Golden Ones of Time and of No Time via Galaxygirl | March 9, 2024
Golden Ones of Time and of No Time 3/9/2024
(I am seeing a group of nine golden beings. A tall golden woman with long hair is speaking to me. They are all stunningly beautiful and wearing golden togas with golden adornments.) Beautiful humans, we are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time. We speak from beyond time space, from beyond the templates and constructs of your reality, from beyond your dreams we exist. We exist within the breath of the All, of the golden thought of creation. For there is much to create in this now and we see some of you having some difficulty with the creation process within these energies of late. These energies have been kept from your world for a while now as vibrationally things were not in alignment. But now that your earth body is within this celestial quadrant of vibrational codices much can and will change. We see this altering as being made manifest as crystalline within and without your fields. Gaia’s codices are changing to more of a crystalline, in fact she is already crystalline.
We are here to anchor the codes of gold. For gold and the rich quantities of it was what originally brought the invaders to your world where they mismanaged and pillaged, abused and took. There is much of this gold that has been recaptured by the alliance and is held safely off world. Much of the riches of this planet have yet to be discovered. The greatest richness we see is the experience of living in a world of what-nots and wonders. We see earth, Gaia, as such a place of beauty and of tremendous potential. Her potential was attempted to be hijacked, thwarted by those that take and not give, by the power-over faction. You know them well. They have been running your world behind the scenes for millennea.
We are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time here to lend our vibrational assistance. We are made of the vibrational frequencies of gold as you understand it and of the energy of purity behind the gold, as it is the original of Source code within physical form made manifest. The creation code has much of the feeling of gold in it and as such is is valued for its creative properties all over the multiverse. There is something special in itself of gold. Many metals of course are needed within the physical plane but gold is universally accepted as set apart, as special. (I am seeing a goldsmith craft a variety of beautiful objects out of gold).
We see the human ones, the beautiful humans reading this with bleary eyes, we see you as being the gold for Gaia, those of you who sacrificed your golden heritage from the stars to be here within the body and to hold vibrationally the codex of home to assist with the higher vibrational anchoring. Without you this project would not be possible or be completed for the light would not be able to physically anchor to your vessels and to Gaia. It would simply pass through and a great opportunity for planetary advancement would be missed. It is not being missed. All hands are on deck now, anchoring, forming, spinning.
We Golden Ones come through now for it is appropriate prior to your Solar Eclipse that we anchor further additional codes of gold into your realm, for it will fortify energetically the crystalline and it will contribute to the time loop of the gold that was taken. This gold that was taken to another planet left an energetic gap, a hole in Gaia, much like one human donating a kidney to another, the donor has a gap where the organ was. There was a sadness with this as this gold held much Source code. Those that did this knew this and they were greedy wanting this Source code for themselves. Rather than asking Source and working with the Source within themselves, they took.
This has been a planet of gaps and arrows, of lacks and pains. We see this and we know that this cannot continue on for much longer as the people realize and rise. We see the great rising of the human collective as now. You are in the mid stages of this. There will be sounds of war but full war will not be allowed. There will be waves of emotion that must be processed and you are to hold the energetic frequency of safety and peace, dear ones.
It is your mission as the light bearers to hold the codes for peace. We see you as peace and light embodied. We see your ascension as very near. We see your world rising and yet hanging back simultaneously as those within your collective are afraid of change. And yet your planet is a place of seasons, of temperature changes, of great variety and if you travel you see these changes or even if you do not, chances are your realm is affected by these seasons. There is of course the season of the human life, of growing and maturing, of aging and death. Seasons cannot be stopped, but they can be slowed. With ascension there will be new seasons of growth, of renewal, of grace and self love. There will be seasons of replenishment of the gaps in your soul that were most painful, these gaps will be healed. Soul fragments will rejoin unto you and much will be rendered complete.
We are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time. We weave now a golden chalice in front of you filled with golden light. Drink it. Fill your body with this golden alchemy of wonder. Gold is an element of Gaia and it is your birthright. There is much about the human financial system that is filled with lack and sorcery, of deceit and ambiguity. And this will be adjusted as systems return to the original golden currency that as New Gaian’s is your birthright. Have no fear of what is to come for you are the strong ones making this possible. We see you as having already succeeded on this mission. We see you as great adventurers across space time, the brave ones who have adventure after adventure, and time and time again you have succeeded bringing down those whose time of reign is past, the time jumpers, the space changers, the quantum rearrangers. We see you. We love you. We bow to you with awe and wonder.
We are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time. Feel free to work with us. We are an energetic aspect of the gold that is pivotal for your planet’s healing. Time does not remain at a stand still but it can be stretched. It can be stopped. It can be changed. You are changing the trajectory that was projected (armageddon timeline) into that of the pivotal New Earth and it brings us great joy to tell you that things are succeeding. That the light is winning. That you may not yet see does not yet mean it isn’t so. It is so.
We are infusing the rocks of Gaia now with our golden frequencies, assisting with her golden replenishment. With so much gold there will be little to be greedy for. All upon Nova Gaia will have plenty and not be in want. There will be no lack only abundance. And as the first wavers, as the light bearers of the Golden Rose frequency, as the human Christs embodied, you will be an example simply by being where you are. You radiate this christed light with such ease and grace. We love you.
We are the Golden Ones of Time and No Time. We salute you to your success.
~ galaxygirl