Message through God
There is no need for hope where knowledge is.
There is no need for faith where trust grows.
Hope and faith
Hope as a refuge
Hope is the refuge for the burdened, enslaved and oppressed – waiting for redemption is the second face of grief.
Through hope, all illusions are maintained. As long as we “remaintain ourselves alive” through hope, the illusions will also remain so long.
Hope arises where there is ignorance. Where there is no insight and no recognition, hope grows up and gives you the strength to live. In order to “survive” and to survive in this reality, you turn to hope and faith.
If your hope is “disappointed”, you fall into grief. In order for you to cope, you develop a “faith”. This is the stronger “dose” and you manage to cope somehow.
Hope, grief and faith are great illusions – built in front of you to keep you away from knowledge. Although you think you are getting strong precisely because of this, the opposite actually happens: you are weakened and paralyzed.
This hope is deceptive, this grief is painful, this faith is blind.
“Hope dies last!” it is said and if it dies, you are confronted with what is. Without hope, you are hopeless and discouraged by the facts.
Unfulfilled hope is bitter and this pain is deep. This is how you “suffle” yourself in faith, but you still lack the realization that hope and faith are not needed as soon as you are in knowledge.
Because this belief is blind and is produced by the ego level. You can easily recognize this by the fact that people who believe from a strong religious connection are usually intolerant and easily vulnerable.
Their “faith” is closely linked to the ego and so there is always something to protect. Because the ego does not tolerate any contradiction and is closest to itself – everything foreign is rejected.
All religious conflicts on earth result from the fact that faith is experienced on the limiting level of the ego! As a result, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding.
There is a lack of knowledge that we ALL stem from the ONE source. Only when you bring yourself into this experience, the door to true trust in God opens and every faith dissolves, so that every separation – and unity is possible.
“So you will recognize them by their fruits.”
Every belief that makes a sole claim to omnipotence is dangerous and produces separation and suffering. Therefore, it is crucial to break away from it and to get into the trust, knowledge and comprehensive perception of your being.
True faith
True faith requires absolute trust and devotion. But this is only possible if you understand and come from your comprehensive nature.
As soon as you understand your dimensions, you will get into this knowledge.
As soon as you know, you are completely relaxed. Your energies flow freely and harmoniously, you live in unity with yourself and the world around you. Through this awareness, you are energetically protected, as your energy system is complete and thus no more irritating feelings are introduced.
This understanding makes you peaceful and every person becomes your brother, a sister.
The “faith” has gone from you – and where there is no more ego, there is no pain. No more injury occurs in your energy bodies, as there is no longer a resonance field.
So get out of the faith that comes alive through your ego and builds up like a great illusion in front of you. Bring yourself into this new freedom and this all-encompassing energy of understanding! You gain knowledge and unrestricted trust, it is the birth into your being.
Deliver yourself from hope, the “replacement” for understanding! Since hope only emerges from a part of your being, it can never fulfill your whole being. The further you get into the secrets of your existence, the more matter the glimmer of hope becomes, until it finally dissolves completely, until you get completely into trust – in your trust, because you know that the gift table is prepared for you.
Hope is not necessary if you consciously shape from your flow of life, hope is a paralyzing and sluggish energy pattern. If you are in the flow of life, you are also alive, flexible and ready to shape, to discover what your life is up to you and, above all, who you are. A strong feeling of hope keeps you away from such “activity.”
This paralyzing state brings you directly into the victim role and you feel at the mercy, powerless and weak. This is exactly where there is a great lack of understanding. You cling tightly to hope and feel at the mercy. Often it is the only feeling that remains for you, you suffer and surrender to this pain. But every victim role arises from ignorance, from incomprehension and from a lack of insight.
You don’t know who you are, where you come from and what your tasks are here on earth. You don’t know how meaningful your being is and that every feeling of powerlessness makes you sluggish and weakens you.
What for you from the patterns?
Recognizing your life plan leads you directly out of these patterns, out of these feelings that make you discouraged. There is a great joy and infinite relief in slowly deciphering and recognizing your life code. You will be happy to let go of hope and give up your being a sacrifice.
Because the FAMILIAR with your power, with the beauty of your being automatically lifts you out from the sluggish emotional structures. The closer you get to your true essence, the more all these weakening patterns will detach from you.
All illusions go and you are who you are! In this way, faith can also be replaced.
In its place is the unrestricted trust in the omnipotence of God, since you are connected to this force again. You have come to knowledge and this new reality also changes this approach to the centuries-old patterns of hope and faith, sacrifice and grief:
There is no need for hope where knowledge is. There is no need for faith where trust grows.
The grief goes because you sting out of a joyful awareness. The oppressive sacrificial attitude has become an upright, conscious and self-responsible being. You are in your all-encompassing power and again connected to your original source of being. Hope and faith have done their service, now they can go.
For a long time, these essential emotional expressions of “spiritual readiness” were given to people – as a help to survive the service on earth in order to persevere. Since it was very difficult to get into his comprehensive consciousness, these illusions became an important support to keep people on the way.
But now it is time to fully recognize, see through and redeem these deceptions.
The flood of light of the earth and your permission to let the light into your being show you your true nature – and salvation can happen.
This time allows every person to become aware of his true origin and to recognize his actual ancestry.
Hope and faith are illusions that are allowed to go – and they do it if you allow and allow it. As valuable and essential as they were, they nevertheless prevented man from taking the last step, to look finally and comprehensively behind his being.
This time enables this new realization that everything is born in, from and with you, that everything is already there and that all knowledge already exists – in you.
You put yourself in the knowledge of things as they are, and you experience yourself as divine – connected, united and always linked to your homeland, your divine origin.
It is this knowledge that makes you take off the cloak of hope and the cloak of faith.
Underneath hides your whole being, behind it grows your complete being, from this your new life reality arises, thereby you create all your strength, your light and your love.
You are knowledgeful and can trust!
You are lifted up in the love of God and your heart beats in the rhythm of his breath!
There are no more unexposed angles in your current life expression and you unfold your full potential. You have accepted this great gift from the unity of being and experience your multidimensionality in the here and now on the level of the earth. This will get you into the perfect perception of your being.
This true understanding cancels any separation and peace becomes possible. Knowledge lifts you up and you are no longer vulnerable. It is the basis for a unified humanity and peace on earth.
It’s the time of time!
For everyone, everything they need to recognize and redeem is ready. So follow the call of your heart and turn to your beauty! Let your light shine and open this gift from unity – a gift that brings back your everlasting reality of being and connects you with your home forever.
Please also be above these “last” limits! Also redeem these “last” illusions! Bring yourself to knowledge and you will awaken in unconditional trust. There is neither doubt nor worry, neither grief nor fear, neither hope nor suffering – only the all-pervading reality of love, the all-through power of light and the all-encompassing presence of your divinity.
YOU are HE – from the beginning of time, from eternity to eternity.
You have returned home to your heart.