Mary Magdalene
Friday, May 13th, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Mary Magdalene and I want to congratulate you today. Much has been happening on Earth so that the light can penetrate deeper. People have woken up and understand that something is about to happen with them and their world. It is as if they have woken up from a deep Snow White sleep and start to see reality as it really is. They start to understand that it is themselves that can change the world they live in. It might appear to be a chaotic world, but if you open the eyes enough you understand that a new way is now being prepared, out of this chaotic world and into a new world of harmony, where all are taking responsibility for everybody.
The Light opens up more and more insights. It is now starting to reach the larger masses on Earth. The collective consciousness is now tilting more and more towards the Light, as more and more start to work with them selves. More and more find their gifts and start to use them. These gifts are as small precious jewels for Mother Earth, as it impacts the whole process for ascension towards the Light. All gifts are needed as stated in previous messages and all gifts that are added have the effect of easing and accelerating the process. Thus, it is you dear Earthlings, which determine the pace in this important process of transformation up into the Light – You as a collective human unit.
This you do by working with yourselves, finding the Light inside you and trying to keep it on the outside. It is your thoughts of the Light and your intentions that change the world today. Let go of all anger and frustration over what has been and live in the light of your soul. See what is beautiful within each one of you and understand that your life can be that which is beautiful and light. It can be difficult to change patterns, but it is not impossible. You have done it many times before. Now it is a question of believing in the Light rather than the dark. Have faith in yourselves and your own Light. Understand that you can leave all the old behind and with courage and force garner the Light that is both within you and outside. This is a change in consciousness, it can be hard, but we have much faith in your abilities.
There are many helping hands out there that can help you on the first part, if it initially would appear as impossible. However, nothing is impossible, dear ones, everything is possible. All dreams can come through, it is just a matter of change of consciousness – A change of your own way of thinking from impossible to possible A strong belief and trust in your own abilities is what is needed. A first step can be to love yourself and accept yourself exactly the way you are – as you are with what is positive and what is lacking. Strengthen your positive sides and understand that you all the time can get better. Everything is a development towards what is better, and a larger understanding of yourself in the body that you now inhabit. Your whole body wants to feel accepted and loved by exactly you. It is then that it can absorb the Light energy that exists all around, fully accessible for all to catch and take part in. You can feel it in your bright moments. You feel it in your quite meditative moments. It then flows freely through the body. You can be filled with both worry and joy, depending on what surfaces and which blockings you have. Many of you can feel both of these emotions depending on how strong energy you take in. The energy is adjusted to you so that you the whole time can take in some more energy at the pace that you accept and let it in. You accept and forgive yourself. You send love to different parts of your body and ask the soul to help dissolve knots that have appeared during the years that have passed. Finally the light will flow freely in your body and the energy increases more and more and you can sense an ever increasing joy.
I wish you all much joy and Light in your bodies.
I love you so much.
Mary Magdalene
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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