I AM Sananda.
As always it is wonderful to be with this group, with all of you that join us. We have so much that we’re moving toward, all of us are moving toward. So much that is happening but I am not going to get into that area. That I will leave to our dear friend and brother St. Germain. But know that as we continue to move on through this process, this ascension process, this transition that you are all on and that all of us at one time or another have gone through as well in many different and varying ways. And yes even those of you who are going through this process now have also gone through this ascension process if not many times at least once before, so this is not new to your heart’s understanding it is only new to your mind. But it is your mind that is creating everything that is happening in your life. It is creating your very existence. But if it is attuned to your heart center then your mind operates from that center and from that high heart center. That is where you are all going. That is what is bringing you up into the higher vibrations, into the higher frequencies and yes, into the higher dimensions. It is your heart mind connection that is doing this.
Those that stay within the mind will remain in the three-dimensional experience but those that move into their heart and allow their heart to guide them; allow that small wee whisper from your Higher God Self to guide them, then you will be the ones that will be raising up, soaring into the highest heavens of your being as you continue to move through this process. And then once, when you come to the final moment and you move fully through the ascension and you are fully enmeshed within the fifth dimension and above then you will understand, then you will remember fully who you are and what you have come here to do.
You had a discussion earlier of twin souls. And I share with you now — not that it is important to know directly who your twin soul is at this point, (some of you yes, some of you are becoming aware of this,) but understand that it is aspects of yourself. It is aspects of your Higher Self. So there can be many Sanandas, many Yeshuas, many Lady Nadas, many St. Germains, etc. It is not that there is only one. But there is only one twin soul aspect and that is correct. There are many levels though of this aspect. It is not for your mind to understand this at this point. Your three dimensional mind cannot grasp this. Just as your three dimensional mind cannot grasp the idea of a Prime Creator, a Creator Source, but your heart center together with your mind can begin to understand this. And this is where you are all moving toward. This is what this is all about, these gatherings. “Where two or more are gathered in My Name there will I be amongst you.” That was said for a reason so that you would understand of the multi-aspects of yourself and how this relates to the reconnection or the re-understanding of that connection with your Higher God Self.
So do not be concerned or consumed with the idea of who you are or who you might’ve been, but understand that when the moment comes all will be revealed as it needs to be. And as always you are all in the right place at the right time in the perfect moment. And please just continue to understand that as all of this, all of this continues to unfold right before your eyes.
I AM Sananda. I will release now to St. Germain.