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Montague Keen via Veronica Keen, January 29th, 2017

DIVIDE AND CONQUER is yet again being used to destroy humanity. The invaders who entered your Earth a long time ago, use it over and over again to destroy you. All this anger, marching, and shouting from the rooftops, is giving your ENERGY to your oppressors, who will use it to destroy you. This ANGER provides massive energy that is all used against you. You play right into the hands of your enemies, over and over again. They play you like a violin. Will you ever learn?

You had a choice: Hillary Clinton and World War III, or take your chances with Donald Trump. The people made their choice. They do not want to lose any more of their young men to needless wars. It is surely time for the human races to learn to live with each other, no matter what skin suit they wear at this moment in time. Divided you fall. This is the very reason your oppressors created so many religions. They did so in order to set you against each other. You have seen this work countless times throughout history. It matters not what name you give the differences; race, creed, colour. They are all used against you to create ‘reasons’ for war. In reality, it is the elimination of the human race. Why do you not see this? Look at your history. It is all there: a continuous battle for survival. I plead with you to work with what you have. Make an effort to create peace and harmony. Do not glorify war. It is never justified. Those who seek war are the enemies of humanity.

There are many in your world who have sold their souls for fame and fortune. They stupidly believe they will have it all. Look at these same people as they age. They are fearful, sad, and lonely, because they know that they will be discarded without notice. They will have to face death alone and fearful. One moment they seem to have everything, then it is snatched from them. They all face the same fate. You have seen it happen so often, and yet there are still plenty of others who are ready to sell their souls, too.

This is all part of the mind control. Once you sign up, they own you, and you are never free again. This is why they insist that fame and fortune is what you must strive for, rather than a life well lived. The enemies of humanity control your governments, your education, your health, and your lives, in every possible way. You have been coerced into this way of thinking by television and films. You are only now becoming aware that you are in fact NOT FREE to explore your true history. Everything has led you to a false idea of who and what you are. Those of you who have awakened have had a real shock when you realised just how much your life is controlled. Their plans had succeeded almost 100%; however, Brexit and Mr Trump were shocks that they were not prepared for. Their plans are now being upgraded to deal with these hitches. In the meantime, they are using your ANGER as an energy source to use against you. You are assisting them to eliminate you. Think before you act. Ask yourself, will my actions harm anyone?

Laws are being brought in that will render you even more helpless to defend yourselves and to live your life as normal human beings. All your freedom is being taken from you, while you are busy demonstrating against Mr Trump. You are unaware of all that is being done to shut you down. Look at what is important to life on Earth and stand up for it. Politics is a very dirty and dishonest business. Governments do not serve the people. THEY ARE PLACED IN POWER to remove what little control you have over your lives. They poison your air, food, water and way of life, while all the time telling you that they serve you. Believe me, THEY ONLY SERVE THEIR MASTERS. At this moment in time, you are actually fighting for your very existence. There is so much stacked against you. I have told you, many times, that together, the 99% cannot lose. Look at how divided you are right now. This is exactly what your oppressors want and you are giving it to them. You are your own worst enemies.

My dear wife is trying to assist those who want to change life on Earth for the better. She is being attacked for stating the truth, for trying to prevent the World War that Hillary Clinton wanted. Many of you were blindly rushing into it. My wife wants to assist those who can deliver free energy to you. This can be done sooner than you think. There are good people with good intentions who are working towards improving the quality of life on Earth. This is what all of you should support with your energy and intention. It is your responsibility to do so.

Refuse to be led like sheep to the slaughter. Never for one moment forget that THERE ARE DARK FORCES ON EARTH which are the enemies of humanity. They will do whatever it takes to gain complete power over you. Do not assist them.

You are on a precipice. These are difficult times. Do not make the wrong move. Use your conscience by going into your heart before taking any action. Do only what will assist your fellow man. Learn to distinguish between the lies which your governments tell you, and the truth. You are being bombarded by propaganda every day from the moment you wake up. Refuse to play their games. Your survival depends on you making the right decisions. By remaining silent, you assist your oppressors to destroy life on Earth.

Research the bases in Antarctica that have been kept hidden from you. Research the origins of religion, as this will open your eyes. So much knowledge has been kept from you. Only the 33° freemasons are allowed to know. Ask yourselves why? Why do those who oppress you and hate you, have such power over you? The moment you wake up and become aware of this, you become a threat to their existence. They want the Earth for themselves. Please give some thought to what has been written here.

My dear, progress is being made. Your efforts to free those who have been jailed to prevent their work, are important. Please continue to do so.

Always, your adoring , Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation