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Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff, November 12th

November 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as boundless. Divine love is boundless love, it is a love that knows no limits. At the core of each individual is a spark of divinity which is their true essence. Through this divine spark, each individual is connected to everything in the universe. They, as a soul, are a boundless and endless expression of the divine. When an individual listens to the still small voice that guides them from within, it inspires them to envision an expanded version of the life they are truly meant to be living. They are connected through their own spark of divinity to the nature of the divine and its boundless and limitless resources of love, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, and compassion. It is a direct and personal contact that is always available when they need it. The sense of the divine’s boundlessness is a feeling of unconditional love and protection that shelters each individual. It is feeling something beyond one’s normal senses when they experience the wonders of nature and its boundlessness. It is a recognizable and appreciative gift of grace that comes to them in special moments of unexpected synchronicity. It is feeling a sense of joy, awe and wonder, gratitude and humility that comes in a profound and fleeting moment. When they recognize the presence and love of the divine within them, their life and their world takes on a luminosity and spiritual clarity that lights up their life and the lives of those around them with added meaning and purpose.

As one explores more deeply their own sacred vision of the divine, it opens them up to boundless doorways into a whole new way of being. As they align to their soul and divinity, they begin to tap into vast capacities for love, joy, freedom and brilliance which reside within them. When one clarifies their own spirituality and knows what they are seeking, it initiates alignment with a truer, more authentic version of one’s self which helps them to live a life of freer existence. There is a deep longing within them to return to a state that is beyond separateness to a home that is calling their return. This is actually their divine essence moving within them which seeks a more unified state of being in harmony with them. These soul longings that come from within are the keys to accessing a more direct and immediate experience of boundless love. It is important to pay attention to where one is being drawn. One’s deepest longings highlight their truest needs and these needs cannot be met and fulfilled by seeking them in the outer world. One must reclaim their true divine identity and the inner riches it brings them through the alignment with their soul and divine essence. These bring boundless resources with which to change their life and transform any difficulties or challenges into glorious personal victories.

Each individual is seeking to experience the boundless love of Source and a reunion with it. In order to find connection, one needs to slow down, do less and reflect more. Boundless love is ever present; one just needs to attune to it in order to receive it. By creating more time to sit quietly more often, one comes into a greater harmony with the subtle aspects of their life. By letting go of ones external societal conditioning, one can feel a boundless love which connects them to a vast power which provides them with support and guidance that they can rely on when they need it. By trusting in this divine and loving connection it creates a strong foundation in their life. This leads them to new levels of inspiration and a new level of boundless possibilities. One’s relationship with the divine within them is a most powerful force for positive transformation. Through their thoughts and actions they have created the entire spectrum of who they are and who they can be. When they work in accord with the ever beneficial forward flow of the forces of cosmic nature, they become part of that balancing force of boundless energy and creativity. They come to know the harmonic stillness that is unity. Ones essential being is dynamically creative and transcends the restrictions of space and time. When they open their every day awareness to this universal self existence deep within them, they can draw upon its creative powers with transformative results.

As each individual seeks anew to discover what life is all about and how to make wiser choices to live deliberately instead of routinely, they recreate themselves to function at a greater cultural and spiritual dimension. When each individual understands that life is all about improving self and that they are in a constant state of divine evolution, each moment of their life has meaning and purpose. Their boundless enthusiasm for the life they are living helps them to always evolve and never look back. As they embody and reinforce the quality of the Divine within them, they are open to new ideas and inspiration from others through participating in activities that attract them. They come to accept and understand that they cannot control what is around them but they can learn to control their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to it. When they take a different and higher viewpoint toward themselves, others, and their life circumstances, it brings them into alignment with their beliefs. They move ahead constructively through their boundless enthusiasm for what they are doing in their life. When they change their attitudes and thoughts towards all aspects of their daily life, they become empowered and their path through life leads to greater spiritual accomplishments. 

When each individual believes that there is a better way to live their life and embraces its boundless possibilities, they become fully alive, restored, renewed and regenerated in their physical, mental and emotional bodies. They begin to live their life as though it is an incredible adventure and achieve victory in every facet of it. Their whole being radiates their enthusiastic and illumined aspiration and this affects the people in their sphere of influence. In willing oneness with all that is, they achieve a satisfaction that transcends their previous achievements while being continuously inspired to find the infinite boundless treasures that have lain dormant within them. They feel and experience the boundless bounty of the divine as they produce results they did not realize they could achieve and this takes them to their next level in the realization of their dreams. 

May you find the boundless beauty and bounty within your connection to the divine within you.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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