“Know Thyself” – The Clarion Calls – Archived Show # 6 – August 9, 2017
Received via email at 11:43 PM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
Know Thyself
Socrates said it so well “Know Thyself.”
To know thyself is not about the skimming the surface like finding a favourite colour or music you like.
But to really know thyself is about delving much deeper.
To know thyself is a heroic journey. It is about discovering who you are as a human being
– the real deal.
This journey is unpredictable and engages you deeply as it brings you face-to-face with your deepest fears, self-doubts, vulnerabilities and insecurities.
On the journey you will question how you are living your life and whether or not it is in alignment with your highest purpose.
And if you don’t yet know your highest self, allow yourself to live in that space of not knowing and trust that a better space of knowing will come in the exact right moment.
This journey of knowing thyself can also be challenging and downright scary; however it is extremely gratifying the more time you spend walking it.
To know thyself is about being aware of your core values, priorities and dreams–even if you don’t remember them all just yet.
To know thyself means respecting, but not attaching to, your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fears, your desires and dreams, your thoughts and feelings, your tolerances and limitations.
And for any individual to properly serve another in terms of a career spent in philanthropy, they must first get to know thyself as their soul relates to the infinite, eternal and immortal.
Why go so deep? Well, the reason is quite simple.
Your journey through infinity, eternity and immortality is all there is… and while that might feel foreign to western cultures, none are foreign to any human having a physical experience.
Attaining higher levels of consciousness is the whole game. Even more simplified, this trinity of consciousness is single state of awareness, multi-tiered levels of understanding, all leading to personal enlightenment.
For instance: We live in the body, rather than in the soul. To many the body is everything, and there is nothing beyond the body. This is one level of understanding.
However to discover the extent of the soul involves greater exploration, even imagination. To some that’s fantasy, but I assure you that the soul is anything but imaginary.
It’s real and a critical aspect of ascension in the human experience, and thus must be explored, and studied, to climb further up the ladder of consciousness.
This higher awareness requires a different commitment of trust. A servitude if you will. Where selflessness trumps over self in all situations. Not easy, but well worth the journey I can assure you.
Examining the soul is a constant revelation of your own cosmic possibilities and reality. And if one dares venture into our unknown of the soul, they shall see a shared teacher of vision and common professor of higher intelligence.
“Life is effort,” says the body. “Life is blessing,” says the soul. Both are correct. Neither is absolute in the human experience.
Now the tepid traveler does not want to go beyond their own morality, society and humanity. But the divine servant sees being human as opportunity to draw closer to God, and know heaven on earth and vice versa, where the human experience becomes a spiritual event, and necessary chapter of understanding and shape and unify the soul while in form.
Resting in the balance of what makes us organically human is our birth-righted divinity, which is precisely where our best and brightest self exists… a selfless self if you will … aka known as being a human angel.
This space is where we truly live, where we have access to a library of ancient knowledge and all powerful strength that has quietly existed within our soul for all eternity. And it has waited there trusting we would one day come to it, and ask to become a human angel as to to realize our greatest good purpose as assigned to us by God through divine covenant.
It’s often referred romantically as Oneness, but honestly… it’s just a process whereby we come to grips with who and what we were created for, accepting our fate form an all-loving and omnipotent Creator Source who wants us living in indescribable joy and overflowing abundance.
Nothing man-made in this space. No ginned up media or entertainment half truths about our human potential. Being a human angel is the realest of deals. The Way, The Truth and The Light… working harmoniously on earth as in heaven.
This space is heroically known as Christ Consciousness in western cultures.
Thus, to know thyself is simply to reach this Christ Consciousness space as a human angel with oneness awareness that utilizes all aspects of universal knowledge and wisdom by applying our soul’s personal touch of uniqueness as decreed by God.
And constantly surrendering to the process of your human angel journey is the only way to receive a soul’s most benevolent harvest.
God is with us