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Arcturians (channeled messages)

The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, October 4th

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ October 4, 2015 Dear ones, in this time of change and new beginnings, we urge you to let go of any remaining expectations, for expectation only serves to hold you in concepts–mind pictures representing something you have read or listened to with regard to ascension. You are […]

The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, October 4th Read More »

The Arcturians via Maria, September 18

The Arcturians Oneness and the Separation of Timelines   Posted on September 18, 2015 Oneness and the Separation of Timelines-The Arcturians. September 18,2015 As the Incoming Catalyst Wave from Source begins its reverberation and cocreation,permeating into all the 3-D holograms, all energies and all forms of consciousness experiencing it are being transmuted at rapid pace. Astrological

The Arcturians via Maria, September 18 Read More »

The Arcturians via Maria, September 30

The human race has reached the moment of choice in this NOW. The intense wave of photonic Light, which is coursing through your planet and all the dimensional holograms, is being fully grounded by the Heart Collective forerunners. The energies are integrating and assimilating into all the grids(3,4,5…as ALL dimensions are in this now),and every

The Arcturians via Maria, September 30 Read More »

The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, September 20

 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Dear ones, you are beginning to see many changes in your world.  Try not to hold concepts regarding what those changes must look like in order to be valid, but instead learn to be silent observers of everything around you.  Observe peoples’ reactions and listen to what they are saying.  Note the

The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, September 20 Read More »

Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, July 19

Arcturian Group July 19, 2015 Channel: Marilyn Raffaele   Greetings from the Arcturian Group.  Know that everything is proceeding according to plan, and be not afraid dear ones, for the many changes and upheavals happening on earth at this time are all proof of the shifting energy of evolution.  Remember as you observe chaos taking place

Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, July 19 Read More »

Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 5

ARCTURIAN GROUP JULY 5, 2015 CHANNEL: MARILYN RAFFAELE Greetings once again dear ones. We wish to explain that because so much is happening on the deeper levels,  you must be prepared for changes that will soon manifest on earth  in many areas.  Increasingly intense energies of transformation and clearing are bringing about physical,  emotional, mental,

Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 5 Read More »

It Is The NOW and Free Morning Message from the Arcturians, May 19

It is the NOW for ALL of you, our grounded ones, to BE your true Multidimensional SELF. We suggest that you document your experiences and share them with others so that you can facilitate their full awakening. Please “document” your experiences in any manner that best suites YOU. We are requesting that you share your

It Is The NOW and Free Morning Message from the Arcturians, May 19 Read More »