Friday, August 18, 2017
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Sananda and I have a few important matters to tell you today. We are at the threshold of a new era and Earth or Gaia and everything that lives on her is now in the process of being transformed to a higher vibration of energy and light. Everything that is not in unison with this vibration is now falling by the wayside and disappears. The higher vibration is now penetrating Earth and everything is impacted by it. Your bodies are adjusting to the higher vibrations and is discarding all the old dross in forms of thought patterns and blockages. The resistance is being crushed and the more resistance the more trouble you will have in your life. Be adoptable, try to understand and see what you should change and your life will immediately become better. The higher vibration has come to stay and everything is trying to adjust to it. Sit down and feel what it is that needs to be released in your life, so that your body can vibrate in harmony with the higher frequency that has reached Earth and is spreading with great speed. More and more people have picked up the higher frequency and have started to act in it with their new ideas and their recovered creativity. This is also true for the animal and plant kingdoms. Everything on Earth is today adapting to the frequency of the light. The loving light with its higher frequency finds its way everywhere and nobody can escape it.
It is time to get out of the cocoon and try your new wings – Your beautiful wings with all the colors of the rainbow that carry you wherever you wish to fly. The confinement will be replaced with openness, what is grey will be replaced by what is colorful. Joy and harmony is what is going to permeate your bodies. Everything that can make you laugh is good to practice now. Everything that gives you harmony and joy is preferable, since the body needs to feel that way so that the higher energies of light and joy can be absorbed into it. What do you like to doi? Do you like dancing, painting, go for walks, be out in nature, write, sing….yes there is an infinite amount of ways to find joy in one’s life. Make sure you get some joy today and during all days ahead. It will make it easier for your body to find its correct vibration at a higher energy frequency.
We are all going through different kinds of symptoms at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual kind. This is unavoidable since we are leaving a heavy density in favor of one that is lighter. You have managed well dear people on Earth. You are on your way and many of you are keeping up the pace with Mother Earth. Many more are slightly behind. So, there is a great transition that is on the way and Mother Earth will get a well-needed face-lift. Everything is open now for your successes. All that you have hoped for and waited for is now open and are only waiting for your gifts so that they can blossom into full bloom. It is time for the work to start – the work with yourselves and the work with your Earth.
Is the most wonderful of times in the Universe – and it is now. We are all over with you now and we rejoice and dance with you along the way. It is a beautiful path that we follow. It is a white path that is lit up by the sun of the Universe, and everything is just bright, light, beautiful and loving.
I am now leaving you with great love in my heart.
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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