Montague Keen 7/10/2016
Your world today is on the brink of change, a change bigger than any one of you can imagine. The brave people of England who voted for Brexit, took the first step to expose all that is wrong in the Cabal’s plans for Europe. Brexit has HALTED THE EXTINCTION OF THE WHITE MAN that the Cabal was rushing ahead with, in the hope that you would never notice their real motive for flooding Europe with so-called refugees, paid for by the Cabal. There is an evil force on Earth whose tentacles cover the whole world, and they control the masses through FEAR. They ensure that only those who take orders from them are allowed in government. They rely on false flag events to infuse fear and control, and they control your governments, your armies, and your police. Like the CANCER that it is, it spreads everywhere.
They had hoped that they would have completed their takeover before the masses awakened. Now they find that the light of truth is exposing them and their plans. They are now at the mercy of humanity and this is something they never expected could happen. It happened because there was a huge effort, both on your side of life, and in the afterlife, to rescue humanity. Future generations will learn how you took on the dark and removed it. All it took was for good people to speak out and refuse to go along with the Cabal’s plans to wipe you out.
The USA is going through a turmoil greater than it has ever experienced in its history. The Cabal wants to take over the USA for itself. The American people are so deliberately dumbed down, so ignorant of the world around them, that they became easy prey for the Cabal. The Cabal has always ensured that only THEIR PEOPLE were in government. Kennedy was the last man to serve the people. Look at what they did to him! The American people need to open their eyes and their minds and look at what is being done to them. Their army is but a mindless killing machine with no conscience at all. How sad is that? Wake up before it’s too late.
Mr Putin is the ONLY leader who is telling you the truth. He forcibly removed the Cabal from Russia, which leaves him free to speak the truth. This is why the USA is pushing for World War III to destroy Russia, because Russia will not play their dirty game of wiping out humanity. The Cabal wants the Earth as its own private domain with a few humans there only to serve them. Understand that those who voted NO to the United States of Europe, did you all a favor. Veronica knows only too well, just to what lengths the Cabal will go to take over the Earth. She has experienced their ruthlessness. They show no mercy. They are not like you. They do not have souls, and so have no empathy. They take what they want, whatever the consequences. The people of England have placed the FIRST NAIL IN THE COFFIN of the Cabal. Who will be next to follow England’s lead? This is your opportunity to rescue humanity. Do you have what it takes to say NO? Become the army of the light. Expose the corruption that has destroyed so many lives as well as countries.
Connect directly with your Creator, the source of all creation, who awaits your request to rescue humanity and restore peace in your world. Do not support in any way the religions which want to harvest your souls and remove you from Source. Once you open up to Source, you will never go back to the dark control of all religions. Free yourselves, my friends, learn what it is to live in love and peace.
Open your lives, see that everything around you is designed to kill you off. The Cabal, through your governments, poisons your water with fluoride and other chemicals. The Cabal ensures that the air you breathe is full of dangerous chemicals by using chemtrails. The GM food that you eat is not safe for humans. The medication and vaccination program is also designed to kill you. This is a blatant attack on humanity and yet you meekly accept it. Why do you do so? Are you so controlled that you dare not speak out? Very soon, you will have no choice. You will have to choose whether you stand with humanity or serve the Cabal.
The pantomime which the Americans call an election is presently playing out on television. It is so corrupt and yet the American people accept it. How could either of these people improve the lives of the American people. Look at the number of Americans who are homeless and reduced to sleeping in the parks and begging for food. Yet America has endless money for WAR. It cannot get enough of war, yet it cares not for its people who beg for food.
Mark my words, my friends, 2016 will bring many changes. You will see the Cabal’s banks begin to lose power. They will have to face humanity and ask for mercy. Prepare to rescue what can be rescued for the good of humanity. Learn to work together, as you will have to face enormous changes.
There is someone on the Earth who is going through the most terrible ordeal, who needs your love and support. Please send love, light and strength.
My dear, so much is being done to try to prevent the completion of our work. Life is tough. Know that we work alongside you. You are never alone.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
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