
Love is our new reality

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Council of Pleiades


Let the revolution wait, it will happen without you. What can happen only with you is your transformation from an ignorant to a half-knowing to a knowing person. Don’t get caught up in the struggles that are forced upon you but choose exactly where to get involved and how – and with everything: begin to really love yourself by bringing to light from the depths of your heart those issues that have burdened you for many lifetimes and that you did not want to look at until now.

Love is the answer

Ascension is a universal event

Love is the answer – to EVERYTHING!

Beloved humans, brothers and sisters of light, star-born, as we all are – WE ARE ONE COSMIC FAMILY!

Now we are brought together to bring about and obtain the great turnaround on earth! The time promised to us has come now. We have been attuned to this over eons and for this we have lived many lives in order to attain the necessary maturity. It is spoken of the ascent of the earth, however, in truth it is about a lot more.

It is about moving a whole universe into a higher vibrational density, it is about uplifting the whole universe! That is why so many powers are working on this project and why so much support is given to you from the most different planes of being.

This project has an almost unimaginable dimension for you – and so we renew the message that has been given to you repeatedly:

The project of the ascent of mankind cannot fail and will succeed, because the time for it has come and because many planes and worlds “rise along”! The power of GOD works, and the light asserts itself everywhere.

From “Failure”

What can “fail” is the individual human being: HUMANS who cannot stand up or rise because they do not want to leave the valley of tears, HUMANS who are passing through on this planet, HUMANS who look at the world in wonder and yet understand little because they have no idea what it all has to do with their lives. Fail can now also those who respond to the explosiveness of this time with revenge, retaliation and with violence.

PEOPLE, who forget about love at the end of the day, will fail, because they themselves become what they pretend to fight against!

This is your master’s examination: to respond to EVERYTHING with love, with real love, with realized love – and not with the idea, the notion of what love is.

Your love

• Your love includes resistance.

• Your love contains a loud NO.

• Your love means swimming courageously against the current.

• Your love means seeing the great arc.

• Your love means patience.

• Your love means wisdom.

• Your love means inner contemplation.

• Your love means self-love first.

Too many of you, beloved humans, still want to save the whole world and wake people up.

Let the revolution wait!

We, the HIGH COUNCIL OF THE PLEIADES, suggest to you in this message:

Withdraw your energy from saving people and the world and give yourself more love – and love means: time for healing!

Free yourself from inner hatred, opinions, ideas and beliefs. These unredeemed states are a great obstacle if you are active publicly or within your framework as an “enlightener”.

First comes the deeply realized self-love, the healed self-image – and only then comes everything else.

Let the revolution wait, it will happen without you. What can happen only with you is your transformation from an ignorant to a half-knowing to a knowing person.

Don’t get caught up in the struggles that are forced upon you but choose exactly where to get involved and how – and with everything: begin to really love yourself by bringing to light from the depths of your heart those issues that have burdened you for many lifetimes and that you did not want to look at until now.

Be brave!

Now is the time to really dive deep into your own mystery and risk a real, substantial confrontation with yourself, with what is still leaden in your soul. Never before have the conditions been so favorable for your complete healing, never before has your support been so powerful and absolute.

You just have to really want it – jump and be amazed at how you are caught.

Beloved humans,

Events take their course and responding with love is the first commandment. The first step is taken when your love is genuine. Then, when you can love yourself as you love your neighbor, you have understood what this message is about.

Connect with yourself first, then you will have achieved everything there is for a human being to achieve. We are with you – day and night.

Be courageous in your own affairs, for then life will no longer be a test of courage for you.

In complete love