Dear humans of Gaia’s Earth,
We, The Inter-dimensional Galactics, are the members of the fourth, fifth, and beyond planes of reality. WE Galactic members of your own fifth dimensional SELF, wish to remind you that you ALL humans have a Higher Dimensional SELF.
Yes, there are some humans (likely too many humans) who got lost in the many challenges of third dimensional life. However, there are also many, many humans who remembered their own Higher Dimensional SELF.
At first, those memories were far away and difficult to understand, but even the thought of their own Higher Self, expanded their consciousness enough to begin to remember.
At first, this process of remembering was very dim, but if they stayed with the process, and most important, stayed with their innate memories, there was more and more to perceive and embrace as a deep inner TRUTH, began to arise within their memory.
As they begin to remember that which had always been unknown, they wanted to find out “more” and more about their dreams and meditations.
Often these “dreams and meditations,” were real interactions and real inter-communications with higher dimensional beings. In this manner, more and more of the awakening ones became aware that these beings were actually higher components of their own Higher SELF.
Often, humans did not think in terms of their “Higher SELF,” but often their Higher SELF was persistent and continually entered the heart and mind of their Galactic Friend or Family, who had volunteered to take on a human earth vessel in order to assist Earth, who had been deeply wounded.
The sad part is that most of Gaia’s wounding came from the very human beings who were meant to be Gaia’s care givers. Fortunately, the early members of Gaia’s planetary world worshiped Gaia and became the guardians that they were meant to be.
But unfortunately, it was the “logical people” who could not believe that Gaia and all her Nature, was alive and dependent on the humans to protect HER.
Fortunately, the “primitive” people did protect Gaia, but as the humans became more “centered” on their own selves, their own stuff, their own needs, and their own people that were important to them.
However, as humans move through these difficult times of “Planetary Change,” they too must change. Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to remember that Humanity was meant to be the caregivers of Gaia.
As more and more humans awaken to their own Higher Dimensional SELF, they are remembering the reason that they chose to take a physical body within this NOW.
Once one is able to remember their true Higher Dimensional SELF, their ability to use more and more of the innate fourth and fifth dimensional qualities comes to the surface of their perceptual fields and their own “sense of SELF.”
ALL “primitive” humanity once had their innate Multidimensional Awareness of SELF, but have lost it – mostly in their third dimensional greed and selfishness.
Fortunately, many, many humans were able to stay above greed and selfishness and have, and will continue to have, the memory of their own Higher Self and the abilities that are waiting in the nine/tens of their unused, and innate, brain power.
“But how does one use this innate brain power in their every day life?” we hear you ask.
Our answer is,
“Please remember to ask your own Higher Dimensional SELF!”