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Archangel Metatron via Natalie Glasson, March 24th, 2017

Prism of Light Healing by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  24th March 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I, Archangel Metatron, come forth with an energetic tool to support you at this stage of your ascension. The Prism of Light Healing Tool is born from the high vibrational levels of the Angelic Kingdom; it is an energetic form which connects you to the Universe of the Creator. The Prism of Light Healing collects the divine consciousness of the Creator, holding them as vibrational colours of light. The Prism of Light Healing is connected to all Rays of Light including the Twelve Rays of Light and all other expressions of the Creator that exist within the Universe of the Creator. Energy and consciousness from the Universe of the Creator exists within an energetic hexagonal Prism form which is composed of the highest frequency of Angelic Light. Only pure, focused divine light can exist within the Prism, manifesting as a myriad of colours, so beautiful, some vibrant others pale and translucent. The Prism is a space that you can connect with and even exist within which holds and somewhat contains a concentrated source of divine Creator frequencies which have the ability to align you further with the Creator. Potent is the Prism of Light connected to the Universe of the Creator that it is known to aid and enhance all forms of self-healing on any levels of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self.

Prism of Light Healing Ashram

The Prism of Light Healing shape is known as an Ashram because it is a space which any being can exist within, receiving healing vibrations from the collected frequencies of the Universe of the Creator that are anchored, supported by the purest Angelic vibrations. The Prism of Light Healing does not have a specific size, it can expand to encompass the entire world, or it can be small enough to be anchored into a chakra to support transformation. Angelic beings exist on the outside of the Prism to ensure its protection and to oversee those calling upon and working with the Prism of Light Healing. No being exists within the Prism acting as an overseer or representative of the energy. The energies are so intense within the Prism that it is impossible for any being to eternally exist within the Prism. Instead, I, Archangel Metatron, as the leader of the Angelic Kingdom take responsibility for the Prism and act as its overseer from the outside. However, there are Angelic Beings dedicated to observing the energy and work of the Prism from the outside.

The Purpose of the Prism of Light Healing

The overseer of the Prism is the Creator, all that is the Creator flows into the Prism, especially energies aligned with and of similar vibration as the Angelic Kingdom. It is a space of multi-coloured love, truth and peace. The intentions of the Creator for the entire Universe of the Creator anchor into the Prism. This means that the Prism holds all templates and codes of perfection for every expression of the Creator. When I use the word perfection, I speak of the precision of the Creator rather than the human ego’s idea of perfection which is being faultless, flawless and aligned to the perceptions of a civilisation. With the presence of every template and code of light within the Prism created by the Creator for every expression of the Creator, healing, transformation and powerful shifts can take place when you are aligned to the Prism of Light Healing.

When a being connects with, exists within, expresses or anchors the energy of the Prism of Light Healing the intention of the Creator for every aspect of their being and reality is either reactivated or re-encoded within your being. Templates, codes and energies which have been inactive, fragmented or blocked which are required to support you in existing as a fulfilled being upon the Earth will receive attention, as light anchors from the Prism so the necessary transformation can take place.

The only time that the necessary transformation cannot take place is if conscious understanding of an experience, situation or creation must first be accepted. This means that if understanding of the experience, situation or creation will provide a greater accelerated transformation and positive impact upon your being and reality, then the Prism of Light Healing will not reactivate or anchor the necessary templates or codes until conscious understanding dawns.

The divine will, intentions and awareness of the Creator are present within the Prism, so everything will occur with divine perfection, timing and precision, as guided by the Creator for the ultimate fulfilling outcome.

Existing within the Prism of Light Healing

It is advisable to only exist within the Prism of Light Healing for 30 mins a day at the most. Your time spent within the Prism of Light Healing can be expanded after regular alignments and experience of the energy, as well as when a familiarity to the light frequencies manifests. We recommend that the time spent within the Prism of Light Healing is only expanded to 2 hours a day.

  • To connect, experience and exist within the Prism of Light Healing first state out loud your intention, and the reason for visiting. You may wish to explain what you wish to transform and what you would like to experience instead.
  • Simply say out loud: ‘I am fully aligned with the Angelic Kingdom, overseen by Archangel Metatron. Assisted and guided by Archangel Metatron I connect with and align my entire being to the Prism of Light Healing at the purest vibration and level of the Angelic Kingdom. Through my heart chakra and higher heart chakra, I enter into the Prism of Light Healing. I recognise its hexagonal shape surrounding me and the myriad of colourful Creator light frequencies encompassing my being. I acknowledge the Angelic Beings present surrounding the Prism of Light Healing and the divine intention of the Creator actively present within the Prism of Light Healing, connecting deeply with my being now. I surrender my being to the Creator allowing the Creator to reactivate or reencode my being to allow the necessary templates and codes for the appropriate healing to be active within my being. I now receive the light and divine Creator assistance present within the Prism of Light Healing. Thank you.’
  • Imagine, sense, acknowledge a myriad of light colours surrounding you, breath the energy of the Prism of Light Healing into your entire being and allow the Creator to work with you.
  • Once you feel the process is complete, thank the Prism of Light Healing and ask me, Archangel Metatron, to return you to your reality, disconnecting you from the Prism of Light Healing. Focus on grounding yourself into the Earth for as long as feel necessary.

It is important to state that once the necessary templates and codes are active within your being, it may take time for you to experience the results of this and the shift may also be subtle.

Transmitting the Energy of the Prism of Light Healing

Again, it is advisable to only connect with and transmit the energy and light of the Prism of Light Healing for 30 mins a day at the most. This can be expanded to up to 4 hours a day once you become accustomed to the energy frequency.

Connecting with and transmitting the energy of the Prism of Light Healing means that you do not exist with the Prism of Light Healing, you simply are receiving the necessary energy through your being either directing it to yourself or another person, being or situation. You are transmitting the light given to you from the Prism of Light Healing, embodying the energy within your being or radiating it directly to another person, being or situation. To radiate the light to another person, being or situation, it is important to realise that an aspect of the Prism of Light Healing will anchor into your soul star chakra, which will automatically create a circuit of light flowing to your earth star chakra. The light will be expressed through your higher heart chakra, into your heart chakra and through your arms and hands. To direct the energy and light place your left hand in front of you, in line with your heart chakra, with your elbow bent and your palm facing to the sky. Place the base or wrist of your right hand in the centre of your left palm with your fingers extended as straight as possible reaching to the sky. The right palm faces forward or diagonally forward to the left.

  • Begin first by creating an intention for yourself, the person, being or situation in mind. Stating what you wish to transform and the outcome you would like to manifest.
  • Simply say out loud: ‘I am fully aligned with the Angelic Kingdom, overseen by Archangel Metatron. Assisted and guided by Archangel Metatron I connect with and align my entire being to the Prism of Light Healing at the purest vibration and level of the Angelic Kingdom. My intention and purpose is to bring forth the necessary energy from the Prism of Light Healing to (describe purpose). I allow the appropriate energy, light frequency and intention of the Creator of the Prism of Light Healing to anchor into my soul star chakra and ground into my earth star chakra. I allow the light to radiate through and from my higher heart chakra, heart chakra, arms and hands. I acknowledge the Angelic Beings present surrounding the Prism of Light Healing who are supporting and guiding me now and the divine intention of the Creator actively present and flowing through my being. Through my being I allow the Creator to reactivate or reencode (person, being, situation) to allow the necessary templates and codes for the appropriate healing to be active. I now receive the light and divine Creator assistance present within the Prism of Light Healing. Thank you.’
  • Position your hands as described previously and focus on the energy flowing through your being and emanating from your hands. Observe any inspiration that dawns.
  • Once you feel the process is complete, thank the Prism of Light Healing and ask me, Archangel Metatron to disconnect you from the Prism of Light Healing. Focus on grounding yourself into the Earth for as long as feel necessary.

Archangel Metatron’s Purpose of Sharing the Prism of Light Healing

I, Archangel Metatron, wished to share with you the Prism of Light Healing to support you in connecting with the Creator on a deeper level, experiencing the light and divine intervention of the Creator as well as allowing you to take responsibility for your own ascension, healing and transformation. I give the Prism of Light Healing to you as a gift to aid you in developing your self-healing and self-awakening abilities. The tool is to be used aligned with your intuition. You can call upon my assistance, Archangel Metatron, at any time and I will be energetically present with you. You are responsible for your experiences with the Prism of Light Healing. This is a gift of self-empowerment, enhancing your light vibration and communing with the Creator.

Please accept the beauty of my gift to you,

Archangel Metatron

Read More from Archangel Metatron

Disclaimer: The Prism of Light Healing is not a certified healing tool or process, it is strictly limited to home use, and it is solely for the purpose of aiding you in exploring your ascension and spiritual growth process. The purpose of the Prism of Light Healing is to help you explore energy flowing through your body and a deeper connection with the Creator. When using the information channeled from Archangel Metatron through Natalie Glasson, you must take full responsibility for your experiences. Natalie Glasson takes no responsibility or blame for anything you or another may experience while using the information or practising the techniques shared. Prism of Light Healing is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.








Natalie Glasson channels a Free Weekly Channeled Message of Wisdom from Ascended Masters, Archangel, Angels and Celestial Beings to share guidance for the ascension and spiritual development of humanity.

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