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John via Cheryl Jacobson, September 13th, 2017

I am John. I served the Master Jesus a long time ago and in His name I come today with power, light, love. Children of the Earth, we have asked you, a clarion call has gone out to the world, to come closer together, to go inward, draw upon the Light that is within you and send that Light out. Many times in the past we have asked you to do this but because the dark forces have amassed together to cause atrocities that have frightened you all, we of the spirit world are sending down powerful Light as it is Light against darkness. Many times in our prayers we have asked you to go inward, we have asked you to send out Light and love. You have done so. You have sent out Light to those who have passed to Spirit cruelly and to those who have been injured. To the world you have sent out love. Now we are gathering that love so that we in Spirit can come and blend our love with that which you are giving. By doing this you are becoming crusaders of the Light.

We need Light and it is for each one of you to look inward within yourselves as the power of love is there, within. Give it out. Send it out and, as we have said before, think of your children, your grandchildren and those who come after them. Are you not doing this for them? What stops many from doing this is that there are many upon the earth plane whose minds are shut, who have no knowledge and who do not want knowledge. But there are others, the Light workers upon the earth, whose Lights are becoming brighter and do you know why? Because we in Spirit are showering down this wonderful, wonderful Light that goes all around the world. This wonderful Light goes inward, lifting the children of the earth. But there is something that you must do. You must realize that what has happened has brought fear, panic into your lives and that is what the lower forces want. The dark forces are elated because they can see what they are doing as fear takes hold. So, I am saying this to you today, go forward as a crusader of Light and when you become afraid, in panic, inside of you is a Light and all you have to do, no matter how panic-stricken you are, how fearful you are is to call out and say: ‘Father, lift me, lift this condition from me as I am a crusader of Light. Help me to be strong, courageous’.

As an army of crusaders on earth you have shields in front of you. Each of you has a shield and as you march forward on this earth plane with this wonderful shield of courage, faith, love, nothing can go beyond that shield. Can you imagine what this is like? Many people can see these shields that are before you. They deflect negative conditions but if you give in to fear, a chink is created and the lower forces will be there – they never miss a moment. They are there. Then you will feel doubt, you will wonder what will happen if the dark forces take over the world. It will be like Atlantis all over again. But we are here. We have come as a stronghold of Light. We are a fort that is strong, built brick by brick with strength and love. Do your bit. Do your share. Cast out fear and in its place go inward, as we have asked you to do. Go inward. Draw upon the God that is within each one of you. Draw upon this Light, this sun that shines above you. Feel the sun. Draw the sun to you and send it out. Can you imagine how it will be? Nothing, nothing can overcome the love of God, nothing, but He wants the help of the children of the earth because He has placed within each one of you a part of Himself. Draw upon the power that he has given you. Be strong. Walk with the shield before you. Walk forward and let your heart be lifted. Then nothing negative can reach you as the Light shines within you and pushes away the dark forces. As the armada of Light pushes away the darkness, nothing can overcome love. Nothing can overcome faith, trust. Remember this. Remember this because not only are you on the earth fighting but a grave battle is being facing the strata of the lower worlds of Spirit. There, there is Light and there is dark and as you send out that love and it goes up, so the Light is strong, pushing away all negative forces. This is a clarion call to the world. Did you not send love? Did you not send love to the bereaved? Did you not send love for what has happened and what is happening?

Children of the Light remember that The Great Spirit of All is the purest love. Nothing, nothing can overcome the spearhead of The Great, Great Spirit but each of you must stir yourselves now. You are not doing this for yourselves. You are doing it for the future. Walk with the shield of courage before you and look into yourselves daily and ask yourself whether you are allowing the dark forces to ease themselves into your mind. Be very, very diligent as to what you think and what you do. You can do it. You can do it because we are here to help you do it but when you weaken, send out a thought asking for help and strength. Help will be given to you in abundance because we protect you, lift you. Not all minds are open but we want to know that the children of the earth are learning and giving their faith to the God within them. We see the sword of the great Archangel, Michael. The sword goes forward which means that we are working steadily, pushing the dark forces away. This won’t happen in a moment. It won’t happen today or tomorrow but you must realise the importance of your thoughts, your feelings and every day pray, pray with your heart and soul: ‘Lord you are with us. Lord you are indeed guiding us. Lord you are lifting us up into a higher realm of thought. Help us to be the great Light on earth, as it is in heaven’. My children, you are blessed and you are loved beyond your imagination. We give you help in all directions on the earth to open your minds but I say today I am John and because I am John, I know, I understand because we too had to go learn the control of our emotions and our thoughts. We did it. You can do it. Now I think I have said enough but I have brought to you today the power of love, the power and energy that is given to you and to the world. We are God’s loving children. Walk in Light. Walk in love. Control your thoughts because they go together with your feelings. Be positive. March onward with the shield of courage in front of you knowing full well that that shield reflects the Light. Children of the world, a great blessing is given to you today. Heed my worlds today. Live in Light and love. So I end my visit to you with love, knowing that you will have courage, faith, faith in the God within you. God bless you all. – Channel: Cheryl Jacobson – Shared per request via email.