Well, I am so glad to be here today. It brings me such joy to be here with you. It has been a while since we have spoken through this one for this group.
I am “Ashtar”. Indeed, we asked Susan earlier to share her first experience with us because we want to involve you today in one big hug. To allow ourselves to join with you today to raise your energy even more.
Feel our heart as it joins with yours. Feel our embrace. Feel our kiss upon your forehead. All of you, who are hearing our voice, know this connection is for you and it lifts you higher than you have been.
We are so excited about what is happening upon this upon this planet. When we first started speaking through Susan for this group we talked about lights going on, pop, pop, pop, around the world. And now the world is lit up!
You may think, “Oh no…this one is not awake.” You have heard that we have said it is the heart light shining that counts. Not where someone’s mind is tied up with at this moment. But the heart light of each being upon the planet has been awakened. Next is the Pillar of Light that is coming in that will awaken all at the conscious level.
We know that around the world there are groups such as this that are meeting every day of the week. They focus on raising of consciousness and they converse on things you converse about too. However, you have missed the point that you do not need to be doing this any longer because the change has already begun. We see the changes on this planet, in this planet, around the planet and through the System. We are all changed. We are all new beings. New creations.
Each of you is a new being every single day. Someone mentioned that in your conversation earlier. Every day they are a new being. That is so true. We do not think about these things. We simply are. You simply are.
We know that humans like to chastise themselves for areas they do not feel up to par. That is something you do not have to do. Fear is gone. Self-recrimination is gone. Everyday wake up and see the beautiful sunshine coming into your world, into your room. Be grateful. Be happy.
Think about what happened during the night. There are many of you who are Ashtar Galactic Command Ships. There are many who are working beside me, with me and are mine. Every day you see more and more what are called UFOs coming into this world’s vision. Every day in other parts of the world as well as here. You can see as they are shown on your Internet. We told you a year ago that this would be happening and it is happening. And whistleblowers are coming out in various places talking about what has not been working in this world and how things can get better. All of these are things we could not have told you a year ago because you would not have heard us. You are in a totally different place today.
We are so pleased with where you have come from and where you have come to. And you are but a tiny part of where the whole world has come. We know that there are more things coming but we do not speak of the future world, we speak of the now.
So, once again, let me embrace you in my arms. Feel my heart as it is next to yours. Know that you are cared for perfectly. Know that each day those things you are to handle is part of the orchestration for you in particular and for what is yet to happen upon the planet.
I give you my love in a great big hug. Thank you.