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Natalie Glasson (channeled messages)

Pathways of Truth by the Celestial White Beings, June 9, 2024

Pathways of Truth by the Celestial White Beings June 9, 2024 by Natalie Glasson Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We are coming forth to you multiple times. We have an energy and a purpose which we are sharing with you. We are facilitating and supporting your ascension at

Pathways of Truth by the Celestial White Beings, June 9, 2024 Read More »

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 30th, 2024

Greetings to you magnificent beings of light, we come forth with our celestial vibrations to be of service to you. We are the Celestial White Beings, we come forth as many, and yet we are also one. We have existed with, and in harmony with, the Earth since its creation. Our purpose is to develop

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 30th, 2024 Read More »

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 23d, 2024

Greetings magnificent beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with our vibration of celestial bliss. It is our purpose to awaken the energy of bliss from within your being; to bring forth Creator bliss into your reality so that you may experience the love, the fulfilment, the freedom and the

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 23d, 2024 Read More »

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 16th, 2024

Greetings beloved beacons of light upon the earth, we are the Celestial White Beings. We are labelled this way because of our pure white energy and our celestial vibrations. We come forth as one and yet we are also many beings. Today we wish to speak of the energy of infinity. Infinity extends from the

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 16th, 2024 Read More »

Message from the Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 9th, 2024

Greetings and love we, the Celestial White Beings, extend to you now. We bring forth our celestial vibrations to support your healing and awakening from within your being. We have been present with the Earth since its creation and we are present with you, throughout your entire lifetime, supporting, nurturing and inspiring you to live

Message from the Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 9th, 2024 Read More »

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 2nd, 2024

Greetings, blessings be with you. We bring forth the Celestial vibrations to embrace your being. Allow yourself to be showered in pure white light. Let it embrace you and reveal the light within your being. You are safe in our presence. We have been working with the earth for such a long time, supporting the

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, May 2nd, 2024 Read More »

The Crystalline Consciousness via Natalie Glasson, March 22nd, 2024

Greetings beloved crystalline beings upon the earth, we honour within your being the crystalline energy. We activate and empower the crystalline vibrations that you hold within your soul and even within your physical body. We come forth with a clearing, cleansing energy. We also wish to empower you with information on how to clear your

The Crystalline Consciousness via Natalie Glasson, March 22nd, 2024 Read More »

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, February 9th, 2024

Greetings beloved beacons of light. We are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with love and bliss which we shower upon you. We deliver into your soul and your essence so that you may remember fully, the truth that you hold and the truth that is present for you to deliver in your current

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, February 9th, 2024 Read More »

Cosmic Council of 12 via Natalie Glasson, February 2nd, 2024

Greetings and love, we, the Cosmic Council of 12, share our love and blessings with you. We hold the essence of Creator truth and we send it throughout the entire Universe of the Creator.  We charge your entire being with this essence of truth, a truth in many ways, that only the Creator can truly

Cosmic Council of 12 via Natalie Glasson, February 2nd, 2024 Read More »

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, January 12th, 2024

Greetings beloved bliss beacons of light. We are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth as one and yet we are many. We come forth with our celestial vibrations. Our purpose, our focus, everything that we wish to guide is always connected to bliss – the experience and the manifestation of bliss. Today we wish

The Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, January 12th, 2024 Read More »

Celestial White Beings: Diamond Chamber of Clarity, January 5, 2024

Celestial White Beings: Diamond Chamber of Clarity January 5, 2024 by Natalie Glasson Greetings beloved bliss beacons of light. We are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth as one and yet we are many. We come forth with our celestial vibrations. Our purpose, our focus, everything that we wish to guide is always

Celestial White Beings: Diamond Chamber of Clarity, January 5, 2024 Read More »

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, December 14th, 2023

Greetings beacons of bliss and light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth as a voice of many however we are one. We are from the celestial vibrations. Our light is the colour of white and we bring forth bliss. Bliss is our purpose – it is our essence. We, the Celestial White

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, December 14th, 2023 Read More »

Lord Melchizedek – Collapse and Rebirth, October 30th, 2023

OCTOBER 30, 2023 Collapse and Rebirth There is a matrix around the Earth, below the Ascended Crystalline Grid, that is now imploding upon itself. As the domination of men is continuously challenged and under scrutiny, humankind grows ever weary of the violence, war, corruption and crimes against humanity that are forcing many humans to exit…...

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Lord Melchizedek – Collapse and Rebirth, October 30th, 2023 Read More »

Message from the Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, October 27th, 2023

Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We are known as the Celestial White Beings because we exist at the celestial level and often many see our energy as the colour white. We have been in service to the earth and humanity since the very beginning and we are present to

Message from the Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson, October 27th, 2023 Read More »

Galactic Logos Melchior via Natalie Glasson, September 22nd, 2023

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am the Galactic Logos Melchior, which means that I oversee the Universe of the Creator at a vibration known as the galactic level. I share these galactic waves of frequencies with the solar level, the planetary level and the earth. Today I wish to speak of the unknown and

Galactic Logos Melchior via Natalie Glasson, September 22nd, 2023 Read More »

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson, 8 september, 2023

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We come forth as a community, as a collective, to bring forth our energy, our wisdom and our support at this time. We notice that the levels of anxiety, of stress and worry are rising within many beings and feelings of chaos, confusion and fear are developing also. We recognise

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson, 8 september, 2023 Read More »

Archangel Metatron: Cleansing Practices, August 31, 2023

Archangel Metatron: Cleansing Practices August 31, 2023 by Natalie Glasson Cleansing Practices by Archangel Metatron Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. What a joy it is to be in your radiant presence. I bring forth the angelic light and frequencies full of shimmering Creator qualities to share with you and activate Creator

Archangel Metatron: Cleansing Practices, August 31, 2023 Read More »

The Crystalline Consciousness: Cleansing Residue Energies, July 20, 2023

  The Crystalline Consciousness: Cleansing Residue Energies July 20, 2023 by Natalie Glasson Cleansing Residue Energies by the Crystalline Consciousness Greetings beloved beings of light. We are the Crystalline Consciousness. We are the spirit, the soul, the essence on the inner planes of crystals, that you experience upon the earth. We are a collective consciousness.

The Crystalline Consciousness: Cleansing Residue Energies, July 20, 2023 Read More »