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Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson, November 6th, 2020

Lord Melchizedek

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Ancient Healing Symbols by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am Lord Melchizedek, I am a consciousness, a source of light, an energy, you might say a soul group. I come forth as the overseer of the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe. It is my purpose to receive the energy of the Creator and deliver it across the Universe of the Creator, especially to those upon the Earth.

Your purpose is also to receive the energy of the Creator, delivering it throughout your entire world and existence. We each connect with the Creator’s energy differently. We each receive the Creator’s energy and wisdom in a different way, which is aligned to our soul, the purpose, and the preferences of our soul. This means that every being is unique, as is each person’s expression of the Creator, this is what creating a greater picture of the Creator. It is important to realise your expression of the Creator supports yourself and others in accessing the Creator more fully, this is the same for others and their expression of the Creator.

I, Lord Melchizedek come forth to you today to share an insight, I wish to share with you there are energies, templates and symbols activating from the Earth, especially activating from the Crystalline Kingdom. These energies, templates and symbols are predominantly focused upon healing, they promote healing within the physical body and the energetic bodies or Auric Field. These symbols, templates and energies were placed into certain crystals throughout the entire world, especially those crystals embedded within Mother Earth. As the vibration of the Earth continues to rise the crystals are emanating these templates and symbols. They were anchored into the crystals in ancient times such as ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria and so many other ancient civilisations that worked with healing and crystals.
The symbols and templates that are activating are akin to instruction manuals of how to heal the body and energetic being, and these instructions may be different and diverse to the way’s humans are healing on the Earth now. The instructions are of a higher vibration; therefore, it is only those with an expanded awareness, a high vibration, and a willingness to receive who will be able to access these templates. There are multiple templates and multiple symbols with multiple types of healing. The symbols or templates most aligned with your own healing ability or your own healing need will be attracted to you and will be offered to you for you to download and receive. Gradually, the information will unfold into your awareness. As the information unfolds you may discover that you are inspired to work in a different way through your healing or to approach your own personal healing with a different perspective. The purpose of the templates and symbols emerging now is so humanity can really harness their natural ability of self-healing as well as supporting the healing of others, as an individual or as a collective. This will mean certain techniques or ways of bringing healing to the body will be discarded, seen as old energies or old perspectives.

As new waves of understanding, like instruction manuals, comes forth to be adopted and used in your reality, the healing techniques, energies, and perspectives of ancient civilisations become more embodied. They are not new to you nor new to the Earth and its most likely you used the healing technique in another lifetime, it is an ability and skill returning to you. As souls upon the Earth access these ancient templates and symbols so the vibration and frequency of each person on the Earth as well as Mother Earth will heighten, therefore allowing the consciousness of humanity to rise.

Reliance on certain perspectives, certain objects, and certain equipment to create healing within the body may be discarded.

Accessing the Ancient Healing Symbols

There are two important questions to be acknowledged by you: Are you a Healer? Are you open to receive a new way of healing?
Or Do you have an ailment that you wish to heal within your body being or reality?

This might mean that you do not believe yourself to be a healer, however, you wish to receive a healing within your being. First choose which area you wish to focus upon, whether you wish to adapt and shift a healing ability or whether you wish to focus on healing your own self, your being and create your intention with this.

Then I, Lord Melchizedek invite you to call forth from the ancient civilisations, the Crystal Keepers. Imagine, sense, or acknowledge from the ancient civilisations many Crystal Keepers come forth and surround you. These are divine spiritual beings of love and truth; they protect and safeguard the crystals embedded within the Earth.

Then state your intention: ‘I wish to receive the ancient healing symbols and templates to enhance and develop my healing ability.’ or ‘I wish to receive the ancient healing symbols and templates to bring healing to my own being.’ (Choose which one you wish to focus upon.)
The Crystal Keepers may transport you to a crystal within the Earth or they may place a crystal within your hands. Whichever occurs, allow yourself to breathe in as if you are inhaling the energy of the crystal, inhaling the ancient healing symbols and templates that are and have been allocated especially for you. You may feel that certain templates or symbols anchor into your body, you may be given inspiration, you may feel a current of energy, or you may simply acknowledge that you are being given these symbols and templates now. The Crystal Keepers and the symbols will work differently with each person.

I, Lord Melchizedek invite you to be open and expansive, to allow yourself to receive. If you do not receive any insights, then try again another time. I know you will receive insights and the energy will be embodied within your being. It is a matter of trust, so trust that the transference and activation of these ancient healing symbols and templates has taken place and is being embodied within your being. The next steps are up to you depending on what you receive or feel inspired to achieve. You can practice downloading these symbols and templates daily until you feel the energy is fully embodied within your being. Then observe throughout your day or during meditation any insights or shifts in perspective that you feel inspired to take. You know exactly how to use these templates and symbols, in truth, there is not really a need for me to explain any further. My purpose is to reconnect you with these symbols. A new way of healing, a new way of being is dawning upon the Earth and a new Earth ascension is taking place. This new perspective on healing the being and the energetic bodies is immensely important and it is a part of the new creation that is taking place on the Earth, therefore, it requires to be synthesised with souls such as yourself, your reality and the consciousness of humanity.

Please allow yourself to receive and know that you are creating a new world, supporting the ascension process, developing your own healing skills, creating shifts and transformations within your being.

I thank you,

I am Lord Melchizedek