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Mira from Pleiades via Valerie Donner, May 5th, 2017

Greetings, I am Mira.

I’m speaking to you today with joy in my heart due to the progress that you are making with your ascension. Your work has assisted us and you are doing an exemplary job with your light work and in working with the energies. We understand this is challenging for many of you. You may be living in the fifth or higher dimensions at one moment and then get taken back into the third dimension. This is part of the ascension process. It requires you to be able to walk up the ascension ladder and sometimes you have to revert back to take care of matters that are still in the third the dimension.

Although the ascension process is a step-by-step process it requires flexibility and patience. It is important that you listen to the body because it is going through a lot. If you recall, this is the first time that a planet will be going through an ascension and still have life on it. This is a bit of an experiment for all of us. We are testing your abilities to physically receive the energies and love that are coming. We are also assisting you. We are noting what is working well and what is necessary for us to do differently. You are fully in the process.

You are also in the shifting timelines with overlapping realities. Time can feel stretched out or it can feel as if everything is in the now moment, which is how you will be living. Much of what has seemed important in the third dimension such as paying taxes and doing regular jobs, feels less relevant than before. For many people this is a huge time of awakening. The masses are confused with the changes, distracted, and are out of balance. The things with which they have mostly preoccupied themselves are also becoming trivial yet many are hanging on to the familiar as best they can.

As you proceed with your everyday lives you will begin to find a different areas of interest and meaning. You will feel like you need to focus increasingly on what is most important in your heart. You are learning to let your heart lead the way so that you can comfortably move into the higher dimensions and live from your heart. New focus brings new opportunity. Most of you are preparing in the dream state for the higher work that you will be doing to be of service to life to the earth. Your true purpose is around the corner.

We marvel at your accomplishments, your dedication and your commitment to the earth. Please notice as much as you can about your shifting reality. Share it with others. Give them reports on your shifting consciousness. Observe some of the quirky situations that you are beginning to experience. Everyone needs inspiration. This is partly how the lightworkers can serve.
Your galactic family is all around you in preparation for our reunion. Pay attention to us in the sky and on the planet because we are here. Give little energy to what the dark forces want you to believe. They want you to stay in fear, to believe that war is imminent, and to keep you under their control. Know in your hearts the truth and read between the lines about what is going on. There is a much more than what meets the eye. The light is everywhere.

We send you love, joy, and peace. I am Mira.

» Source – Channel: Valerie Donner