to some they may feel it is not. We quite strongly offer you these words … in which your soul can resonate with and understand.

Bring forth your greatest gifts. Let them shine from your being as a Beacon of Light upon stormy seas.

You have now so valiantly reached a pivotal landmark in your transformation and all who choose to do so, shall move forward now in leaps and bounds.

The frequency that has been accomplished allows for such to take place … wherein … the wonders of yourselves are more readily available.

Take heart in the KNOWING that the battle is done. 


You must KNOW this and allow it to absorb throughout your body. Empowering you and giving such hope to your Planet and all mankind.

No longer shall you feel threatened … for in the LOVE that you know yourselves to be … there is no such thing. Nothing and no can harm you … and never let yourselves believe otherwise.


YOU ARE HERE TO SHINE and your Vibration as it lifts into softer, gentler, more exotic  understandings … takes your sights to Higher possibilities that allow you to soar.

BE OF GREAT CHEER THIS TIME OF YEAR. As your calendar comes to an end of an Era/chapter once again … indulge your thoughts in such Brightness of character. 

Indeed another year has flown by for you. Yet, events throughout this year seem to have taken place almost centuries ago. This is due to you living more and more in the NOW. The present time in each and every day is connecting you with Higher Vibrational understandings and therefore, that which was experienced even only a week ago, seems like a few years … because each thought … each breath is moving you forward … into a new time zone whereby only NOW is of importance and your understanding is now understanding that a little more.

Your future days that eventuate in this new Dawning, bring change on a scale that has not yet been witnessed. 

The domino effect of certain upheavals and Truths that come out into the open shall start the ball rolling into your NEW WORLD.

There is to be a mixture of FEELINGS and emotions as Truths are revealed … and yet, remember … for everything that transpires there is an opposite, so do not become downcast.

As Truths come out … you will find strength in that which you have come to know. You will have an acceptance … for, although we say much shall shock … it is already known to you on a collective level. 

EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED … EVERYTHING. It is just a matter of tapping into that which is to follow on from this moment in time. 

All scenarios are at your feet … and yet, as a collective you KNOW NOW … it has been understood and agreed that it is time to move on. Time to leave this old way of thinking behind you and to walk into a new situation whereupon, one can grasp the realities that are presented and act upon them in a way in which Divine Source is felt more and more by /through/as your own Divinity .

Breathe in deeply now …

And release … 

Take another breath and FEEL throughout your BEING that which you are .

In doing so, you are just one more breath away from connecting with US … from BEing present with us.

More and more of you … as the Vibrations rise, shall KNOW of our presence in a much more tangible fashion. You shall find yourselves visiting our ‘craft’ and feeling most comfortable during that time. You have reached a position when you shall recognise ‘downloads’ entering in and accept them … even though you do not know what they are at the time.

More and more shall each one feel Lightened by their own doing and be honoured to feel such.

Again we emphasize …




Dearest souls, our deeply Loved friends … you have anchored so much Light Energy into your Planet … Those from other worlds look upon all that is taking place and commend you for your LIGHT WORK.

You came to your Planet to make great changes upon it and it is obvious when looking upon it Energetically … that through persistence … the task has been accomplished.

There is much ahead that are merely the final touches … KNOW THIS … when it appears otherwise!

Such exciting times are ahead of you and we therefore, become excited with you. For the outcome of these changes is beyond belief … beyond imaginings. Yet, when you reside fully within these outcomes … how you shall be at Peace … in the knowing that every step of the way … every knockback … every effort when you felt all strength had left you … was worth it and you would do it over and over again if you had to  … in order to reach such standards of self.

Yet, rest assured … there shall be no going back. 

You shall spread your wings and fly … and in a sense … we mean this literally.

In a sense? Yet, literally?

We mean that All is possible when you KNOW it is. Therefore, WHEN you know you can fly (for do not many of you do this in your supposed dream state?) then you shall. You do not need wings … for your soul is free to go wherever it cares to … and this can be done within your physical body also … as more and more of self is again understood.

Take moments through this festive time to offer your LIGHT to ALL who feel their Light has dimmed to such a degree that it has practically left them. Give Love to all those on your Planet who feel so very lost and alone. Whose despairing thoughts take their hearts on a downward pathway. Take their hand … in your mind and lead them into the Lighted avenues of Love. Give them great comfort … surround them … embrace them in your knowledge of Light-Love and let it be absorbed into their Being … Allowing them to FEEL It … to become it … and to never look back down the darkened paths again.



Therefore, you are us … we are you … we are all each other … and to live in this knowing brings about the HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL. 

We shall resume our chats with you in the new year. Yet, we never leave you … any of you … for we are ONE ENERGY.


Many thanks Dearest Blossom.

No, No! … Thank YOU … In such Love for you … to you. And so it is.

And so it is.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY

Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

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Website: Blossom Goodchild

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.