The 144 Healing System by the Council of 144
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, we are the Council of 144, as a collective we represent every member of the Universe of the Creator. We exist at the cosmic level and yet are often recognised as the Council of 12 (the 12 core energies that are first expressed from the Creator, of which each of you pass through and are an expression of.) As the Council of 144, our purpose is to maintain the energy, frequency and vibration of creation as born from the Creator. The frequency we emanate as the 144 synthesises into many dimensions and even civilisations upon the Earth. During major ascension shifts the 144 frequency is present to support the necessary manifestations. When the 144 frequency is present in whichever form it manifests, you can be sure a powerful shift and transformation is presenting itself for all to experience. The frequency of 144 at a cosmic level is the vibration of manifestation and creation of the purest nature. It is with this vibration we greet you, activating the same within you. As we connect with each other and through each other, so we recognise the purest vibration of the Creator.
Our purpose in coming forth to you today is to share an insight from the Universe of the Creator and our conscious awareness. We wish to share with you a vibration and frequency known as the 144 Healing System. This is the healing frequency present within our vibration, known as the 144 frequency, born from the cosmic level. Our frequency represents the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. Therefore, our healing frequency represents and promotes the same. It is labelled the 144 Healing System because calling upon this energy and attunement begins a cycle of attuning your entire being on all levels to the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. The result is that gradually, although at an accelerated rate, you shift your energy vibration to exist in harmony with the 144 frequency with special focus upon healing and transforming that which separates and withdraws your energy from the Creator. Your harmonisation with the 144 frequency will support a process of discovering your inner truth, dissolving inner wounds, rediscovering the Creator within you and accepting liberation throughout your entire being. Energies that seem to be stagnating will have the opportunity to blossom into the beautiful and blissful energy of the Creator. The 144 Healing System supports your own special journey of rejoicing with the Creator while allowing you to remain in your power, at the forefront of your internal healing and awakening process. The journey is different for each soul that connects with the 144 Healing System, making it difficult to describe the full presence and purpose of this powerful vibration.
The 144 Healing System holds 144 stands of healing energy, each stand or energy wave was created by the Council of 12. When each strand of healing energy is combined it creates a complete and the ultimate healing shift which impacts all levels of your being. Calling on just some of these healing stands of light could support the healing you desire in your life, reality and being now. However, when you anchor the 144 stands of healing energy you create a vow with yourself and the Creator of seeking unity with the Creator, beyond the current experiences of your existence on the Earth. A unity that sings to every aspect of your being and re-establishes your intimate relationship with the Creator. Within the 144 Healing System are codes and divine imprints which represent and emanate the purest vibration of the Creator and the Universe of the Creator. Each code and divine imprint promote oneness and harmonisation with the Creator, supporting you in bringing the same into creation within your reality upon the Earth and the inner planes.
Souls throughout the Universe of the Creator, such as Star Beings and Ascended Masters, download and emanate the 144 Healing System, recognising it as a transformational pathway to remembrance of the Creator on all levels of their being. This is not a new energy, it is a frequency at the very core of your own being and at the foundation of the entire universe of the Creator, as well as the Earth.
Within the Ascended Master Schools on the inner planes, there is an opportunity to access and reactivate the 144 Healing System at which every dimension you are vibrating. Many choose to decipher and express teachings and healing techniques from the 144 Healing System and yet at a cosmic level it is simply light which shifts your being into complete harmonisation with the Creator.
We, the Council of 144 wished to make you aware of the 144 Healing System now so you may be conscious of this energy within your being, thus beginning a unique healing journey for yourself in co-creation with the Creator. It is essential now due to the Blaze of Light anchoring in 2020 from the Creator with the purpose of creating more light and the magnification of light. If the frequency and energy of the 144 Healing System is recognised within your being and activated, then it will be magnified and further distributed throughout your being by the Blaze of Light.
It is important to recognise that the 144 Healing System manifests the completeness, wholeness and oneness of the Creator for all aspects of your being, reality, creations and existence on the Earth and the inner planes. Take a moment to connect with and embody this understanding:
- Imagine the presence of wholeness within your being and reality that the 144 Healing System creates.
- Imagine the transformations the presence of wholeness on all levels of your being would create within you and for your reality.
- Contemplate your presence and existence in the world with the vibration of wholeness.
Reactivating the 144 Healing System
‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me. Let the frequency of the 144 Healing System blossom into my entire being, transforming all that I am and create. Support me in accessing and emanating the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. Let this activation begin now. Thank you.’
The activation will create whatever is needed and appropriate within your being now, thus encouraging your intimate relationship with the Creator.
Magnifying the 144 Healing System with the Light Blaze of 2020
This activation can be achieved now or at any time during 2020.
‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me.
I open my entire being to receive the appropriate vibrations of the 2020 Light Blaze to magnify all that is the light of the Creator. I invite the 2020 Light Blaze to touch every cell of my being, my energy vibration and reality, bathing me in the most supreme light.
I invite a synthesis and reconnection to take place within my being. May the Creator’s 2020 Light Blaze ignite, amplify and reactivate the presence of the 144 Healing System within my being now. I allow the presence, sacred codes, divine influence and guidance of the 144 Healing System to radiate from the core of my being. I am an embodiment of the 144 frequency and healing vibration; the presence of the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. I open my mind and heart to recognise truly and purely how the 144 frequency will serve me now in my life and journey of expressing the Creator. Thank you.’
Allow and hold the intention of a synthesis taking place within your being, rest and enjoy the presence of the energy.
Infinite love,
Council of 144
Related Book by Natalie Glasson
‘The Twelve Rays of Light’
(A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy)
by Natalie Sian Glasson