As I was reading a report today that Bob had sent me, suddenly I was feeling a strong message from Spirit to stop reading for the moment because there was a message coming about the information. As I was writing what was coming, I knew that it was to be this Wake up Call, and that I would be posting it today, along with the report, as soon as I had it completed. What I was reading in the report, you can read Here. Or at this link:
Wake up Call: Hatonn, Jan 07, 2016
I am here now to let you know that this that you are being offered to read is but the first in a series of eye-openers for the people of earth. There is more to come in detail that has been brought to the front in this report. It will be a gradual process of evidence that will show the people that there is much that has been kept undercover for so long. The details will be brought to the front in a way that cannot be denied. There will be many pieces of information and physical representations of what will be shown to be the history of the planet. It will be the coming together of enough evidence that the people will begin to see and feel the truth in it. They will even begin to remember some of their experiences in a way that will be a gradual opening to their inner truth.
It is important that this all come to the surface in a way that will not override the peoples’ ability to withstand the information that will turn their lives around. It will be a process that will benefit them and assist them to the interaction of the truth and the way to live what will be coming to their lives.
We do not wish to overwhelm anyone. That is why this is already in progress in a way that will be progressive, and not the kind of experience that will completely close the people down. They will be given the truth in various ways in the time in which they will be able to not only accept, but know that what is in front of them now is what they have been preparing for over a number of years, and even lifetimes.
I leave you now with the introduction to the information that is here for you to digest, and interpret in the way that is most beneficial as being seen that it is the truth that is going to set the whole of humanity and life on earth and beyond free to explore what can be beyond this experience in a way that will represent the Love of The Creator, which is within each and every One of us.
I am Hatonn, and I am with you for always.
Thank you so much dear Hatonn,
Much Love, Nancy Tate