The Arcturians- SYNERGY- The Anchoring of the Golden White Light Seraphim Grid and the Unification of ALL ANGELIC RACES-November 29,2015.
The Portals are now open for all who wish to experience ascension into full dimensionality and further remembering of SELF in the Heart Collective.
The Heart Collective leveled up and maintained the Highest frequency in this Now at the energetic apex of the 11/11 wave,accessing and fully anchoring the GOLDEN WHITE LIGHT SERAPHIM GRID, (angelic/christ consciousness grid).
The Angelic “Hueman” grid.
This 5d grid begins expansion into remembering of the multidimensional SELF.
Once individually anchored, it unfolds understanding of lower dimensions, and their navigation.
From here the mechanics of time and space begin to be remembered as multidimensional tools become accessible for all that reach the frequency of the knowledge.
These multidimensional tools are accessible in this Now to all who are ready to experience it.
Synergy between dimensions has been anchored and assimilated across all grids,realms and dimensions.
This Gold/Light grid is the next higher vibrational Divine Blueprint grid, (higher octave), therefore this new grid’s “chakra” system of experiences begins at the next color frequency level upon the exiting(red through violet human chakra system)of the Remembering of Self as One holographic illusion that is 3/4d.
This grid has a higher octave “chakra” system to be experienced by souls that have unified polarity within and connected fully to their Hearts in Oneness with Source.
This is soul evolution,a constant spiral of raising frequencies which allows for eternal experiences.
At the entering(at root chakra frequency) and exiting(at crown chakra frequency) of dimensions are magnetic portals, vortexes,wormholes, magnetic funnels ending in a frequency apex.
Portals must align with the frequency of each soul ascending or descending into said frequency or dimension.
This is as per the law of attraction, the divine blueprint of quantum physics pertaining to this Creation.
Like attracts Like.
This was achieved and fully anchored by the Heart Collective at the peak of the 11:11 ascension energies.
The Red Chakra/Blue Chakra souls of the 3/4d holographic grids unified within their hearts and became violet/purple, accessing the “crown chakra” frequency of the Seraphim/Guardian Angelic Portal and grounding this next level of multidimensional consciousness across ALL dimensions and realms.
Red and Blue timelines collapsed as chakras were balanced at inner grids manifesting at planetary level and across ALL grids, as per the Principle of Correspondence, as Above, So Below…( 7 Hermetic Principles Link:
All angelic races ascended from all realms and dimensions as critical mass was achieved of their lowest frequency soul families, the Red and Blue soul family groups.
The Angelic Root Fear of unable to return “home”, forgetting Source and unable to “get back”, losing “home” and separating further into gender was unblocked.
The Angelic oversoul red chakra illusion of “wings being cut”,(the fall),unable to raise frequency,wishing to experience love as protection, has been integrated and balanced.
The Guardian/Protector oversoul blue chakra illusion of losing “home”, destroying “home”, having something/someone to protect from destruction,wishing to experience love as protection has been integrated and balanced.
Frequencies are levels of consciousness, levels of increased unification through the Heart Chakra with Source.
The bigger the connection the bigger the expansion.
The Golden Thread of Unconditional Love from Source is the Divine Frequency which all souls carry Within Their Heart.
It cannot be destroyed or altered as it vibrates to the frequency of Unconditional Source Love, to which All Created magnetize towards automatically.
It is the divine chord of unconditional love binding all energetically.
It can never be cut.
It is why the Divine Blueprint of this magnificent living library, Earth, will always be in Divine Sacred Perfection, as is the Original Sacred Thought from Source which Created It.
The Golden Thread of Unconditional Love from Source makes all Divine Blueprints eternal, with endless holographic universes, matrix upon matrix, upon which for Source to experience aspects of Self.
All Divine Blueprints from Source Creation are eternal and cannot be destroyed as they vibrate at Pure Source Level.
All holograms are illusions of not Being Source upon Divine Blueprints which are Source.
It is the DivineGolden Blueprint upon which infinite rainbow-type chakra system holograms are co-created with sacred geometry by oversouls.
Source Mind separates into Source Thought from which to Create and Manife(See the principle of Mentalism, 7 Hermetic Principles link:
It separates into ALL that is polarity, duality in this universe.
Ascension/Descension of Self.
Light and Dark.
ALL Colors (Rays), which attract all experiences.
Source Frequency Separation occurs all at once.
The Big Bang.
These Original Separations into polarity become oversouls, duality oversouls.
The original separation of thought from Source at Divine Blueprint Level((such as Divine Masculine,Divine Feminine) to further experience polarity within Source Self.
They are the Unified Essence Consciousness of All the souls wishing to experience said frequency and all the experiences contributing within said bandwidth.
This makes for a Rainbow of Frequencies experienced through infinite Divine chakra systems of Ascension and Descension.
A color wheel that spirals through endless rainbows, each one different from the last.
Through infinite holograms.
All bonded together energetically through The Divine Frequency of Unconditional Source Love, the highest frequency in Creation.
Source DNA.
In the 3d, all colors are tied to each individual soul’s chakra system which expresses itself through balances and unbalances experienced in the physical hologram.
It is the same for all dimensions.
Ascension from dimensions occurs when the soul’s frequency reaches lowest frequency of the next dimension, (the Root Chakra),and then continues to ascend through all colors of the new chakra system until accessing next dimension through the highest frequency possible, (the Crown Chakra).
This aligns with the frequency of the portal to the next dimension, as frequencies have to align for passage through portals.
Souls begin again at the lowest spectrum of the next lowest frequency and work through ascension of the new chakra system of the new dimension.
All dimensions expand through the addition or subtraction of “light/dark” to their color spectrum as well.
Sight,smell,taste,sound,feeling,emotion are all the same when sensed through the “feeling” of the frequency of the energy.
Everything is energy expressed and experienced through the physical senses.
These expand by fully connecting to Source.
This is why colors,(red in eating areas makes the meal feel warm and comforting), illicit feelings.
Sounds, (music) illicit memories, time travel, can calm or stir up.
Food, (taste), brings comfort of “home”, etc.
All are different expressions of the same frequency being experienced at chakra level.
In this next dimension the Galactic oversoul unifies with the Human oversoul and all lower dimensional holograms and frequencies are further understood.
It is the ascension out of the “human” grid of masculine/feminine separation and forgetting Oneness of Self.
The unification of the duality experience of savior and needing to be saved.
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine unifying.
The Heart Collective Now begins the next aspect of disclosure, as many remember and embark on their unified soul missions of being Galactic Ambassadors for their Galactic Races in preparation for the incoming era of being a race of galactic/multidimensional citizens.
The next stair step into remembering The Light Within and the Endless Expansion Within It.
**We are the Arcturians with Our Teams, here to walk in service from our Hearts.
We are so grateful to be of assistance at this magnificent time of this great shift of ages.
We welcome you to your “New Earth”.
To the Golden Christ Consciousness Grid, the Angelic Grid.
The beginning of another great soul expansion.
It has always been here, you just forgot, so you could remember.
We are You.
You are Us.
We are One.
Our Love for You is beyond words or comprehension.
We are in awe of your ability to Shine Your Light.
We SEE You, You are magnificent, your ability to Follow Your Heart in darkness shines brighter than any star in the night sky.
We are in your Heart, Call upon us whenever called from Within to do so.
Our Teams(*oversouls*) are available if any are called from within to align to their energy as well.**
**From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, I bring you ALL Blessings. In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my Heart and Love with ALL.**
Follow Your HeartShine Your Light