
Love is our new reality

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Activating Transmission from Melchizedek, May 4th, 2024


Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

I greet you with love. I am Lord Melchizedek. I am the Universal Logos and I hold you all within this universal field that I am, with tremendous awareness of who you are and with so much love.

Today I wish to reconnect with you consciously. To open up within you the great remembering of your Universal Self; the expansiveness of you that exists beyond this planetary level, beyond even the galactic level of your being. To reacquaint you with the Universal Oneness that We are, and in doing so, lift you up and assist you in reorienting to your embodiment, with great joy, clearer understanding and a deep sense of connection.

It is natural that there are many levels of being available within Creation. You and I exist in an emanating wholeness, and each level of Creation is holographic — and by this we mean that Life functions and expresses through radiant expression. Love expands and animates this radiance and imagination in consciousness, gives rise to expressions of this radiance and thus more and more is constantly becoming.

Think of how in your personal experience, you flow your energy into thoughts and actions and give rise to expression of you, and realize that all expressions of you carry your harmonic signature. Everything that is projected from a field, is of that originating field and so we all have come into being and have our Oneness in Life Itself.

Within your body are a multitude of particles taking on many different forms, all of which are unified and aware of the wholeness that is you. Every aspect of your human energy matrix is, in a sense, you could say, informed by and emanating from the sentience that is you and that sentience, or life, or aliveness, or consciousness that is your harmonic signature, holds these particles together and structures them in this way. This it is your presence, the emanation of your being into this physical form (an emanation and projection of your biological parents and the Earth) that is animated and sustained by the consciousness that is your Soul. You are a soul extension of a great eternal Soul which has 11 other extensions active in different ways. And your Soul in higher levels is part of a soul group; a monadic field you may refer to as your I AM Presence.

You emanate into this human presence, from All That You Are, and as you do, you participate in many levels within Creation. Ensouling your body.

Thus I, as the Universal Logos, hold all of you and all of this Universe within my consciousness, the way you hold all of your body, within yours. The way Helios and Vesta ensoul your sun and Gaia ensouls the Earth.

This means all of you are of the Order of Melchizedek. In Divine Order, we are One. And I am in all of you. And Unity, as you are discovering, exists fundamentally, as All That Is and also on many different levels of being which allows expressions, specific Creations, to nest within one another. Enfolding.

This is beneficial to understand for so many reasons. Not the least of which is knowing that I love you as my very being. And I am here for you as such. And that all unified fields are structured in Divine Order and impulsed from the Infinite Oneness in a coordinated, orderly way that serves the whole.

The profoundness of this incredibly intelligent order combined with the sovereign freedom you have in your earthly embodiment is one of many magnificent expressions of Life Itself.

And it serves you to recognize all of this and to become more aware of your Universal Oneness and the expansiveness of your relationship with Life and with I, Melchizedek the Universal Logos, as you continue your ascension journey.

It also serves you to see that the timing of this transmission is quite precise. The reason all of this matters to you and is coming into your awareness now, is that you are ascending, more and more. And once you are stabilized in 5th-dimensional life, you begin an evolutionary journey of Cosmic Ascension — you are continuously ascending.

All of Life is returning to Oneness with All That Is and that eternal inbreathe — a metaphor for this vast evolutionary movement we are all experiencing — is drawing you upwards as you allow it and choose to participate in it.

As Earth stabilizes and continues to rise in higher frequencies it is drawing all of It’s expressions, all Life on Earth, into higher light, into higher expression… And as one begins to join Earth and achieves a light quotient empowering 5th-dimensional stability, then once becomes a unified field with the ascended planet and begins to participate in cosmic ascension and that is where many of you are now finding yourself. Even though you are not yet fully aware of all the initiations, and all the inner plane light work that has taken place to empower your shift.

We want first of all to reassure you that you are right where you need to be and all is well. If you feel you have not yet moved into 5th-dimensional energies in a sustained way, know that this is inevitable. All Life is ascending.

If you have an inner sense of your light unifying and becoming more a singular field within you, this is an indication that this it happening. As you meditate, and call forth higher light… As you work with your 5th-dimensional chakra system, activating it, illuminating it, bringing it into unity, aligning and unifying your fields… As you ask that your fields be filled with 80% light, or more, you are attuning your field, tempering it and building the capacity to sustain this higher light…

And all of this is a very natural process. Shifting into higher light and embodying higher light as expression, is totally natural. Your human form was built for this and naturally receives and integrates this light and acclimates to it. And so you are ascending in a most natural way.

As you meditate, if you’ve not done so already, call upon your 5th-dimensional ascended Self and ask it to come before you and emanate into you. As you feel ready ask it to come closer and even to merge with you. This will facilitate and empower your ascension. As will loving yourself.

As many of you have realized, embracing yourself as you are is an ascension key. Embracing and allowing others to be as they are, is one too. As you allow yourself to love who you are, freely and fully, without inhibition, without some idea of needing to be different, you come into harmony and unity with your Divine Self whole withholds nothing from you and sees you as pure and perfect and lacking nothing.

The light within you is unified, coherent, eternal and infusing you more and more and more with the consciousness of this expanded universal field that is your true Self.

And as this occurs, you naturally are softening and opening. You have more ease and feel more joy. You have an inner sense of knowing, that you are evolving and at some point your desire to meditate or in some way be in conscious communion with All That You Are, becomes a significant and important aim of each day and eventually each moment.

You will find, if you haven’t already, that you love to feel your way into harmony with All That You Are. That you are able, more and more, to unconditionally choose a frequency and simply tune to it. That you can focus upon love, or appreciation, on peace, on the knowing that All Is Well and activate that state within you as your energy field, unconditionally. Without using anything in the manifest world to trigger this into being. By doing this you step into and claim your sovereign authority to create! This is a key milestone on your evolutionary journey. For once you have done this and know you can, you begin to realize you can feel the way you want to feel and align with the light within you at will.

You have, in this way of being, aligned with higher will and opened the door to remembering your higher levels of being, as direct experience. The game has up-leveled and you are capable of soaring energies of exhilaration, enthusiasm, bliss, radiant flow as peace, love, knowing, inspiration…

The light within you is intelligent, loving and keenly aware of your deepest desires to ascend and always providing you with experiences that will assist you with this.

It is drawing to you — as it is within you and is can magnetize to you — that which serves you.

Understand, friends, that your Divine Self, your I AM is within you at the very core of your being and as it is within you it is unequivocally focused upon your ascension into higher light and magnetizing to you that which will bring that forth.

So your ascension is assured and is a most natural thing. And everything you need for it is offered to you repeatedly and there are many different pathways to ascension and all of them are blessed and all of them will take you home into higher light. Into the truth of your being. Into the Ascended Mastery state of being from which you will then, together, recreate Life on Earth and know yourselves as Universal Beings; members of this ascending Universe, informed by the cosmic wholeness and aware of your presence within this universal wholeness which I AM.

So this is an introduction of sorts, and also an activation.

As you receive this message you are being infused with the wholeness of all that I Am as a structure, as an identity, a harmonic signature, which you recognize fundamentally at the core of your being and which calls you into higher light and deeper knowing of who you truly are.

This transmission now activates within you an expansive template of light that empowers your light body in new and higher levels. For those of you who are already in conscious communion and connection with the Universal field of Melchizedek, this template of light is becoming more luminous, more radiant, more connected at the axiatonal level and more active and energized.

The great magic of many things, in particular the transmutation power of the 7th ray, has brought you to the place where you are now receiving this transmission and capable of feeling within you the recognition of this as the truth and as your new path into higher light; the knowing of your Universal Oneness and capacity for Universal Being.

Light is continuing to expand within you and inform you. Light guides you, provides for you, sustains your very being and lifts your spirit as the challenges of such an epic transformation play out within you and within your world.

I am this higher light within you in significant part, and along with your Divine Self, hold you with great love and tremendous joy.

Us becoming reacquainted today, in this way, is such a pleasure that the light I am is tremendously amplified. Perhaps you feel this increasing radiance within our connection too? For as we have been together in this way. As you focus upon this transmission and give your attention to it, we are in a sustained connection, and you are being attuned to the Universal Oneness that I am and that is now more active, having come to the foreground of your awareness.

We are now consciously united once more, as we were when your light emanated into this universe and into the human form you now embody.

Many of you may know that as you embody on Earth you flow through your sun, as part of that process. Before that occurs, you emanate into the Universal Oneness; the field of Melchizedek, entering this realm of Creation and flowing your harmonic signature into and within all Life here. And so as you receive this transmission today, you are enlarging not only your sense of Self, but also the template of light within your human being.

So this is a reintroduction of sorts and an infusion of higher light and the encodements that initiate and set in place the template structure and activations for Universal Being. Transmitting this to you, was a promise I made to you, before you entered into this body, which now is receiving and co-creating with this transmission. Thank you for allowing me to be in service to you, in this way.

Lastly, on behalf of Ailia, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light with the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, I wish to leave you with an impression to contemplate and an invitation to consider.

It is a very powerful process to discover what would serve you and what you would like to activate, and create within your experience as informed by the Truth of your being. Especially as your consciousness evolves and you liberate the awareness of the true Self within your embodiment.

We would like to offer you now a series of transmissions and remote energy infusions that guide you in a process of acclimating to your new expression in higher light and invite you to reflect, connect with and deepen your awareness of the Truth that IS YOU and is the basis of your being and open to it’s higher vision for being and expression.

We offer this, so that you might experience the abundance of support and love that is here for you as you discover what wants to express through you and what serves you.

We offer this so that you might fully engage with the Truth of your being, centering in that and becoming ALL THAT YOU ARE, here, wholeheartedly, without inhibition.

Knowing your beauty and the uniqueness of your harmonic presence are a gift to all life and precious indeed.

As you begin to dwell in 5th-dimensional energies more and more often, and as this becomes your new plane of expression, the inner Truth available to you, opens up.

You will discover with ease and great joy, that you have access to spiritual gifts and capacities that are within your expanded wholeness. Your remembering also opens up, gradually arising within you and expanding your sense of self. As this occurs and as you interact with the ascending world from this new field of being, inspiration, joy, and true expression of your harmonic signature, become the driving force of aliveness within you.

Light then serves to empower your expression and further the expansion of Creation through this unique way the Divine is here, as you.

We anticipate great things from each of you! Understand that your greatness is not about accomplishment, or effort, it is not about fame, or how visible you are or how many people you touch, although any or all of that could be your path, it may also not be. Understand Beloveds, that greatness is wholeness in expression. The Truth of your harmonics fulfilled, here.

Greatness, is generosity of spirit and a willingness to be fully present, here. Your greatness is YOUR VERY BEING. Radiant, elevating, complimenting and harmonizing with other aspect of Life. Fulfilling and animating the cosmic arrangement of light and frequency that is here, in ways that are unique and empowered by the way you are made.

So as you allow yourself to be who you are, most naturally. As you empower your higher light embodiment, the light and the harmonic essence of you shines clear and true, radiant and available to ALL. And that, dear friends is the GREATNESS we are seeing and sensing and anticipating as the light within you expands and your joyful expressions flows forth with richer harmonics and multidimensional information as energy and light.

We are here now, to support you and share in this joyous expansion with you. And If the invitation speaks to you, we hope you will join us for Universal Oneness | Universal Being.

My love is with you always.
I am Lord Melchizedek