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Message from Archangel Michael via Jahn Kassl, June 15th, 2024


Message from Archangel Michael

The time when the old systems collapse and the rulers of them have to say goodbye to the earth has come. It happens that everything unfolds for the benefit of all and that the people who want to build the kingdom of heaven on earth prevail.

Contribution image © Krisztian Juhatz

The rebirth of humanity

Be happy!

The departure of humanity into freedom is taking place!

The people who are still important for the success of change are waking up. They leave the swamplands of the ancient Matrix and they rise to get to paradise.

The time when the old systems collapse and the rulers of them have to say goodbye to the earth has come. It happens that everything unfolds for the benefit of all and that the people who want to build the kingdom of heaven on earth prevail.

Destruction is part of the process and necessary during the transition. So don’t be afraid if everything is reversed, when everything seems to turn against you, when it becomes night by day and day by night.

Do not fear anything or anyone, but look cheerfully to the rebirth of humanity. Focus on the light, on the good in people. Center in GOD and seek closeness to your spiritual guides.

Dive deep into your innermost heart, connect with your heart and look for answers for current events in your omniscient soul! As long as you want to explain the world to yourself through your external senses, the answers remain incomplete, as soon as you look at the world from the inside, the whole scene opens and you gain the overview.

Let go of the world!

What must happen now in order for the change to take place and the ascent to succeed, is the shred of the world, as you knew it. The old world is dissolving and no longer returning. To stick to it means to go down with her. However, letting go of the old world is not always easy, as the connections and dependencies are often still intact.

JJK: How to let go, let go of something or give up?

ANGEL MICHAEL: Letting go is always an inner process, which means perceiving the world as a space of experience for angels and not as a reality of angels – because this angel, that’s you!

Freedom means giving up the ideas of this reality so that you become receptive to reality.

Expand your perspective!

You can live with all your senses in the world and get actively involved, the decisive factor is how you perceive yourself at the end of the day. Do you have the ability to distance yourself from your actions and everything that surrounds you? Are you lived or are you vigilant and mindful yourself? What reality do you trust: the visible phenomena or what the visible has an effect?

As soon as you look at the world and yourself from the inside out, you live on this world and yet are not of it. Then you live as an angel who makes a human experience, as a divine consciousness that knows how to distinguish earthly reality from divine reality.

Expand your perspective, deepen your perception and it will be easy for you to correctly interpret the signs of the times and the upheavals that must follow them.

Returning to the world of light with GOD to arrive in GOD – rise, beloved, because this time is now.