A system is completely demolished, an era that caused so much pain to humanity is extinguished. This will not be hidden from anyone, but it makes the difference whether you cling to the old system or whether you voluntarily let it go. This behavior decides whether the events devour you or whether you emerge like Phoenix from the ashes of the events as reborn.
What now?
Trust GOD!
Beloved people,
the time of time presents you with great challenges! You will be confronted with circumstances that cannot be foreseen. So it is also impossible to prepare for it. What now comes into effect is your inner state, your inner strength, the true core of your being. The events of this time often present you with the situation: WHAT NOW?
Even if you have considered this or that, made arrangements here or there, everything will be different in the end. It is important to be internally prepared for this. Today, the inner values of a person count, because these are now being emphasized – and these make the difference.
Those who are internally connected to the earth experience the upheavals of the earth in deep understanding and peace. Whoever realizes the need for what must happen now is truly blessed. At the same time, it is important to be connected to heaven, to the divine. This is the only preparation that matters now.
Effective and decisive is now what you have realized inside you. It is now important to a healthy psyche, to an intact spiritual immune system, to a well-founded and grounded connection with the earth.
Deep in your soul, you have known for eons about what should happen now, so that it becomes bright on earth and human between people.
Hold or release?
A system is completely demolished, an era that caused so much pain to humanity is extinguished.
This will not be hidden from anyone, but it makes the difference whether you cling to the old system or whether you voluntarily let it go. This behavior decides whether the events devour you or whether you emerge from the ashes like a phoenix from the events as a NEWBORN.
So I draw your attention to your desire to hold on to the old. Many people have no idea of the new and so they hold on to the familiar. This reflex is harmful, because as soon as the storm comes, it is important to let go.
Trust in God
Even if you have no idea of the bright age, even if the enemies of freedom seem overwhelming to you, always keep a window open – a window of trust in God through which knowledge can penetrate you.
Poverty consists in knowing nothing of GOD and being completely cut off from GOD.
Whether you can visualize the light age or whether you cling to the old life, both ways are only mastered with sufficient GOD TRUST.
What is the best way to bridge this time and survive in peace? Through TRUST IN GOD!
So go, because the time of the return of GOD on earth is a time of miracles, so that believers and unbelievers can open themselves to GOD.